Asking the Attorney General’s Office to speed things up has consequences [see Request To Attorney General Rokita to Intervene in Pharmacy Cases], as is suggested by the unexpected closure of the investigation into the wrongdoing of downtown Indianapolis’ Walgreen’s Speciality Pharmacy and New Whiteland Kroger Pharmacy, as described in Formal complaint submitted to Indiana Board of Pharmacy.
In spite of clear-cut violations of pharmacy guidelines for which there are no affirmative defenses [a slam-dunk], the case was abruptly closed just a few days after making a request to the office to advance the investigation after over a year and a half of no progress. The office sent an email advising of the closure, which provided no details pertaining to the investigation:
There was no reason cited for having closed it (it is the timing that implies a connection between the request for progress in the investigation and its closure).
Shortly after receiving the email, I took up the invitation from the investigator, Barbara Greene, for more information, asking her if she knew the name of the Walgreens pharmacist I referred to in my complaint, but did not explicitly identify. I received a telling response:
The name of the offender, of course, is something I should already know; however, having failed to include it specifically in the original complaint, I left the simple matter of obtaining it from Walgreen's to the investigator.
Think of it as leaving a tissue behind the toilet for the new maid to find — or not.
It would have been the very first task after having announced an intention to investigate a matter. Walgreen's, obviously, was not even troubled with a simple notice that a complaint was filed against them.
Clearly, no one at the Attorney General's office did squat, and never had any intention of doing squat.
For more on the history between the subject medication and others who have aimed to offend my health, read:
- DOUBLE FOR MY TROUBLE | Stanford doctor doubles testosterone regimen talks about the doctor retaliated against by the subject of my complaint.
- AIDS | Crapo-case attorney fizzles, PACE-case attorney wonders aimlessly is an example of the role other doctors have played in burdening my healthcare in a manner similar to the pharmacist.