VIDEO | Sucker demons launched into home by demons, their people

On the same day a kind of threat I call 'demonic illusion art' was left in my bathroom closet [see Demonic illusion art left in closet (again)], and only one night after capturing a repatriated demonic entity crawling through my backyard [see VIDEO | Glowing, scorpion/vole-like demonic entity climbs, leaps off backyard fence], demons and their people launched a swarm of sucker demons into my home, some of which I captured on video:

Two sucker demons stream in through the entryway: one by the ceiling light, the other just past the left corner A sucker demon snakes through the air, and around the legs of a barstool
Sucker demons have been shown extensively on this blog since its inception, even though they are difficult to capture on camera. If it weren't for their sheer numbers, there would be no images of them at all; moreover, if it weren't for digital cameras, they wouldn't be seen even then. Initially, one might think that their shape from afar would also make it difficult to distinguish one of them from a speck of dust; but, their speed and flight pattern almost invariably give them away [see VIDEO | Swarm of sucker demons invades bathhouse in second sex video; see also VID | Sucker Demon Flys Through Rafters].

Thanks to all these factors, I was able to make this video, which has two interest points: the flying piece of string that is a sucker demon, swarming around the legs of a barstool, and then the slow glide of the swarm filtering in the my home from the entryway, launched by cloaked demons and their people outside (and inside):

Once inside, they cover the body—inside and out—in order to injure and otherwise cause discomfort and disruption. The most notable targets are joints in the hands, feet and legs, and shoulders, hips and neck. The video clip contained three still frames of very reasonable quality—the second being the best—showing a sucker demon snaking onto my wrist and fingers, in order to stiffen the joints [akin to arthritis, induced overnight]; I inadvertently captured them while picking up the camera while it was still on:

Sucker demons don't just injure, they also annoy. Not just one example can describe the lengths they go to achieve frustration [see VIDEO | Wrestling with a Demon-Possessed iPhone in the Dark]; but, generally, it is a lot of small things, all at the same time.

Here's how to get an idea: do you like your glasses resting at just the right spot on your nose? do you instinctively adjust them whenever they don't feel right? Then, they'll slide them down just a centimeter, repeatedly. At the same time, they'll do something else to you like that, and, repeatedly.

Every human has a plethora of uncompromisable preferences, like how they must wear their glasses, and how they sit, and where their legs and feet go. Over time, people learn to make themselves comfortable subconsciously, shifting their clothes, legs, body position, etc., just the right way without giving it a second thought.

Demons make getting comfortable in the way a person has become accustomed into an intrusive effort, in that they make you consciously aware of and focus on a myriad of discomfort points, all at the same time. That's the primary role of sucker demons, at least in an attack of this nature.

By the end of such an attack, you may be diagnosed with arthritis in every joint, and, of course, have accomplished nothing, burdened by stress. I personally have sustained hundreds upon hundreds of this type of attack.

Sucker demons also used to disfigure face, age skin
A specific kind of sucker demon is used by demons and their people to age skin and to disfigure the face in targets. They work by placing themselves in or on a target area, allowing for their naturally radioactive properties to dissolve or otherwise destroy tissue in a way that causes disfigurement. A perfect example of sucker demon-prematurely aged skin and disfigurement can be seen in PHOTO | Damage to penis by demons extensive, irreparable; in that post, a photo shows the ringed-indenture left by a sucker demon that simply looped itself around the middle of my penis to cause it.
NOTE | Evidence of the type of radiation responsible for this and other atrocities can be found in the distortions it causes in digital camera image sensors, as described in TECHNOLOGY | Problems caused by demonic radiation to digital cameras also detects demonic weapons. As this post explains, although the demonic radiation is destructive to living and non-living matter, it does give them away when they are cloaked. It's why the sucker demons in the images in this post could be seen by the camera, but not by the naked eye.
Demons and their people target specific areas of the face to create a gaunt, unhealthy look in their target. This areas are under the jaw line, the lips, behind the ears and the base of the neck, and the nose; but, primarily, the eyes, starting with the rim of the sockets and all the way to the follicles of the eyelashes. These areas are modified in one of two ways: deepening of grooves and indentures, and discoloring.
NOTE | Sucker demons used for this purpose are also placed in and on the neck, shoulders and trapezius, lats, and middle back in order to atrophy tissue there. They are also placed in the chest, thighs, and calves, pelvic region, buttocks and all surrounding areas in droves, as to cause atrophy there, as well.
Eyebrows and eyelashes are thinned and lightened, too, as follicles are either destroyed or weakened by the radiation from the sucker demon.

