TIP | Blending Quicktime video layers to improve nightime videos

In my last video filter-processing tip, Blending Quicktime Video Layers to Penetrate Demon Cloaks, I provided a Quicktime video layer blending combination that will expose hidden and hard-to-see demons shot on video in darkly lit environments; however, the caveat is a loss of original color, in that any two colors that are similar have to be drastically changed in order to better distinguish between the two.
For example, 10% gray and 11% gray, which are virtually indistinguishable from each other, must be changed at least by 10% to be distinguishable, resulting in a wild-colored video. This is fine, if you're looking for otherwise impossible to see demons; but, if not, retaining the natural color of the video is far preferable.

The still frame below is a perfect example of an over-dark, over-saturated video. In the background, there is very little detail—the shelves on the cabinets blend together; the only distinction among them is there distance from each other. Also, my lips are way too red, and there is a color blotch on my cheek and lower eyelid; moreover, my skin is a blotchy and pinkish, and my lips are ruby-red.
Oversaturated in some places, shadow bleeding in others
Overly dark areas in a video are not just caused by dimly lit environments, but also over saturation, which is common is cheaper digital video cameras. To correct both, that is, to expose detail in dark areas of your video and correct the over-saturation, duplicate the video layer of your Quicktime move four times (for a total of 5 layers), and set the Graphics Mode to the following values:
Adjust only the blend layers (3 and 5) to reach the optimal contrast and saturation levels; set all others (1, 2, 4) as shown
Then, make adjustments to only layers 3 and 5—the blend layers—until you can see detail in the shadows, just like in the still frame below.
The change is subtle, but look closely at the following:
  • The objects in the shadows are sharper (look at the lampstand)

  • The leaves are the correct color and so are the shadows; there is also more detail


  • The lips and face are now a more natural color, and the splotchiness is reduced greatly

For your reference
Transfer Modes
The term transfer mode may be considered as a generic term encompassing three different transfer mode types. Each has to do with the way source pixels interact with destination pixels during drawing, painting, erasing, filling, and copying operations. The three types of transfer mode are as follows:
  • Boolean Pattern Mode. Boolean pattern modes apply to line drawing, framing, painting, erasing, and filling operations. 
  • Boolean Source Mode. Boolean source modes apply to text drawing and copying operations. 
  • Arithmetic Source Mode. Arithmetic source modes apply to drawing (including text drawing), painting, and copying operations.

Boolean Source Modes
The Boolean source modes are the equivalent in text drawing and copying to the Boolean pattern mode used for non-text drawing, painting, filling, and erasing operations.
The relevant constants are srcCopy, srcOr, srcXor, srcBic, notSrcCopy, notSrcOr, notSrcXor, and notSrcBic. The additional non-standard mode grayishTextOr is useful for drawing text in deactivated or disabled user interface objects. (This mode is considered non-standard because it is not stored in pictures and printing with it is undefined.)
If the source is black, apply the foreground color to the destination; if the source is white, apply the background color; otherwise apply weighted portions of the foreground and background colors.
If the source is black, apply the foreground color to the destination; if the source is white, do nothing; otherwise apply weighted portions of the foreground color.
If the source is black, invert the destination (this operation is undefined for a colored destination). Otherwise, do nothing.
If the source is black, apply the background color to the destination. If the source is white, do nothing. Otherwise, apply weighted portions of the background color.
If the source is white, apply the foreground color to the destination; if the source is black, apply the background color; otherwise apply weighted portions of the foreground and background colors.
If the source is white, apply the foreground color to the destination; if the source is black, do nothing; otherwise apply weighted portions of the foreground color.
If the source is white, invert the destination (this operation is undefined for a colored destination pixel). Otherwise, do nothing.
If the source is white, apply the background color to the destination. If the source is black, do nothing. Otherwise, apply weighted portions of the background color.
Boolean Pattern Modes
Pattern modes may be set as pen transfer modes in the graphics port using the PenMode function. The modes are represented by eight constants, each of which relates to a specific Boolean operation (COPY, OR, XOR, and BIC (for bit clear)) and their inverse variants.
The effects of these modes are best explained assuming a 1-bit (black-and-white) environment in which the foreground colour is black and the background colour is white. The following lists the pattern modes and describes the effect of source pixels on destination pixels in such an environment.
Pattern Mode
Action On Destination Pixel
If source pixel is black
If source pixel is white
Apply foreground colour.
Apply background colour.
Apply foreground colour.
Leave alone.
Leave alone.
Apply background colour.
Leave alone.
Apply background colour.
Apply foreground colour.
Leave alone.
Force black.
Leave alone.
Leave alone.
Apply background colour.

