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Formal complaint submitted to Indiana Board of Pharmacy

This morning, I submitted a formal complaint against two pharmacies for multiple violations of Indiana pharmacy laws and regulations. This complaint concerns critical issues related to the refusal to fill vital prescriptions for late-stage HIV/AIDS treatment, failure to transfer prescriptions, and other serious violations that have jeopardized my health and well-being.

The details of my complaint are outlined in this letter:

Indiana Board of Pharmacy Formal Complaint - Walgreens_Kroger by James Alan Bush on Scribd

The complaint was filed with the Indiana Board of Pharmacy against New Whiteland Kroger Pharmacy and Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy, and details multiple alleged violations of Indiana pharmacy laws and regulations, including:

  1. Refusal to fill valid prescriptions for critical HIV/AIDS medications
  2. Failure to transfer prescriptions to other pharmacies
  3. Providing false information about prescription transfers
  4. Violating the duty of care to patients
  5. Withholding a physical prescription
  6. Misrepresenting medication availability
  7. Failing to provide justification for refusal to fill prescriptions
  8. Engaging in retaliatory action against a prescribing physician
Besides emphasizing the life-threatening nature of these actions given my late-stage HIV/AIDS condition, it also calls for an urgent investigation and an expedited resolution.