#467 - MAGIC | High sound volume limits Voices Demons' magic

High sound volume around a target agitates Voices Demons, and instantly provokes them to cause far greater stress to the target until the volume is lowered again. They can (and do) talk over the volume by increasing their own; but, they will stress a target continually until the noise is ceased.

Targets are never told why Voices Demons yell at them continuously while they try to listen to music, or when they are walking along a busy roadside; but, they do know that the yelling abruptly stops the second the volume is lowered.

This has consistently been the case since 2006, when the Voices Demons now attacking me first made their life-long presence known to me directly; but, until the Voices Demons started physical assaults by magic, I could not ascertain the reason.

Subsequent to their use of magic, however, I have observed (and reasonably concluded) that a high sound volume limits the effectiveness of their magic, and, in most cases, blocks it altogether. It appears also that the noise must be more than just ambient; it must be engaging or distracting to the target in order to shield them from magical attacks by Voices Demons.

Such sources of high sound volume include stereos, TVs, and headphones, over which the target has control; and, they also elevate the stress to which they subject their targets when in high-volume areas, such as roadsides, restaurants or clubs (over which the target has no control) in order to condition the target to subconsciously avoid such places.

Shadow magic amplified by target's awareness and attention
A past observation of the way shadow magic works, and, in particular, the amplified effect a targets' cognizance of the fact that they are being targeted has on such magic, may shed light on why the Voices Demons require full attention, and are otherwise adverse to noise distraction (or any other kind of distraction, for that matter), especially pervasive and insistent ones, such as music.

In MAGIC | Why some demons freeze when you see them, I wrote:
The target's awareness of and focus on the caster [of shadow magic] enhances the results greatly.
iPods afford greatest protection against Voices Demons' subliminally suggestive, hypnotic speech, magic
Even those who are not plagued by Voices Demons should listen to music as frequently as possible, as, like dreamweaver demons, Voices Demons can project telepathically, subliminally (i.e., they can influence you without your awareness).

It is this fact that explains why the left earbud on my iPod headphones used to always go out years before I could hear the Voices Demons. I must have replaced them over 20 times, and, each time, it was always the left earbud that died.

That, too, has an interesting story. The Voices Demons have long threatened—and have already taken steps—to reduce my hearing, and, in particular, in my left ear. It appears that years before I was even aware of these demons, they had already planned on the causing specific physical injuries, based on their choice of earbud to damage, and the (same) choice of ear to deafen.
NOTE | Currently, the Voices Demons are saying my failure to listen to them, work on things I like, eat food, remember happy times, etc., are the reason why they are slowly, but surely, causing a wide range of disabilities, such as the deafness mentioned here; however, it is clear now that there is no cause-consequence aspect to their abuse. Rather, it was planned long before any dialog was established between us.
Targets who choose to defend themselves against Voices Demons' attacks should be prepared to fight to keep them in working order (and to keep them, in general). For all six of the years we have been in direct contact—and for three years prior to that—every iPod I have owned has been a major source of contention between us.

Evidence of at least two of our battles over the iPod have been captured on video.

In a clip from a video made late last night, sucker demons try to prevent me from putting one of my earbuds in my ear, and, at one point, spin it in my hand like a propeller:

In Angry Earbuds, sucker demons spring my earbuds off of the top of my microwave and onto the floor, doing so to discourage the use of my iPod to "ignore my voices" [see also VIDEO TIMELINE | Angry Sucker Demons Manipulate Power Cords]:

Proverbs 29:11

A fool uttereth all his mind: but a wise man keepeth it in till afterwards.

You do not have to say everything right now. Slow down! There is a time to hold back speech to yourself – there is a time to talk and tell all. Wise men know what to do before speaking and when to speak, but fools spill everything without preparation or thought.

Fools talk a lot. They cannot keep their mouths shut. Any little thought, no matter how frivolous, no matter how unstudied, no matter how inappropriate, has to come rushing out. But a wise man speaks carefully. He does not speak hastily, or without study, or offer opinions as truth. He rules his mouth to choose wise words and wait for the right timing.