These effects are illustrated at Fig 4. Note particularly that patCopy causes the destination pixels to be completely over-written. patCopy is the transfer mode initially set in the graphics port.


Text dimming
Dim the destination. If in color, replace it with a blend of the foreground and background; if black-and-white, replace it with dithered black and white. This mode is used primarily for text.

Replace the background color with the highlight color.
Replace the background color with the highlight color.

Arithmetic Source Modes
Arithmetic source modes may be set in the graphics port, and may be passed as parameters in QuickDraw functions for copying pixel images.
Arithmetic source modes perform arithmetic operations on the values of the red, green and blue components of the source and destination pixels. Because they work with RGB colours rather than colour table indexes, arithmetic transfer modes produce predictable results on indexed devices. The arithmetic source modes and their effects in a colour environment are as follows:

Destination pixel is replaced with a blend of the source and destination pixel colours. Revert to srcCopy mode if the destination is a bitmap or 1-bit pixel image.
Destination pixel is replaced with the sum of the source and destination pixel colours up to a maximum allowable value. Revert to srcBic mode if the destination is a bitmap or 1-bit pixel image.
Destination pixel is replaced with the sum of the source and destination pixel colours, but if the value of the red, green or blue component exceeds 65,536, then subtract 65,536 from that value. Revert to srcXor mode if the destination is a bitmap or 1-bit pixel image.
Destination pixel is replaced with the difference of the source and destination pixel colours, but not less than a minimum allowable value. Revert to srcOr mode if the destination is a bitmap or 1-bit pixel image.
Source and destination pixel are replaced with the source pixel if the source pixel is not equal to the background colour.
Destination pixel is replaced with the colour containing the greater saturation of each of the RGB components of the source and destination pixels. Revert to srcBic mode if the destination is a bitmap or 1-bit pixel image.
Destination pixel is replaced with the difference of the source and destination pixel colours, but if the value of the red, green or blue is less than 0, add the negative result to 65,536. Revert to srcXor mode if the destination is a bitmap or 1-bit pixel image.
Destination pixel is replaced with the colour containing the lesser saturation of each of the RGB components of the source and destination pixels. Revert to srcOr mode if the destination is a bitmap or 1-bit pixel image.

Add Dithering to Transfer Modes
Replace the destination with a dither mix of the source and destination.

Transparent mode
Replace the destination with the source if the source is not equal to the background.

HOME | Demonic plan to oust me from new apartment backfires on roommate

The Voices Demons have railed against the fact that I have a roof over my head, and am in loving possession of my cat, Scratchen.

It has been their oft-stated goal to render me homeless, at all costs; and, last night, was their latest attempt to oust me by police intervention. The story, as posted on Google+:
A crazed Victor Salazar, my new--but soon-to-be former--roommate, burst through our chain-locked front door tonight in a fury of explitives, as if the demons plaguing every corner of the house weren't enough.
His excuse: he doesn't like the front door to be locked. He said that it was immature of me to use it, and that no one is going to rob us. 
As his tirade continued, which consisted of more ranting, further raving, and the occasional lunge preceded by a fighting stance, I called the cops. 
Long story short: the cops make him leave the apartment for the night, and the landlord, who mysteriously shows up out of nowhere, asks me to leave permanently. 
As that was the plan anyway, I'm happy to oblige.
There's definitely more to this story; but, for the first time since all of this began, I'm going to move on without investigating things.
The hitch in their plan to rile me up and then call the cops is, happened when I stayed calm and called 911 first, just as I was taught by an anger management instructor, who is quite aware of the demon problem in San Jose, and is therefore privy to their tactics; basically, I didn't react in any way negative, as the demons and others had hoped, and which could have resulted in my arrest, but, instead, when my roommate burst through the door, busting the chain lock in the process, yelling expletives, throwing things and charging at me as if he was going to hit me (I could tell he was working up the nerve).

