Tuesday, June 19, 2012

VIDEO TIMELINE | Green Orb of Light Evades Camera

The original, uncompressed version of Green Orb Evades Camera is added to the Demonic Activity Video Timeline calendar on December 10th, 2011, at 11:29 PM.
A living lens flare that is camera-shy, no less
To view this movie, use Quicktime Player, and see more clearly what media-sharing websites, such as YouTube, Vimeo and Facebook, render virtually unwatchable by and through their compression scheme that is applied to all video files stored on their servers.

A green orb of light, which looks like—and, at first, attempts to disguise itself as—a lens flare, finally gives up on dodging the camera, and then dives head first into a laundry bin.

Murder, Satan wrote | “They popped a cork on you…”

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