A talker is a fool. If he talks arrogantly, hastily, or loudly, he has confirmed his folly even more. A fool loves the sound of his own voice, and he thinks others should love it also. He thinks he has wisdom to share, and he thinks others are blessed to hear him. So he gets angry when he is eventually isolated due to his ignorant and obnoxious speech.

Solomon said there is a time for everything: “A time to keep silence, and a time to speak” (Eccl 3:7). But knowing the right time requires discretion and prudence, two branches of wisdom the fool has never considered. As long as he has air to breathe (and a full belly helps), he will vent his pea-sized brain through his lips (Pr 30:22; Eccl 10:12-14).

If a fool could keep his mouth shut, he might be thought wise (Pr 17:27-28). But he cannot do it, for he has never held back words in his life: he has no will nor power to do so. He must pour out foolish ideas in the hope of satisfying his agitated conceit, but it will never happen; when he runs out of things to say, he keeps talking anyway (Pr 15:2).

There is nothing virtuous about being “outspoken.” It is merely another word for a fool! It would be much better to keep those words in and let them dissolve in the bile of your liver and go into the draught. It would be much better to ask the Lord to set a watch before your mouth and to keep the door of your lips (Ps 141:3). Do not speak out!

Many things – idle words, filthiness, foolish talking, jesting, backbiting, talebearing, and slander – should not be spoken (Pr 10:18; 11:13; 25:23; Matt 12:36; Eph 5:3-5). And many words raise the probability of sin (Pr 10:19; Eccl 5:3). How much damage and pain could have been avoided by restraining your words (Pr 12:18)? Therefore, the fewer, and more carefully chosen, and more slowly spoken, are your words, the better (Jas 1:19)!

A fool’s wrath is quickly known, for he cannot keep his angry words in (Pr 12:16). A fool pours out unstudied nonsense, and worse yet, his personal opinions; but a righteous man studies before answering anything (Pr 12:23; 13:16; 15:28). A fool shows his folly and shame by answering a matter even before hearing it fully presented (Pr 18:13). He cannot rule his spirit, and thus proves himself a failure and loser among men (Pr 16:32; 25:28).

Wise men restrain their speech (Pr 17:27-28). They study before answering (Pr 15:28). They are slow to speak (Jas 1:19). They choose their words carefully and wait for the right time to say them (Pr 15:23; 24:26; 25:11). Discretion and prudence are the guardians of wisdom – they restrain words and actions until you grasp a situation clearly and can wisely choose a godly response (Pr 12:23; 13:16; 14:8; 16:21; 19:11; 22:3).

Wise men keep words in “till afterwards”! After what? After they let passion dissipate and can speak prudently (Pr 19:11; Jas 1:19). After they apply Scripture to the situation and find the godly, charitable response (Ps 119:11; I Cor 13:4-7). After they have studied for an answer with the certain words of truth (Pr 15:28; 22:17-21). After they have sanctified the Lord God in their hearts (I Pet 3:15). After they have heard a matter in its entirety, and someone has sincerely asked for their response (Pr 18:13; 25:6-7).

Samson uttered all his heart, and it cost him greatly; he could not resist the provocation of Delilah to open up and spill the beans (Judges 16:17). Yet Abigail, a beautiful woman of good understanding, waited for the right time to give her husband some bad news (I Sam 25:36). The Lord told Samuel to answer Saul only part of his mind (I Sam 16:1-3); and when in court, Paul declared only part of his relationship to the Pharisees (Acts 23:6).

Christians, to be wise and avoid folly, are to be circumspect in their conduct – inspecting all the circumstances in every direction (Eph 5:15). Their words are to be predominantly gracious, with only a seasoning of salt; and the purpose is always to be edifying (Eph 4:29; Col 4:6). Can you keep from uttering all your mind today? Can you wait until you have the right words and the right opportunity to say them? Help, O Lord.

#466 - TECHNOLOGY | Capturing and revealing hard-to-see sucker demons in a digital photo

In spite of being needle thin and only a few inches long, sucker demons can be captured with low-end digital cameras commonly found in cellphones or laptops; however, unless the shot is just lucky, any image containing a sucker demon in it will need post-processing work to reveal it.