Teeth are usually targeted by eroding gums—not by tooth decay or periodontal disease—but by simply pushing them back until the roots and the jawbone are exposed. Evidence of this can be found in persons who have no history of cavities or other diseases, yet have this kind of receding. The receding is always accompanied by loss of enamel around the base of a tooth, around which sucker demons wrap themselves to avoid being chewed. The radiation of the sucker demon will erode not only the enamel, but the gum tissue in the mouth.
NOTE | The upper and lower canines are the primary locations of teeth/mouth-targeting sucker demons, and is marked by aggressive gum recession around only those teeth.
Example: a demon person launching an eye-targeting sucker demon
How a demon person instructs a sucker demon to target a body part is similar to the way a demon person conjures a demon or launches a demonic weapon from their hands or some object, in that it involves the use of discrete, disguised (sometimes peculiar) series of hand gestures, verbal cues, et cetera.

If you're not familiar with hand gestures and the like for doing these two things, stop now, and read these posts:
To embed a tissue-destroying sucker demon on a target, a demon person withdraws a sucker demon from his own body using a plucker, the moniker describing the specific demonic mutation to a hand intent on handling a sucker demon. These still frames, taken from a video showing this type of assault (shown below), show the demonic hand mutation that always occurs in persons removing or otherwise handling sucker demons, in which the fingers elongate slightly, while forming sharp points at their ends:

As he reaches for his eye, his hand mutates because he has a mentally expressed intent on handling a sucker demon to launch at me; and, by withdrawing it from the eye, he is indicating to the sucker demon the landing and target point on my body.

When the sucker demon lands, it will curve around my eye socket. Then, after flattening itself around the rim, it will lie there for as long as it takes to sink and discolor and age the skin and bone there.

This specific sucker demon handling demonic hand mutation is also shown in PICS | Possessing demon revealed in man's eyes, hands, too, and is shown below, just so you can see that this is not new:

In a still frame from a video made during a period of high demonic activity, and in which sucker demons were used, my hand can be seen mutating into a plucker
This video shows the full series of gestures for launching this type of sucker demon; in it, you can see the person drawing a ring around his eye socket with his plucker, and then fake coughing into a coiled hand in my direction:

You'll note the same smug, self-satisfied look on his face afterwards as his demon-launching counterpart, i.e., the nurse that attacked me with a demon she conjured, as shown at the bottom of VIDEO | VMC Hospital nurse attacks using demon:

This look, which is virtually the signature look for demon people, comes from the state of intoxication or euphoria (for lack of better terms) that comes from using demonic powers—the reward from demons for using their powers.
NOTE | For You deliver an afflicted and humble people, but will bring down those with haughty looks. [Psalm 18:27 AMP]
Whether this is a drug or otherwise, it is addictive, and not only encourages demon people to use their powers, but enables them to do so more effectively and powerfully, as the dependence on the 'incentive' increases.

Demonic illusion art left in closet (again)

It's a terror tactic to demons and their people, but the innovative mixture of creativity and magic make it art to me (even if it is meant to terrorize me). In fact, I dubbed it 'demonic illusion art,' which consists of miscellaneous objects grouped and arranged by a demon(s) and/or their people to create the face of a demonic predator; these objects always belong to the intended target.

It is intended to terrorize the demon's target ("we're going to get you"), and is usually situated somewhere in the target's personal living space, such as bedroom or bathroom ("and there's no where we can't go").

The latest occurrence of this type of threat/artwork consisted of shirts and ties hanging in my bathroom closet, arranged to form a scary demonic face, peering at me through the partially open door. It's only visible, though, from a certain angle and at a certain distance:

From my bathroom sink, it looks like you can see a demon inside, peering through a partially opened closet door; the painted/masked face is similar to another demon's face, as shown in VIDEO | Demon caught on video in a cubbie that's inches from bedSame still frame, shown right, enlarged, reveals shirts and ties arranged to create the demon's visage when framed by the door assembly and recessed in shadow
In the case shown above, I was meant to stare this demon in the face, eye-to-eye, from my bathroom sink, where I always tend to glance at the closet door behind me when I brush my teeth. It is this habit that is likely known to the artist, and is probably the reason why the face is mostly only rendered correctly from this position.

The following video clip illustrates the necessity of proper viewing angle and distance, in that the camera is shown taking various positions until just the right one is found:

At first glance—and for a split-second—I actually thought that I had a demon in my closet similar to the one shown in VIDEO | Demon caught on video in a cubbie that's inches from bed:
A mere few feet from my bed, right behind me, stood a demon in my closet, which I inadvertently captured while pointing a video recorder behind my back during a period of high demonic activity
The first instance of this type of artwork documented on this blog was shown in VIDEO TIMELINE | The Face of the Spectre of Death, which consisted of white plastic clothes hangers, artfully arranged into the face of the Spectre of Death, but only when viewed from a specific angle and under specific lighting conditions:
What appears to be the Face of the Spectre of Death... actually white coat hangers arranged by him to intimidate and frighten

VIDEO | Glowing, scorpion/vole-like demonic entity climbs, leaps off backyard fence

A green-glowing, scorpion-like (plus, part vole) demonic entity was captured on video last night, crawling through my backyard. It is shaped like a scorpion (legs, tail) crossed with a vole (tapered snout, lithe/slithering gate), and looks like it has six legs, which is used to climb a neighbor's fence; however, at the end of the clip, it raises up on an additional two legs that look to be six to eight inch long, right before leaping off:

After perching on top of the fence for awhile, it either leaps or flies off—it's difficult to tell.