The chain lock was destroyed when my roommate suddenly
(and inexplicably) kicked our front door open last night
Instead, I stayed as calm as I could, and I simply asked the Santa Clara Police Department to escort him from the premises for the night (versus filing charges, since that is a despicable act, considering that the demonic agenda is intertwined with the penal system in this area).

Still, even while dodging one bullet, I was hit by another: the landlord, who mysteriously and inexplicably appeared while the police were at my apartment, asked me to move out as soon as possible, which was nothing more than what he had planned to do before I even moved in, per the Voices Demons.

NOTE | A scheme to generate a list of incidences that can be used to disparage character has been at work for some time, and is intended for use as a defense against my lawsuits, as well a use in future criminal proceedings. The landlord's request immediately follows the eviction from my last apartment, which was not only unlawful, but unwarranted (an appeal has been filed, and a judicial council review for misconduct is planned).

80-year old woman knows her sucker demons, knows how to fight voices demons

If you missed church this morning, subscribe to Joyce Meyer's podcast on iTunes. It won't make up for "forsaking the assembling of ourselves together," [Hebrews 10:25], but you'll still be better off.

In her "Battlefield of the Mind" podcast radio and television series, Joyce Meyer talks about the tactics the devil uses to gain a stronghold in our mind, so that he can later use us as tools of evil; she explains how the Holy Spirit helps us recognize those tactics, and how the word of God teaches us to overcome them.

The following excerpt from her related title, "Battlefield of the Mind," explains it better:

Excerpt from the 12-page preview available online
Not so coincidentally, these tactics are the only ones employed by the Voices Demons, who are invariably on the front line in any every demon offensive. In preparation for an attack on the mind, Voices Demons surveil their target unknowingly for years, and even decades, before any other kind of demonic attack, in order to gain knowledge about how you think and what has happened. They are so effective at working that knowledge into guilt, anger, sorrow, and other negative emotions by and through their intimate knowledge of how you think, that no one who has ever strayed from God could withstand an attack without His guidance and protection going forward.

If you think your past experiences or present circumstances have left the door open to an attack on the mind by the devil, make a point to get in right-standing with God, right now. And, for added support and encouragement—and to know exactly how to shore up past hurts and regrets in anticipation of the very kind of an attack the devil (and Voices Demons) will bring—listen to the Battlefield of the Mind series from Joyce Meyer on iTunes.

TIDBIT | It was from one of Joyce Meyer's messages that I designated "Sucker Demons" to the demons so ascribed. If you've been attacked by Voices Demons, or have had any relationship to or experience with the demons plaguing the Bay Area of Northern California, you will immediately recognize that Joyce Meyer has had such experiences, too, just by the way she talks and the things she says.

Online calendar to create a timeline of demonic activity

Going forward, any significant event related to demonic activity, whether past or future, will be published to my Google Calendar.

The calendar can be viewed on Google.

Grandma, Long assign blame for others' demonic behavior

Grandma never gave a lick about Scratchen's welfare before (nor mine); but, she certainly found a way to use her when it suited her and the demonic agenda, which was to assign blame to the problems they cause or allow to perpetuate and deflect focus from the resulting needs. Two days ago, I received this e-mail from her:
I read your blog about Scratchen being [possessed]. If you think that, [then] why didn't you let Long keep her[?] You are probably scaring her to death. She has been through enough stuff already. 
The video she is referring to is in Newly discovered demonic activity in months-old Scratchen video, which has since been butchered by those who do not want others to see it (repairs are underway).