This post provides guidelines for using Photoshop for this task, using a real-world example:
A still frame from a video of a sucker demon attached to my middle finder from my neck The same still frame with sharpening and color-correction enhancements, showing the sucker demon more clearly and its web-like formation of tendrils anchored to my neck
This technique should only be applied to non-cloaked sucker demons of the yellow kind, i.e., those that congregate in bedding and on (and in) the body, such as the one shown in this photo, piercing (and extending from) my neck:
Another photo of a yellow sucker demon, this one, piercing my neck as I pull on it from its other end... ...while another lashes me in the eye [see Sucker demon pierces my neck with tendril]
That's for one obvious reason, and for a reason less obvious. First, a cloaked sucker demon is nearly invisible. Although you can see it (sort of), low-end camera equipment will not. Second, the radiation emitted by their cloak causes the sensor component of the image pickup device in digital cameras to interpret image data improperly.

The technique
The are two parts to the method for revealing sucker demons in an image shot by a consumer-end digital camera using Photoshop, such as the one below:
First, the image is sharpened by a technique that uses the Emboss filter; then, the black and white (and gamma) levels are auto-adjusted using Levels, but only to the portions of the image masked by an inverse-selected and color-inverted luminosity mask created from the Green color channel.
  1. On a duplicate of the original layer, run the Emboss filter (Filter | Stylize | Emboss), and start with these settings:
Any necessary adjustments to these settings will vary depending on the quality of the image; however, generally, the height value ranges from 2 to 4, and the amount from 200 to 400. If necessary, adjust the angle for sharper contrast along the edges of the sucker demon.
  1. Make a new selection based on luminosity values of the green color channel (click Green on the Channel palette while pressing Command/Ctrl + Option/Alt + Shift); then, invert the selection (Select | Invert Selection):
Because the sucker demons that are generally on or just beneath the surface of the skin (and at or around hair follicles) are always of the yellow kind; therefore, the green color channel will most likely provide greater contrast between the sucker demon and the surrounding image than the other two channels.
  1. Add a Levels adjustment layer to the original layer; then, select the mask, and invert the colors (Image | Adjustments | Invert). Click Auto on the Levels palette.
In the enhanced image, above, the detail has increased over the original so much that you can see the web-like anchor of the sucker demon on my neck. This formation is nearly identical to the one seen in a still frame of a video made at a nude beach in San Gregorio  Beach, where a sucker demon attacked my head:
A sucker demon's tendril fan out into the shape of a spider's web on my scalp; this type of anchor is used when a sucker demon wants to push something away from it, in this case, my hand
NOTE | Applying this technique to video will reduce motion blur, which may be an essential part of depicting the movement of a sucker demon; using it may reduce the visibility of a sucker demon while it is moving.
Tips for capturing images of sucker demons
Sucker demons are not just small, they are also lightning fast—and, they can see when a camera is pointed at them—making a single-capture photo nearly impossible to acquire. To get a good picture, point a video camera over the surface of your skin where they are known to congregate; then, import the video file into Photoshop (File | Import | Video Frames to Layers) and trim it to clips with sucker demons. Skim each clip frame-by-frame, applying this technique to only the best stills.

Other sucker demon-related posts
For more information on sucker demons, particularly the kind that swarm in and on the human body and bedding, and to see other digital media showing them at work in and around such places, read:

#465 - PHOTO | Another new demon variety discovered

A couple of new photos taken tonight show a three-and-a-half-foot tall, white-headed and yellow-eyed cloaked and blended demon, sporting a black body suit, standing in front of a wire rack to my right:
The reflected profile of a short, white-headed demon, wearing a black jump suit (color-enhanced) The original photo was shot in the dark with a flash, the glare from which gives the photo a foggy and washed-out look
My camera was pointed at the mirror doors to my closet, which not only reflected the demon's image, but either polarized (or scattered?) the light reflecting off the mirror, allowing for the otherwise cloaked demon to be seen.
To learn how an invisible demon is revealed by light passing through it and/or reflecting onto it (versus direct light), read these posts:
To further enhance its visibility from a distance—while remaining nearly invisible close up—the demon also blended with objects of similar size, shape and color, which enhances the visibility of a cloaked demon, but only at a certain distance and at a certain angle. Up close, the objects the demon is blending with may not overlap the similar colors and shapes of the various parts of the demon's body, and, even if they do, they may not match in size.
NOTE | Blending while camouflaging allows a demon to be seen—and, therefore, sociable—while putting safe distance between the demon and any perceived danger, and while maintaining the relative security of invisibility when danger may otherwise be too close for comfort.
Unfortunately, all I was able to get were photos; when I switched my iPhone camera to the video camera, it was too dark. Usually, it's always the same. Causing electronics malfunctions is the last thing I would have thought that demons specialize in; but, when I say, "specialize," I mean it.

In fact, I'd say—if I didn't know better—that they invented all the stuff we use, and it's all designed in a way that allows for the designers to use in their ways, too, primarily, to keep us from using those things against them.

Breaking or disabling a camera is what comes to mind when I think of something evil not wanting to be photographed; but, to them, it makes more sense to make the camera malfunction as if by magic (when, in fact, I have seen with my own eyes a variety of sucker demon of the kind they deploy inside of people—we all have them—snake into my cellphone from my wrist, harden into something that looks like faded yellow, translucent wire or tube, and then keep from recording a conversation.
NOTE | They got burnt on such recordings a time or two in the past [see The web site that launched the demonic war], so I guess that's something they want to keep an eye on. Probably shouldn't be my biggest concern, though; sucker demons sliding out of your skin is bad.

#464 - CRIME | Flee from attacker all but destroys only valuable possessions

At an intersection near my house early this morning, some guy walked up to me and took a swing—a wide, almost drunken swing, almost like he wasn't really trying to hit me at all, but if he had, I'd know it. Regardless, he missed, and didn't have much of chance to try again, as I ran to a nearby Safeway immediately after his first try.

He chased me, while shouting expletives, and here's the results:
My left hip, bruised and scraped from the fall and subsequent slide across pavement

While running through the parking lot, I had to jump over one of those flower beds where the light poles are typically installed. It should have been no problem; but, it was, in that, when I jumped into the air, I just kept going up—I'd say two to three feet higher than I meant to. On the ascent, it felt like my feet were being pushed from the bottom, but while in ski boots, in that the pressure from the lift was distributed evenly from the bottoms of my shoes, and all the way to my knees.
My left knee, scraped from the last part of the slide, when my legs (finally) joined the rest of my body
The problem was not so much that I went up a little higher than expected; rather, it was that, on my descent, my body fell, but my feet didn't. When I landed my feet were being held up in the air (like, intentionally away from the pavement). What's more is, when I stopped skidding across the pavement, my feet still felt like they were being held in the air (even though I could not feel a snag or grip).

I wasn't hurt by the impact or the skid, though, except for some bloody scrapes on my knee and hip; and, because I had been running at least twice as fast, the delay in falling, and then getting back up again didn't afford the attacker enough ground to close the gap.

The screen of my new iPhone 5 ($199; Sprint) is cracked; but, still seems to work reasonably well; a benefactor, i.e.,  the person who bought me the phone, said that an insurance policy on the phone will cover the cost of a new one (although, I think there is a $50 deductible for phones that are visibly damaged.

Like my iPhone, my MacBook Air's display was also cracked; and, like the iPhone, the laptop still works, although the screen will not do over the long term:
My only computer, a MacBook Air, was damaged by a fall during a flee from an attacker, which is visible at the top-right corner of the screen; aside from this, the laptop is working fine
Initially, I was hesitant to call police. After all, the guy seemed either crazy or drunk (or both), and he didn't directly hurt me, although I was hurt by the fall while fleeing. But, when I saw him approaching Safeway, I decided to try and find a way back home that was a little safer, and made the call to 911. That's, in part, due to the fact that he parted from a large group of people when approaching me, all dressed in black, and driving (mostly) black SUVs and the like. I don't know the neighborhood really well, but well enough to know that they were not from around here.