This clip is a smaller segment of much larger footage made during a period of high demonic activity; it is likely that a portal was left open too long—or was unmonitored—and an entity from another world slipped through.
NOTE | The only demonic entity known to survive outside its native habitat with any degree of longevity is the "nighttime flyer" shown in UPDATE | "Nighttime Flyer" Demon, revisited [see VIDEOS | Orange flyer stalks from behind, green orbs light the way during nighttime walk]. All other demonic entities have been sited once only.
This is not the first video in my collection showing alien animal life. Nearly two years ago, I was able to capture my first two demonic entities by hiding in the bathroom with my video camera; in the video shown in VIDEO TIMELINE | Two Demonic Entities Fly Into My Apartment [see also Two Demonic Entities Fly Into My Apartment], two demonic entities, assuming I'm in my bed, fly into my apartment and dart towards me for the upteenth time (a typical pattern of harassment) to scare me; however, before they get halfway there, they spot me in my hiding place, and quickly fly back out of my apartment.

The newer entity is also not the first to glow; in VIDEO TIMELINE | Flying (Glowing) Demonic Entity [see also VIDEO | Flying (Glowing) Demonic Entity], something can be seen flying past my camera cellphone as I enter my darkened apartment after a nighttime walk.
NOTE | To see videos of other demonic entities, search for demonic entity.

READER | Did your demons follow you to Indiana?

This post is getting longer and longer the more I realize just how much back-story there is to even the littlest of blanket-demon photos; so, I'm cutting off any continuing edits and updates to it for now. This should be enough to entertain you, inform you, and possibly even educate you; but, you're going to have to do a lot of reading for any of that to happen.

Like anything else worthwhile in this world: if you want it, you're going to have to work for it. Happy reading!

By the way, this is a great post for new readers to start with, and I fully expect new readers to follow every link inside this post. Why? I micro-cast this blog to members of paranormal groups because I'm only interested in such for my audience; I'm not looking for Joe Blows off the street, looking to be entertained, and expecting perfection. As a proclaimed paranormal enthusiast (i.e., someone I advertised this post to), your inborn scientific curiosity demands that you examine every shred of evidence placed before you—that means keep your criticism to yourself until you've made the requisite effort.

A loyal reader and friend, LaBarbara Cook, wanted to know if my demons had followed me from California to Indiana, seeing as I haven't posted anything new to my blog since coming here:

This post answers her last two questions; but, first—for the record—I want to point out that this blog is as busy as ever, as far as traffic and interest go [see My unpublished drafts, published for the latest reader statistics]. While, it's true that I haven't posted many new posts since coming here, I have majorly appended and updated ones, the most significant and frequently updated posts being The Death Wish of a Demoniac and Darius "Doll-Maker" Domingo, murdered; jailed killer brags to me, inmates.
NOTE | Crime and drugs are the hottest topics right now, for whatever reason.
I've also been answering phone calls and e-mails from people whose lives are looking more and more like mine:

A reader doubts his insanity by asking for input on his seeing things after viewing my update to Demons in the Attic
Not only am I provided individual help to persons who ask, but I've been preparing responses to the occasional researcher request for specialized input into projects they are working on:

In response to this author's tweet, I'm preparing a commentary on all biblical demonic possession stories
I give special priority to requests such as these, as I intend to do with respect to this future book author, in order to stop the proliferation of ignorance and disinformation within my speciality area.

Second, I don't blog all the new things that happen, but I do update events that I've already blogged, or things I happen to catch on camera. I'd say that comprises about 10% of the going-ons overall, with a similar interest factor. Catching a glimpse of other worlds through holes in the air is quite interesting, but quite unbelievable, so I leave things like that out unless I catch it with my iPhone.

Also, daily posts would be mundane to readers, who are probably looking for something new; and, like everyday for the past eight years or so, day-in and day-out consists of the same, routine physical abuse dolled out by the Voices Demons and their ilk.

What has changed, however, is the location—Indiana—and that's what the reader wants to know about.