Even though this type of behavior is par-for-the-course for her and others since my troubles began in 2006 (but not once, before), I am still stupefied, especially considering that, in the movie that she is talking about, I am there, too; and, in all the other movies like it, I'm the one being knocked cold, bleeding, and am otherwise being scared to death; but, I've never heard a word from her on that—just like every time I was physically battered by one of the gang-stalkers or after a suicide attempt.

Instead of acknowledging a single injury or crime committed against me since this resumed in 2006, she implies in her e-mail that I am not in danger, but that I am placing someone else in danger by willfully and intentionally exposing them to demonic activity that I somehow am responsible for and have control over.

My grandma is not a stupid woman. So, what's the explanation?

After all, I am not safe, and I have said nothing but that I am not safe. I have a recorded phone conversation with grandma, saying as much (forthcoming). This blog says that, in that it is not about my state of bliss; but rather, about physical and mental torment at the hands of demons and their human collaborators. And, if you're not picking up on that, the videos, audio recordings and photos alone should raise some flags.

And, speaking of videos, if the video causing concern for Scratchen is any indication of what Scratchen's life is like, then here's what it says about mine, too:
  • if Scratchen is possessed, then I am, too. I'm not the Exorcist, and am otherwise no match for demons. If demons do something, it gets done according to their wishes. I have no control and am i no way to blame. Is this not common sense? And, by the way, this is a town-wide problem—not a personal one, like crabs. Am I to blame for that, too, now that I've blown the lid off this town's dirty little secret? I didn't wallow in whatever filth they did in order to attract this problem; and, I seem to be the only one fighting it, too; so, I'd say there are those who are willing; but, it should be clear to anyone reading this blog that I am not.
  • if Scratchen is being scared to death, then I am, too. The demons aren't after Scratchen, per se; rather, they are after me. No one has expressed an interest in that fact yet. Certainly not my family.
  • if Scratchen has been through enough, then I have, too. I've said that on many occasions. I have begged my family to help me get away from those intent on hurting me; instead, they've done nothing but facilitate harm.
  • if Scratchen should be with Long, then I am a monkey's uncle. Long is no better off than me; in fact, he's worse, in that he cooperates with the demons plaguing him and has been working with them for many years prior to their appearance to me. In fact, just this morning, he pulled the same shenanigans as grandma did in her e-mail by fishing for a way to blame me for my roommates' police encounter last night.
Long also indicates his allegiance to the demons with an identically themed and positioned spate of text messages, which we exchange just this morning:
Long Cao (9:18 AM): I don't knw why any toilet u lived flooded
Me (9:19AM): It was broken when I moved in.
Long Cao (9:20 AM): How broke
Me (9:22AM): Who cares?
Long Cao (9:22 AM): What? Call landlord let him knw
Me (9:23AM): He knows. He just hasn't responded.
Long Cao (9:25 AM): Call ur roommate let him knw
Me (9:26 AM): He knows. The police arrested him last night.
Me (9:27 AM): I need to go to MetroPCS. My cable is not working.
Long Cao (9:29 AM): Wat? He went home last nite and police came to arrested him? Wat happen
Me (9:30 AM): He broke the door and toilet, and was screaming and yelling.
Me (9:32 AM): No. I didn't fight him. The neighbors saw him and complained.
Me (9:33 AM): I stayed in my room, playing toys with Scratchen, as usual.
Long Cao (9:32 AM): U guys fighting each other? And u call police?
Long Cao (9:34 AM): Why he yelling?
Me (9:35 AM): Not sure. Apparently, he was very high.
Long Cao (9:36 AM): He lived there for long time with no prolem til u moved in he has arrested
Long Cao (9:38 AM): He did drug or only weed? How about his dog nw
Long Cao (9:45 AM): I saw him very clean and neat guy but I don't knw wat happen
Me (9:50 AM): Actually, after last time you talked to him, you complained about how rude he was.
Long Cao (9:53 AM): Wat door he broke? How he broke toilet?If he broke toile the landlord not responsibility
Long Cao (9:53 AM): Wat door he broke? How he broke toilet?If he broke toile the landlord not responsibility
Me (9:54 AM): He came home and kicked it.
Me (9:54 AM): He didn't say anything. He just kicked it open.
Long Cao (9:54 AM): U can feed dog for him.
Me (9:54 AM): No, he is home now.
Me (9:55 AM): It is very sad.
Long Cao (9:56 AM): He has not mad with u at all?
Me (9:56 AM): I don't know. He didn't say anything.
Me (9:57 AM): He just burst into the apartment.
Me (9:57 AM): He acted very weird on the day that you said he was very rude.
Long Cao (9:58 AM): He arrested why he home nw? If he broke toile he has to fix not u
Me (9:59 AM): What happened was this: I was washing my dishes, and decided to wash his, too, to be nice...
Me (10:00 AM): ...and later, he tells me that I have to be more clean.
Long Cao (10:00 AM): I don't think u guys get along
Me (10:00 AM): No, I don't think we are.
Long Cao (10:01 AM): I don't think u guys get along
Long Cao (10:02 AM): Only u live alone ur own place
Long Cao (10:05 AM): Yeah if u live with roommate with clean guy u have to more clean bath and kitchen too
Long Cao (10:10 AM): I already knw that not last long if u live with roommate
Me (10:22 AM): I've never had any roommates before.
Me (10:22 AM): Also, I haven't caused any problems.
These pictures are of my former home, which I opened to Long Cao, free-of-charge, for nearly eight years; they are intended to provide you with a reference to my cleanliness:

Anyway, this is not my first rant on this topic, and I bet it won't be my last. I've complained about my family's suspect maneuvers through this problem before—most recently, in Family stalls plan for respite, in spite of injury and suffering at hands of demons, in which I provide a little background on my family's foreknowledge and involvement in my dilemna, as it pertains to the gang-stalkers and the demons since 2006, and between the ages of 5 through 8. In the past, I have explicitly accused them of outright participation in some of the crimes committed against me. That accusation was made with the support of much evidence, none of which is more damning than the combination of e-mails such as this latest one, and the recorded phone calls I have acquired. Their own words condemn them, and otherwise do nothing to disprove any accusation that they are complicit in the acts I've complained of.

The biggest question is though is what this callous e-mail and those text messages portend for my future. If past experience is any indication, these veiled accusations and insinuations will be brought up again in a setting in which they can hurt those most, such as in court or a given social services agency. It thrills the demons to no end to take a well put-together individual, and put him through situations and through places he would consider a nightmare to be put through, and then calling it comeuppance—which invariably is as far from the truth as one can be. Also based on past experiences, I know that trouble looms in the future, in that a spate of oddball e-mails and other statements like the above, as made by those in collaboration with my particular demons, always precipitate hard times. My guess is that Scratchen and I will be separated soon.

It could also be related to any other threat made in the past, some of which are described on this blog in:
There is also the 2006 version of "The Sunnyvale Knock" web site, which is now offline, and which speaks only on this topic, plus the theft of all my property, as well as the loss of my home (see photos, above) at the hands of gang-stalkers.

But, as I've told them before, just as will I tell anyone else: Hell will fail. They have been repeatedly trounced by unwanted public exposé via the Internet and other distribution media, even if they have succeeded in many ways in complicating my life. But, as the Book of Job shows us, no matter what or who you are—or even how good you are—the devil, in the blink of an eye, can take it away. So, credit for any longevity goes solely to God, as does my gratitude.

The history of my existing relationships with those prior to the attack by the gang-stalkers and demons hasn't yet been presented on this blog, so many readers will be confused by some of what I've posted so far; but, as it becomes relevant, such history will be explained in future posts, and should answer any questions.

VIDEO | Flailing leg of an eye spider demon

Much better footage of an eye spider demon was captured, after pulling one from a crop of hairs off the back of my hand.

In this video, the decloaked leg of an eye spider demon flails between my fingers, right before vanishing into thin air:

An eye spider demon looks similar to a daddy-long-leg spider, but without the joints in the legs and without any visible midsection (rather, it appears that the hair-like legs, which are curled just like arm hair when resting, simply meet at a single point.

