The following is my answer to a question posted to Quora, which asked:
I feel like my spirit guide is a demon because they are scaring me and that they aren't really my guide. Could it be that a demon is haunting me, or have I not met my guide?
It is a draft of what I hope will eventually be a detailed and complete guide to understanding Voices Demons, and defending yourself from their wares. As time permits, I'll add links to various posts in this blog, which will supplement the claims I make about them, highlight where I was successful in my understanding and fight, and where I was not.
If you're wondering why I would publish something before it's final, it's because of this: I'm busy in my fight, which consists of continual steps forward in personal development—I'm developing software all day and night; however, at the same time, I can't neglect others suffering in the same way. Failing to provide even a shred of what I know that's helpful would be neglect.
As you should be able to surmise by now, there is no such thing as a "spirit guide," save that of the Holy Spirit. What I hope you find out next is that there is no such thing as a bad demon—say, one that helps you break free from the one you have hovering over you now.If you're wondering why I would publish something before it's final, it's because of this: I'm busy in my fight, which consists of continual steps forward in personal development—I'm developing software all day and night; however, at the same time, I can't neglect others suffering in the same way. Failing to provide even a shred of what I know that's helpful would be neglect.
NOTE | For what they are worth, I interspersed some very unusual images of demons between paragraphs that are not related to the subject of this post; there is a demon in every one of them. Ask for help, if you can't find them.
Only God is good. The rest of us have choices, including demons. Demons who interact with people in the way you describe are making bad ones for themselves and you.
You are a victim and target of Voices Demons, and you are in for a hard life and a hard fight. You can win the fight, but it will not be without significant wear and tear on your end of things.
I’m going to list the things you should be aware of, such as the underlying messages they send to you when they say and do things, and the end result of those messages. I’ll briefly explain how the actions they take and the things they say affect you, and how they serve their agenda.
Although I know these things very, very well—certainly better than anyone else I know and anything else I’ve seen—I’ve just begun to write them down (and, that, for you, because of your question here on Quora); so, please excuse anything in this 15-minutes-old rough draft that might not yet be clear, and ask for further clarification where needed.
Every interaction with you is ultimately intended to ingrain these things into your thinking and self-estimation; they will say and do things specific to your situation, and no one elses’, making it feel personal and relevant; however, all of the things they say and do can be generalized in one or more of the following ways:
- You're no good at anything you do; we are good at everything we do.
- You're not allowed to improve anything you do
- You're not allowed to do anything
- You're not allowed to add anything to do
- You are weak; we are strong.
- You are stupid; we are smart.
- Nobody likes you; everybody likes us.
From this, they want you to think, either consciously or subconsciously, these things:
- You are unwanted by people
- you're ugly
- you're branded negatively (i.e., poor, criminal, sinner, etc.)
- you're acting improperly
- You are unable to interact with people on any level
- You are in a lower class (beast) than those in a higher class (man), and they have dominance and priority and privilege where you; you have limited rights, and there are special rules that only you must follow
Their goal is to foster a dependent relationship with you by convincing you, either consciously or subconsciously that:
- You need us to manage your interactions with people
- We know everybody; we'll tell you what they say, and we'll do the talking for you (all without asking)
- You need us to provide for your needs
How they pursuade:
- It's our job; we have no choice
- We're more powerful; we will hurt you if you don't comply
- We will shame you, if you don't comply
They will do these things anyway: hurt you and shame you, regardless of your willingness to be complicit. Doing so is part of a process that facilitates their end goals, in that it shapes a victim's thinking and self-estimation in ways most favorable to the abuser.
How they dissuade:
- Blame you when you don’t listen to what they say (you’re impeding their progress, you’re making people angry)
- Shame you (you’re behaving improperly, you’re not acting as you should, you’re committing an offense)
- Nobody believes you
- Everybody agrees with what we are doing
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Wrong strategies:
- Outsmart them
- Make a deal with them
- Fight to do and fight to grow (the fight they will bring will be physical, if you can't be talked out of or distracted from doing something; even so, doing the thing you intend to do is the right choice in that, as physical beings, they expend energy and consume time, too; it's not that you'll outlast them or that they have less time than you do—that is their advantage—but that it imbalances balanced people with balanced lives to fight you this way over time. That is anathema to the well-manicured lawn of Voices Demons' mental mansions of personal perfection)
- Run
- Physical abuse
- Mental abuse
- You feel the need to explain why something you do takes more time than they say it should
- Before doing anything, you estimate how much strength and stamina you will have in order to get it done, factoring in the resistance you expect from them
- You compulsively explain yourself and your actions when questioned
- Hear nothing, say nothing—both highly important.
- Voices Demons have merely to put a thought in your head to shape your thinking. If you listen to something they way, you are going to evaluate it in your mind. At this point, their goal is accomplished—even is you handily dismiss what they said. When they say, "Ignoring us is not an option," this is what they are talking about, not that they will hurt you if you don't listen. When they do hurt you for "not listening," it's not so much punishment as it is a way to make sure you processed what they said—again, regardless of whether you are expected to dismiss it or otherwise.
- It's hard to stop talking to Voices Demons for most victims, primarily because a victim's interaction with them never starts off as abusive. It's quite some time before they start that; and, by then, you're in the habit of conversation. However, once you realize what they are doing, you must stop responding, and never initiate. IF YOU MUST SAY SOMETHING, SAY NO—and, that, within the first couple of words you hear. Never let a Voices Demon complete a sentence. Say NO as soon as they speak.
So, that’s a really good run down on your situation. You need to always think like this. Print this out and carry it around, if you have to. Everything said to you and everything done to you should be “looked up” on this list. It is important that you can always articulate in your mind how a demon is working you, and to never think for a moment that they are not ALWAYS working you, even when they appear to be casually conversating (that’s developing a relationship that fosters compulsive response and mental processing, which is the only thing they need to accomplish to achieve their goal).
One more thing: those goals, by the way, are intermediary to a higher goal, which is, let’s just say, not good for you. That goal is set by a demon you do not now hear, and are not likely to hear, who intends to use you in certain ways (ways you may never discover, but which will happen, nonetheless).
In other words, the demons you hear on a daily basis are employees of another demon. They even have a name as such employees, namely, a pod (that’s one or more demons that interact with a victim in the same way they are with you now). You have a designation as “pod people.”
NOTE | Be aware that Voices Demons do this in conjunction with people. There are and will be people throughout your life who will recognize you as a “pod person” just by laying eyes on you. They will treat you like one. Recognize such persons, and plan ways to work around and/or through it.