The two composites produced by the new video filter released yesterday have been separated into individual Photo Booth effects, enabling anyone with an iSight-equipped Mac (and, soon, iPhone) to see and record video, live, cloaked demonic entities.
Perfect realism, pristine detail
The Chroma Focus Photo Booth effect decloaks invisible entities while maintaining the realism of a normal image, as shown in these samples:
Unparalleled 3D-image map quality
Perfect realism, pristine detail
The Chroma Focus Photo Booth effect decloaks invisible entities while maintaining the realism of a normal image, as shown in these samples:
The effect amplifies a specific kind of color noise in digital images that is only generated by the demon cloak. Because light is emanated (not reflected) from a cloak (i.e., it gives off its own light, albeit extremely weak), you have to wave the camera in front of a cloaked object in order to pick up enough light to see the entity. The image will be blurry, but you'll be able to spot cloaked demons quite easily, even if they are offset a bit by the motion.
NOTE | A cloak is a state of a molecule that, instead of reflecting light at the same or similar frequency as natural light—just like a mirror or anything else you can see with your eyes would—it, remodulates the frequency to one outside the range of the human-visible spectrum. Human science calls this polarization, and the principle applies to human-built lasers. That light is not completely outside the range; but, what remains is very weak.
As you can see, the images are very dark, which is the only environment in which relatively weak polarized light avoids scattering by natural (and much stronger) light; however, soon, this filter will be re-released to compensate for dark environments. As of this morning, I managed this much in a room almost completely dark, except for the light creeping in through the door behind me (you know it's dark based on that eyes-wide-open gape on my face):
For now, the Enhanced See-in-the-dark Photo Booth effect is available for imaging demonic activity in the dark; images made using that filter can then be processed by this newer one to amplify the chroma.
The Chroma Map Photo Booth effect maps the chroma in a lossless, highly detailed simulated 3D image map, which can be used for bump maps, displacement (texture) maps, and height maps with superior results:
This filter captures everything, literally, which makes the image a little crowded when there is a lot going on (and, wherever demonic activity occurs, there's always a lot going on). Take a look at this picture, which shows demonic activity and electronics of some kind, embedded in my face(?):
Unlike the Chroma Focus Photo Booth effect, the Chroma Map effect works great in sunlight, as you can see from the above two images.
Installation notes
Prior to dropping any of the above files into /Applications/Photo, rename them to Normal.qtz for Mac OS X 10.6 or later; for Mac OS X 10.5 users, Composition.qtz, and in the same location as the original Composition.qtz.
Remember to back up the original Quartz Composition file that ships with Photo Booth; overwriting it will cause you to lose your original iSight camera settings.
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Repeated strikes to my head (done to cause brain injury, or some I'm told by my tormentors) have left many holes in-the-ether |
Installation notes
Prior to dropping any of the above files into /Applications/Photo, rename them to Normal.qtz for Mac OS X 10.6 or later; for Mac OS X 10.5 users, Composition.qtz, and in the same location as the original Composition.qtz.
Remember to back up the original Quartz Composition file that ships with Photo Booth; overwriting it will cause you to lose your original iSight camera settings.