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Showing posts from April 27, 2014

#578 - STALKERS | Second attempt by cyberstalkers to arrange fetishistic trick with male prostitute, propose genital amputation

I doubt they constitute a serious attempt and a serious proposal, but, since the demons have mentioned them a time or two, I thought I follow-up with the latest series of e-mails and texts from my stalkers in regards to coprophilia  and penectomies [see, for example, CRIME | Another threat by e-mail ] . Older readers will want to refresh their memories on this issue by reading  READER | Cyberstalker harasses multiple targets , which tells the story of a stalker arranging a trick with a male prostitute for me without my knowledge, and without the knowledge that I didn't arrange said trick on the part of the prostitute. It goes on to describe the act in which the prostitute purportedly agreed to engage in (i.e., scat). Newer readers will want to avoid this altogether; it wouldn't make sense to you at this point in time. The days when it was apparent how this type of conduct on the part of stalkers coalesced with my demon problem are long gone, and you will be hard-pressed no

#577 - VIDEO | Injecting prescription anabolic steroids provokes demons' anger (again)

As previously noted in this blog, a portion of the demonic agenda is to affect the appearance of illness [ see THREAT | Voices Demons warn against exercise, threaten severe injury ], while actually attempting to induce it at the same time [ see Demons induce sickness, citing impending lifetime incarceration ; Demons modify peoples' looks from birth to affect social standing, later to punish or control ]. This is accomplished in part by damaging various organs in the body to cause such maladies as diabetes, heart disease, kidney failure, pancreatic inflammation, and more [ see PHOTOS | People—not just demons—taking part in repeated spikes to the brain, head, neck and vital organs ; Recurring demonic assault leads to permanent disability, self-neglect ;  PHOTO | Puss oozes from eye after pierced by cloaked demonic spike ]. They also target the endocrine system, namely, the testes, adrenal and pituitary glands [ see  VIDEO/PHOTO | Smoke trails from head where demons burn insides ; 

#576 - STALKER | Bogus attorney featured on "The People's Court"

According to one of my cyberstalkers (as opposed to one of the several who present themselves in-the-flesh), Gil Kreiter, the man who posed as a NYC attorney in an attempt to collect money from a civil judgment I obtained here in California, was a defendant on the television show, "The People's Court." Here's the e-mail I received from said stalker: Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 NOTE | The name, "Joseph Ortiz," is probably not the stalker's, but, rather, another victim's. The whole bogus attorney-Gil Kreiter affair is detailed in these posts: CRIME | Falsified legal documents filed in collections suit CRIME | Fake attorney: Falsified legal documents filed in hijacked lawsuit CRIME | Bogus attorney freezes mother's, crippled 8-year-old nephew's bank accounts Supreme Court refers bogus attorney complaint to NYC district attorney CRIME | Complaint filed with NYC Bar Association against demon-allied attorney CRIME | New York attorney li

#575 - READER | No biblical basis for demonic possession

Much rarer than those who accept that demon possession occurs in men, women, children and animals, regardless of their state of sin are those who believe that there is not only no biblical basis for demonic possession, but that the Bible teaches that it no longer occurs; but, sure enough, a reader (who turns out to also be my own brother) asserts this argument emphatically, as shown in this Facebook conversation between the two of us this afternoon in my Facebook group Demonic and Other Paranormal Activity [unformatted; starts with my post, advertising the latest factoid addition to this blog]: James Bush 8 hrs  ·  San Jose, CA DEMONIC FACTOID #34 | In spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, most people still believe that demonic possession is caused by spiritual defects inherent to the demoniac, and that godly living has the power to prevent or repel this affliction; rather, it is the ungodly that are more likely to cope, and to use demons to their perso