The dispatch officer told me to stay inside Safeway until an officer came in to talk to me; he also informed me at one point that Santa Clara officers were in the parking lot, and was questioning the attacker.

After waiting for awhile, I decided to go out and meet them in the parking lot; however, as I approached the two police cars presumably involved in all this, they drove away. And, neither of them stopped in the store.

So, I assumed that I could leave, and then I did.

An attack of some sort was expected; and, although the guy was initially friendly, I recognized it as a lure, especially after being threatened by the Voices Demons of such an attack continually, and for several months.

Although probably not related (unless there's just a whole lot I don't know), several threats of violence from people (versus demons) were sent by mail and e-mail, as more fully recounted in these posts:
Also, this is not the first time I have been accosted—or, rather, harassed—in my neighborhood, which is less than a tenth of a block from where the attack occurred. In Gang-stalkers caught on camera throwing rocks, skulking in dark, I describe an incident in which a man threw a rock at my apartment from the neightbor's driveway across the street in order to scare me; it was intended to complement one of the hundreds of noise/harassment campaigns by gang-stalkers that was in progress at the time.
NOTE | Ironically, it was the gang-stalkers that first warned of such impending attacks as far back as 2006 [see Gang-stalkers warned of upcoming violence, death by demons].
Even with warnings from both my demon and demon-directed enemies, there is nothing about the attack that suggests that it is linked to any issue presented in this blog or elsewhere; however, the fact that this type of thing never happened prior to the march of the Voices Demons motor-mouth parade through my life, which began in 2006 and continues to this day, makes a relationship a distinct possibility, especially given the much-increased frequency of such threats lately.

Whereas that relationship may be about as specious and ambiguous as you can get, another attack—involving a "working handgun with readily accessible ammunition"—was clearly demon-plotted and planned, as well as fallout-mitigated [see Night of the Gun Chase].

#463 - Possible meanings, purpose for number 8 symbol explored

The hobgoblin demon's stylized number eight—which looks like its namesake, but is modified at the top to resemble the shape of a hobgoblin demon's hood from its profile [see PHOTOS | Hobgoblin demons stylize number eight into a logo of sorts]—is turning up frequently again, one of them as far as 2,373 miles away from where they first started appearing:
A power cord from an electric tool in a garage in Indiana was arranged into the demonic stylized eight, and was placed in my walking path shortly after a demon attack at another Indiana location
As usual, they pop up at or around the First Quarter, the moon phase during which hobgoblin demons traditionally attack [see Demons, portals most active during specific moon phases; see also Videos of demonic activity grouped by moon phase].
A laptop power cable......an electric fan power cord......and, a shoestring—is nothing safe?!
Because the practice of leaving numbered symbols in the view or path of victims is common among occult groups (such as the Illuminati), serial killers and the like, and because the hobgoblin demons do this, too [see PHOTOS | Hobgoblin demons attempt to induce insanity by blocking pleasurable experiences], I decided to look into what the number eight in particular might mean. That, plus the fact that this sort of demonic graffiti tagging has been a recurring element for me ever since the Voices Demons began in earnest their attack in 2006 convinces me that there is something there that might be useful—know thine enemy, and all that.
This "eight" requires the viewer to be at a specific angle-of-view to see it... ...similarly to last fall's rendition of the Face of Death... ...which was made out of clothes hangers hung in my closet
Demonic use of symbology terror tactics akin to gang graffiti—up to a point
Flashing numbers at a victim during a protracted attack is a common terror tactic employed by demons, and is akin to gang graffiti, probably, even to the point of marking territory, and otherwise indicating to those in-the-know the rules of engagement in that area and with the victim. With demons, the latter is more than likely, especially if the victim is engaged in dialog with Voices Demons.

But, it's not just spray painting the side of a building, or, in this case, the simple arranging of wires and cords into numbers. Whereas gangs publicly display their messages, demons make a private and intrusive display. So, the message will apply only to the victim, and it will be in their house or car or a place where access is (or should be) limited to only them and those to whom they give their consent to access.