VIDEO | Eye spider demon traveling under my skin

After feeling the tell-tale signs of an eye spider demon traveling somewhere on my head or neck, I use my cellphone camera to capture a better picture of it. Doing so has been nearly impossible, in that they can cloak, as well as dive into your body; and, they sometimes emit a type of radiation that interferes with a camera.

But, even without all of that, they are lightning fast, and generally to quick for a cellphone camera—unless they are under your skin, that is.

The following video is of an eye spider traveling up my back and over my shoulder, while underneath my skin. Because the camera is moving in the opposite direction, the sighting is brief; but, you can hear the sound of it moving under my skin quite readily, if your volume is turned up.
Based on a multitude of encounters with this particular demonic entity, I have learned much about the limitations of the cloak used by demons. One is that, although there is barely any tangible mass at first when touching a cloaked demon, the longer you touch them (and more pressure you apply), the more tangible they become. Eventually, the cloak will collapse. If they move under their own power, their cloak collapses even faster.
NOTE | You may need to play the video more than once to see the very brief part where something is raising my skin where it is moving, and you will have to raise the volume in order to hear what that sounds like.
This particular eye spider could not stay cloaked because he was moving and my innards were touching him.

Psalm 140 sums up most earnest prayer

Psalm 140—it helps to know someone else has been through my situation and was able to write poetry about it later. And, it really helps to know God takes these kinds of problems seriously.

My most earnest prayers mirror this completely, and it asks for everything—everything—I need right now:

Keep me, O Lord, from the hands of the wicked;
Preserve me from violent men
Who have proposed to trip up my feet. The proud have hidden a trap for, and cords;
They have spread a net by the wayside;
They have set snares for me.

I said to the Lord, "You are my God;
Give ear, O Lord, to the voice of my supplications.
O God the lOrd, the strength of my salvation,
You have covered my head in the day of battle.
Do not grant, O Lord, the desires of the wicked;
Do not promote his evil device, that they not be exalted.

New American Standard Bible

4Keep me, O LORD, from the hands of the wicked;
         Preserve me from violent men
         Who have purposed to trip up my feet.5The proud have hidden a trap for me, and cords;
         They have spread a net by the wayside;
         They have set snares for me.
6I said to the LORD, “You are my God;
         Give ear, O LORD, to the voice of my supplications.
7“O GOD the Lord, the strength of my salvation,
         You have covered my head in the day of battle.
8“Do not grant, O LORD, the desires of the wicked;
         Do not promote his evil device, that they not be exalted.
9“As for the head of those who surround me,
         May the mischief of their lips cover them.
10“May burning coals fall upon them;
         May they be cast into the fire,
         Into deep pits from which they cannot rise.
11“May a slanderer not be established in the earth;
         May evil hunt the violent man speedily.”
12I know that the LORD will maintain the cause of the afflicted
         And justice for the poor.
13Surely the righteous will give thanks to Your name;
         The upright will dwell in Your presence.

4,5Humans collaborating with demons, who have been violent, as well, are planning even more violence, and have otherwise made my demise their goal (hear the gang-stalkers' mandate, "We prolong peoples' inevitable demise," in Gang-stalkers warned of upcoming violence, death).

6I feel the need to explicity state to God that my allegiances lie with him—and not to Satan. On a daily basis, that means being cognizant of where the devil is at work in my life and the lives of others, and what work I am doing that it asked of by God. Of course, as is the case in this Psalms, I indicate to God that he is my God by asking Him to provide for my needs.

7My head could use some more covering (read Skull disfigured in just two days by demons); but, let me assure you that things could be way worse, as the limit of what these demons and their human collaborators can do has not been reached. They are adept at medical science, and they use their ability to enter the body without leaving a trace on the skin to full effect.

