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Sexual harrassment, battery pervade homespace; civil suit imminent

On or around July 8, 2024, a physical altercation occurred between me and my landlord, Dick Smith. He came home drunk, as he usually does on weekends. Although the day was Monday, it's the Monday right after rent is paid, so he extends his weekend by a day. On these days, he tends to pick on me, bossing me around and talking to me like a child. He makes everyday tasks like cooking in the kitchen or washing laundry into political ordeals, and he does so intentionally. When I have politely confronted him about this, he throws a tantrum immediately, and tells me to get out (that I am evicted).

I told him I’d had enough. He got in my face and told me to get out. I refused. He punched me. I called the police. When they arrived, they did not arrest him. This was because I am not reportively familiar.

Reportively familiar is a term from demonic vernacular meaning having the exclusive privilege of reporting a crime, being believed, and therefore expecting legal consequences for the reported person.

The police advised me to take a walk around the block to give everyone time to clear their heads. So, I did. When I came back, Dick told me to get out. As a paying resident, I refused. He then threatened legal action to evict me. In response, I advised him of my intended counter-claim: sexual harassment.

He called my bluff. I showed him video surveillance of him entering my bedroom and engaging in inappropriate behavior. He argued that it wasn’t him. I told him it was only one of several videos and that his face was clearly shown in the remainder of the footage.

After having a few moments to contemplate the ramifications of his behavior and the lack of mobility afforded him by his egregious conduct (as shown on video), Dick decided to call the police to have me removed. When they arrived —now for the second time — one of my would-be murderers [see Murder, Satan wrote | “They popped a cork on you…”] were in tow, acting as his willing witnesses to whatever atrocities I must have committed, all of which were never reported until conveniently now (my own vernacular). In demonic idiom, these individuals are referred to as “victims in-tow.”

Whatever Dick told the police — which I have yet to learn — was not enough to get them to kick me out.

A civil complaint has been drafted, and is expected to be filed in the Indiana Circuit Court at or near the beginning of next week.