SEE ALSO | A victim describes this tactic at work by Illuminati on In2Worlds: Number Sightings; an observer provides a fairly reasonable interpretation of these numbers from a victim's perspective on Forbidden Knowledge: The Hard Truth (Occult Symbolism Indicates Enemies Within Our Own Government).
Even then, that's still not the total effect, as demons will display their graffiti behind your back without you hearing or seeing or cause things to fall and land into a symbol or image. Imagine snuffing a candle, only to have the smoke form into a perfectly symmetrical, hobgoblin demon-stylized number 8—and, then, stay like that for a moment or two. Then, imagine being at a restaurant, where all the diners blow out their table candles at the same time, and the smoke from each forms the stylized number eight, also simultaneously.
During a hobgoblin demon "magic" attack, a USB cord falls into the stylized figure eight symbol now associated with this variety of demon
It's like that; and, that is a lot of effort. It makes sense, then, to research this phenomena at some point.

Search for meaning restricted to Google, possibilities limited to evil
Even with the extensive resources provided by the library of the Rosicrucian Order, located on the grounds of the Egyptian Museum in San Jose, I chose to conserve time by using Google instead. No more effort than that is really necessary, unless and until the meaning takes on more than what is provided online, and is thus more significant and of wider public concern than that applied by some fly-by-night occultist online.

My search was limited to definitions applied by groups that are generally considered negative or evil, using phrases such as occult symbolism and keywords such as satan[ic][ism] and Illuminati. That does not preclude a thorough collection of data, as the interpretation or definition assigned to numbers by groups purporting to practice good and those that practice otherwise are polar opposites. The guess as to what the number means, based on the data gathered online, will come from that pool, and will be narrowed based on information derived from other symbols used by the demons and their followers, as well as any expressed opinions and beliefs, demonstrated practices and behavior on the part of both demons and humans, and any other facts that might point specifically to the intended meaning.

Search narrowed based on past use of Illuminati and Satanic number-symbol systems
When the Voices Demons first announced their formerly silent, life-long presence in 2006, numbers exclusively associated with the symbology of the Illuminati surfaced everywhere—even more so than the number 8 is now; these include 000, 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777 and 888, as well as 123, 321, 11:11 and others I am probably not remembering right now.
NOTE | Although not a number, the omega sign (Ω), also known as part of the Illuminati symbol canon, has also been turning up quite frequently, as well; also used frequently by these particular demons—which is used by the Illuminati, as well—is the number 666 [see HOME | Neighbor's house number is 666—the Mark of the Beastsee also Scary traffic count on scary day].
Information on other Illuminati-style terror tactics, as well as their prodigious use of 111, 222, 333, 444, 555 and so on—which is still used by demons today—on the web on Google.

Search narrowed further based on astrological preference for attacks
As stated, the hobgoblin demons—and many other variety of demons—attack during a specific moon phase, specifically, First Quarter. Therefore, it is likely that an answer (or a lead to an answer) can be found by referencing meanings of the number eight in the astrological sense.

The results
The results of the search were surprisingly (no, astoundingly) scant, showing only what I already knew: that every number used by the demons I'm fighting has an Illuminati and/or New World Order corollary; not only that, but they use each and every number that has been associated with Illuminati.

#462 - VIDEO | My demonic crown in the dark

The shimmering, wavy, mirage-like effect that halos the heads of the demon-possessed in San Jose, as it appears in the dark with backlighting:
A video of this effect in the daylight, as shown below, and as discussed in  SCIENCE | Sucker demons connect demons to humans for 'possession':
In the former, the light reflecting off the wall from behind me is bent by the transparent crown, which, as it undulates, diffracts light similarly to the edges of a prism; in the latter, the same principle, although, at one time, I thought it was light refracted by the heat of cloaked sucker demon.