8The Voices Demons desire acceptance within the community of the Bay Area, and seek this by first attempting to gain validation for what they do, i.e., torture. They devised a way to gain at least complicity and/or participation of people by portraying their victims as persons deserving of their well-honed craft that is mental and physical torture. This has several advantages for them, such as isolating their victim from society in order to better control the victim's external and internal perceptions; but, as to their goal of integration, it's just another technique of torture intended to cause mental and emotional harm to the victim, and to expand their arsenal of weapons in their torture war chest via the means by which a human can harm another. Why would I ask God then for help with this, when working with demons is clearly a choice that He allows humans to make? The reason is simple: many people do not understand what it is they are working with. The Voices Demons, for example, are always the first to introduce themselves to a new person because they can't be seen. Invisibility allows them to say that they are whoever they are good enough to pretend to be, such as an angel. Since they can read minds, they know what a given individual's idea of an angel would be, and can meet those expectations handily. Some people in San Jose think they are doing good by being bad to "bad" people.

9Slander is a common tactic with gang-stalkers, a group of demon-led criminals, who target selected individuals as part of the demons' effort to cull society. I pray not for protection against the fallout from slander—that's what keeps this problem alive, and a solution possible—rather, I pray that those who are being lied to do not commit acts for which someday they will feel guilt or remorse.

New apartment "haunted" by demon spectres

My new apartment, which is about half full of demons as compared to the old one, albeit with new faces, is located at 3311 Princeton Way #5, in Santa Clara.

The star on the map below happens to point to the exact location of my bedroom, believe it or not:
My new apartment at 3311 Princeton Way #5, in Santa Clara, California
This apartment found me, in that the very hour of the very day I needed it, my phone rang in response to a roommate ad I placed two months ago. That sounds lucky, unless you factor in all the demonic activity, as well as the fact that I received no calls at all in response to my roommate ad in the two months it was posted.
This ad garnered only one response in two months, but not until the
very last second, and it led to yet another demon-plagued apartment
This apartment is a temporary landing space until I can find a less demon-infested location, if possible (as it turns out, Satan apparently can roam anywhere [Job 1:7]). Like my old apartment, this one is plagued by demons, too.

Most of these demons new to me are of the spectre variety (in other words, they look like ghosts, but are clearly demon by merit of their looks). Following is an example of what a demon spectre looks like when illuminated by the glare of a lamp:

Thankfully, these demon specters are not yet violent (Psalm 140), but seem more curious than anything. They are not friendly, and enjoy making noises from time to time. They also like to push my bedroom door open at night. And, while there are fewer of them than in my old apartment, they are much more visible. Instead of just a head mounted in the collar of my jacket hanging in the closet, you see whole bodies. Not only that, but one of them doesn't just hang onto a corner and peep around it (although all the others do). One of them actually walked from my closet into full view last night.

'Landlord' of former haunted apartment sued

Permission to file one of the two my small claims suits against my former landlord was granted, which one, I don't know; what I do know is that it's case number 1-12-SC-048666 per the court's case info site.

Case information from www.sccaseinfo.org
The small claims suits ask, separately, for damages from the unlawful refusal of entry (the landlord locked the gates to the apartment grounds, so I had to climb nearly eight feet high, at least three times a day, for nine days), and for relocation expenses (by state and federal law, and by city ordinance, a landlord who unlawfully poses as a landlord—which happens when you rent a building without first obtaining a certificate of occupancy from the city—you have to pay three months fair market rent, plus moving expenses to the tenant you evict).

Documents related to my eviction are posted on Scribd.com.

Want to take up demon-watching? Follow me on Google Latitude

If you want to track demonic transit or know where demons are at any given time, follow me online using Google Latitude (google.com/latitude) from your desktop or on your GPS-capable cellphone. After all, they go where I go, and most of the time, wait for me at whatever location I intend to go.
To be added to my Latitude friends list, just send me your e-mail address to theoknock@gmail.com; then, follow the instructions in the invitation e-mail you receive.
NOTE | If you don't get a response within a day, call James at (408) 791-4866.
Once you're signed up, watch my Google+ page for announcements on where I intend to go. You can then go there yourself to watch cloaked and camouflaged demons lie in wait, or watch them trailing behind as I arrive.

