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A (Normal) Day in the Life of a Demoniac

Keeping an activity record for each day serves as a way to maintain accountability, track progress, and reflect on daily priorities. It helps identify patterns, observe recurring challenges, and document milestones in a structured manner. By breaking the record into sections, it becomes easier to review specific areas of focus and take actionable steps for improvement. Here are the main sections of this record and their purposes: Key Accomplishments : Highlights completed tasks and milestones, providing a sense of achievement and clarity on productivity. Key Observations : Notes significant insights or patterns that arise from the day’s experiences, allowing for deeper reflection. Planning : Outlines next steps and future tasks, ensuring that priorities are set and progress continues. Challenges : Captures obstacles faced during the day, providing an opportunity to analyze and develop strategies for overcoming them. Gratitude : Focuses on positive aspects of the day, fostering a mindse...

Attorney General Rokita Warned of Legal Action for Denial of Justice

Eternal vigilance, and all that ... Following is a letter stating the intent to pursue legal action due to the closure of complaints submitted to the Indiana Attorney General's Office against Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy and New Whiteland Kroger Pharmacy for their refusal to fill essential prescriptions without satisfactory resolution: Notice of Intent to Sue Tod... by James Alan Bush It gives the Attorney General’s office two weeks to provide further investigation results or face legal action. Catch up on the story here: Formal complaint submitted to Indiana Board of Pharmacy Request To Attorney General Rokita to Intervene in Pharmacy Cases Indiana Attorney General Rokita Closes Pharmacies’ Investigation

Indiana Attorney General Rokita Closes Pharmacies’ Investigation

Asking the Attorney General’s Office to speed things up has consequences [ see Request To Attorney General Rokita to Intervene in Pharmacy Cases ], as is suggested by the unexpected closure of the investigation into the wrongdoing of downtown Indianapolis’ Walgreen’s Speciality Pharmacy and New Whiteland Kroger Pharmacy, as described in Formal complaint submitted to Indiana Board of Pharmacy . In spite of clear-cut violations of pharmacy guidelines for which there are no affirmative defenses [a slam-dunk], the case was abruptly closed just a few days after making a request to the office to advance the investigation after over a year and a half of no progress. The office sent an email advising of the closure, which provided no details pertaining to the investigation: There was no reason cited for having closed it (it is the timing that implies a connection between the request for progress in the investigation and its closure). Shortly after receiving the email, I took up the invitation ...

Request To Attorney General Rokita to Intervene in Pharmacy Cases

Following is a formal letter to Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita, requesting his assistance in expediting a stagnant consumer complaint involving Walgreens and Kroger pharmacies. The case highlights the pharmacies’ refusal to fill valid prescriptions essential for managing a life-threatening condition and their retaliatory actions. This letter followed a series of previous emails seeking information on the progress of the case, all of which were taken as requests for details of the investigation (which they were not). The first email requesting a statement of progress was addressed to Barbara Greene. It sought a status update on either of the two complaints. It also confirmed that an amended formal complaint was submitted to the Indiana Board of Pharmacy, making further of the occasion to request a progress report by highlighting a new element in the revised complaint that wasn't present in the original complaint, which involves a retaliatory action by one of the pharmacies rep...

COMING UP | Uber Account Records Demanded in Lost Item Incident

A formal request was made to Uber’s Legal Department and Privacy Team, seeking access to all records and chat transcripts related to a lost item issue that occurred after a ride on August 1st, 2024. The following letter details the specific information requested, which includes customer service communications, internal notes, and actions taken regarding the case: This serves as part of a broader effort to address Uber’s mishandling of the issue and to substantiate a complaint against the company.


As part of my ongoing efforts to enhance Bible study through AI, I’ve been developing a series of GPTs designed to help deepen understanding of scripture. Below is a list of these GPTs, each tailored to assist with various aspects of Bible study, from verse searches to thematic illustrations. These tools are crafted to bring clarity, insight, and ease to studying God’s Word in new and innovative ways. Each GPT in the list follows a simple, user-friendly format to make it easy for my readers to explore and engage with these tools. The format for each GPT includes: Link to the Latest Version: This clickable link allows my readers to directly access and use the latest version of the GPT. Description: A brief overview of what the GPT does, its purpose, and how it can assist with Bible study, providing insight into its features and strengths. Instructions: The exact set of instructions I use for the GPT to ensure it functions according to my intended design. This gives a behind-the-scenes l...