#461 - COMING UP | Enhancing demons shot in the dark, in motion

Coming up is a image enhancement technique for revealing demons shot in the dark while the camera (or the possessed) was in motion. Here's a sample:
A modification to a similar technique for revealing demons in still frames of video shot in the dark, but specifically for frames showing motion of either the camera or the subject
The original still frame, in which my face and the demon's are blended too evenly to distinguish between the two

#460 - CRIME | New York attorney lies for demons, secretly married mother evades service of summons

A New York attorney lies about the status of a collections case brought by me against my mother, who, apparently, avoided service of summons after changing her last name via a secret marriage. The case was for unlawfully retaining a computer belonging to me, which contained evidence intended for use in a federal civil trial against her, as well as others who participated in a demon-led crime spree in 2006.
NOTE | See Demons block money-saving/making, job-search efforts before reading this post.

For months, New York attorney, Gil Kreiter, made assurances that an Indiana case attempting to collect a debt on my behalf was on track, stating on numerous occasions that a pending bank records search stood between me and an expected $7,000.00 pay-out. The case is merely a collections case, the original having been filed (and won) in California against my own mother.
NOTE | Most California state court-obtained judgments can be enforced in any other state without complication; however, Indiana requires that judgment creditors prosecute a separate case for collections for debtors residing in that state, if the judgment goes unpaid.
The original case was for the cost of a computer, which alleges that Ms. Bickel unlawfully retained a computer given to her for storage, and which contained evidence to be used in a pending federal civil suit against her and others believed to be working on the behalf of demon-led organized crime [see BIBLE | Fear should not be a factor for you].

Following are just two e-mails from the aforementioned attorney, in which one claims that judgment was issued.

In the first e-mail, Mr. Kreiter states that a judgment was rendered in my favor; to-wit:
Doing a bank search. Judgment docketed in Indiana.
E-mail to/from Gil Kreiter in re Bickel collection case (#2)
In the second, I expressed my concern about the amount of time that has lapsed since the rendering of the judgment, but was told by Mr. Kreiter that only a few more weeks would pass before progress would be seen:
E-mail to/from Gil Kreiter in re Bickel collection case (#1)

In a third e-mail, Mr. Kreiter once again states that judgment has been obtained in the case:
E-mail #3 from Gil Kreiter, New York Attorney, re status of collections case

In spite of Mr. Kreiter's assurances that the case was proceeding forthrightly and as expected, I decided to take advantage of my proximity to the Indiana courthouse in which the case was filed to verify his claims.

What I found was this: that the case was filed, but that it never even surpassed the service of process stage:
Case Docket in Bush v. Bickel (Johnson County, Indiana)
Contrary to assurances by attorney Gil Kreiter, the current docket proves that the case has not proceeded beyond the initial filing
Moreover, I found that the reason why service was not perfected was because the name of the defendant had changed, unbeknownst to me. The name change was (and is) due to a secret marriage, which was also unbeknownst to me at the time (see note about marriage at end of post):
Return envelope, attempting service by mail on defendant [Bush v. Bickel (Johnson County, Indiana)]
Having kept their marriage a secret, it was unknown at the time that the former Kathy Bickel was then (and now is) Kathy Feldmeier; the difference in the name was the basis of the refusal of service
Employees of the Clerk of the Court of Johnson County, in Franklin, Indiana, also verified this morning that the case has not proceeded beyond the initial filing stages, and that service was refused:
In 2008, the Superior Court of California awarded me $7,500 in a judgment against Ms. Bickel for stealing computer equipment from me, which contained evidence against her and others of her acquiescence and participation in the crimes committed against me at the hands of demon-led gang-stalkers, and which was intended to be used in a pending federal suit against the same:
Judgment Against Defendant Kathy Bickel

NOTE | The remainder of this post contains only pieces of information that will be incorporated more fully into this post at a later time.
E-mail to the referring agency, JudgmentBuy.com
E-mail to Mark D. Shapiro, San Jose Attorney and proprietor of JudgmentBuy.com re apparent misrepresentatio...

Why the marriage was kept secret
The marriage was kept secret due to the biblical impropriety of it. Apparently, my mother "put away" her last husband without him having committed adultery, which, in the Bible, means you cannot marry again. If you do, that is committing adultery, according to Jesus:
Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her; and if she divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery.
Mark 10:11–-12