Landlord's Second Drunken Voicemail

Landlord's First Drunken Voicemail

Khoa Nguyen, my former landlord to the most widely known nexus of demonic activity in San Jose (aka my apartment), leaves me a drunken voicemail.

Download the mp3 at:


Newly discovered demonic activity in months-old Scratchen video

The technique described in Blending Quicktime Video Layers to Penetrate Demon Cloaks was applied to Scratchen's Ear = Fanged Creature in order to highlight demonic activity that was hard-to-see in the original, or was hidden altogether.

By applying the special filtering technique, these two new details were discovered:

  • Scratchen's toy string briefly turn itself into a line drawing of a bird, flapping its wings; and,
  • The miniature hand that appeared in the original now shows that it was detaching itself from something gooey.
There is a lot more demonic activity in the full-length source video; but, for now, I am limiting it to just two items described above.
NOTE | The best way to watch this movie is to play it frame-by-frame.

Sucker demons' agility demonstrated in new video

The agile grab of a sucker demon caught on video:


Skull disfigured in just two days in sucker demon attacks

New photos reveal the aftermath of yet another attack by sucker demons, which, for several days, have been piercing the skin and bone of my head with their hot, needle-like appendages, causing deformities to my skull and constant pain (see also Voices Demons use sucker demons to deform skull, bore holes).
The insertion of a sucker demon's hot, needle-like appendage disfigured bone and burned skin tissue
For over three days, I have been fending off the near-constant attacks of these worm-like demons, who were ordered by the Voices Demons to "masturbate a hole in my 'noggin." The Voices Demons have eluded to this eventuality for years; and, now that it has come to pass, one can only dread how the other threats that they have issued will play out.
Deformities in my skull caused by sucker demons are evident
Since a cloaked sucker demon cannot be seen or felt—except under certain circumstances—I had to wait until I felt the tell-tale burning of its hot, needle-like appendage before prying them off of me with pinched fingers, which crackled as they came into contact. It was partly effective, even though my scalp is dotted with red pinpoint scabs leftover from failed attempts to penetrate the skin.
Pinpoint red marks indicate failed attempts by the sucker demons to insert the above-described appendage
Although the attacks have escalated ten-fold over the past several days, it is now evident that sucker demons have been at work for quite some time. Three years ago, I noticed through the thin skin of my eyes that holes had been bored into the bone that comprises my eye sockets. I also noticed that the shape of my head had changed rapidly; comparing photographs just a month-and-a-half apart confirmed that for me:
December 2008, immediately before incarceration by the Voices Demons
March 2012, after three years of incarceration by Voices Demons
Less than two months later, after Voices Demons escalate sucker-demon attacks
At the time, I was unaware of any entity other than the Voices Demons. (I had not yet been made aware that they were affiliated with the demons of my childhood, as they billed themselves as good spirits at first, in spite of their abusive acts). As a result, I could not make a determination as to the cause.

Apparently, just like there are side effects from having been drained of blood while I sleep—also done by sucker demons per the direction of the Voices Demons—which makes me feel tired and weak—there are side effects to having your bone tissue pierced by a sucker demon's cloak and whatever-you-call-it that enables it to move through sheets, clothing and walls, specifically, mutilated bone tissue. What was once a smooth páte is now riddled with large bumps made of bone beneath the skin. The sight with the most visible skin damage is especially raised.
Raised and deformed bone underneath the scabbed and burned site of sucker-demon drilling
I can only imagine what has been done to the brain tissue underneath.
UPCOMING | Video showing sucker demons attached to my skull, while anchored to the ceiling from above.
In addition to mutating bone, a sucker demon can temporarily soften it. If you grab one in order to get it off you or out of your bed, and grab it hard enough to penetrate its outer gelatinous skin (which is really, really hard) an energy that you can feel shoots up your hand and arm. Insodoing, your nerves stop functioning and your muscles go slack. If you keep trying to squeeze, your bones will pop.