Grandma's condo established by demons as "area of confinement," place of continuing torment
Before reading this post, learn what a demon-infested homes (or buildings) and people are by reading these posts first:
If you don't read these posts, you won't get a feel for what life is like in Indiana right now. Sure, you might see an interesting pic or two, but you'll miss the inference and implication. Moreover, if you don't read the posts they link to, they won't tell the whole story, either.

Here's a summary of what you need to know by the time you've brushed up on the essentials:
That demons saturate a target's living space not only with weapons and demonic entities that torment and injure them, but also arm people who share a target's living space with hand- or foot- or verbally-launched demonic weapons for same.
With respect to the goal of using these weapons in an area of confinement, the Voices Demons said today, "They(?) want people looking old and gray before their time," which is akin to what they've been saying all along, as I mentioned nearly two years ago in Demons modify peoples' looks from birth to affect social standing, later to punish or control.

What's also old news is the Voices Demons attempt to cause insanity, which seems to work more on the people they enlist for help than me; nevertheless, this is what they've been saying about that for the past two years or so:
All of this has been the story from the beginning; nothing has changed. Not even by moving to grandma's house...

Introducing the demonic plague, Hoosier-variant (or, Grandpa's blanket demon)
Bedrooms, and, in particular, the bed, is the primary demonic battlefield. Many of the initial posts to this blog from 2011 show videos and pics of demons attacking me in bed, such as the video of a blanket demon leaping up into my face, just one of the things it had been doing all night while I tried to sleep, or the one with the snake-like sucker demon slithering between my sheets, or the one with the miniature hobgoblin demon fighting me for my pillow [see VIDEOS | Demons use my bedspread four times to frighten; see also VIDEO TIMELINE | Sucker Demon In My Bed and VIDEO TIMELINE | Miniature Spectre-of-Death Demon Pulls and Shakes Pillow].

This hasn't stopped. I'm now sleeping in my deceased grandfather's bed—versus Little Orchard's bunks—and here's who I'm sharing it with:

This blanket demon's horse/lion-shaped head is very similar to the scarf demon's, as shown in VIDEO | Demon shapes scarf into multiple variations of face on-the-fly; it is also the second image of a blanket demon hanging off the edge of a bed, the first being shown in Secret builders of blanket demon faces revealed
NOTE | This isn't the only thing crawling around inside my bed; but, it is the most easily photographed due to its size.
The video from which the above still frame was taken:

This is which demon horde he belongs to:

A stylized-eight that is the logo of the demon horde OCCT, fashioned in the same bedspread possessed by grandpa's blanket demon, positioned where I'd see it as soon as I went to bed

That's not the only stylized-eight flashed by demons in this house, either. A routine camera sweep during a period of high demonic activity revealed a very creatively constructed logo of this sort behind the washing machine; it was made out of a string of dust, a yellow clamp and the light reflected off a pipe ring, located behind the first two items. When viewed from the very angle of the camera (and no other), the three form the stylized-eight. This was done in the same manner as the optical illusion "artwork" created by the Spectre of Death nearly two years ago:
The optical illusion of the face of the Spectre of Death, created from clothes hangers in my closet, depended on dark lighting and a particular perspective
A string of dust, part of a yellow clamp, and the light reflecting off a pipe ring, depend on a specific viewer perspective to form the stylized-eight—and foreknowledge that someone would look behind the washing machine for itTurning on the light ruined the illusion, revealing only the clothes hangers, and none of the face of the Spectre of Death, showing that not only did the demon know the angle I would look from, but also what the lighting conditions would be

Somehow, the demon who constructed the stylized-eight knew where I'd point my camera—and when and what angle—and arranged for this little surprise.

Hard to believe? Take a look at the stylized-eight fashioned out of my body hair in PICS | Demon horde 'OCCT' flashes stylized '8' in shadow, body hair.
NOTE | What is the stylized-eight? See Demon-styled 8's popping up all the time, everywhere and Possible meanings, purpose for number 8 symbol explored and PHOTOS | Hobgoblin demons stylize number eight into a logo of sorts.

Stylized-eights and blanket demons point to "secret builders"
Where there's smoke, there's fire. Demonic handiwork such as stylized-eights and blanket demons always point to the presence of the "secret builders" referred to in Secret builders of blanket demon faces revealed.

Finding them was harder than usual, as they been concealing themselves as shadows around the house. In the image below, there are two such demons—one cast as the shadow behind the flag memorial; the other, a much smaller version cast as the shadow by the night-light. They are identifiable only by the shape of their pointy hats and squared-off shoulders:

Without referencing past photos, the pointy hats and squared-off shoulders would be passed off as merely shadows

Without past photographs for reference, I would have never spotted them:
Compare this demon's shape (inside the laundry basket) from Secret builders of blanket demon faces revealed to that of the shadow in the above imageThis demon can also pose as objects, such as an ashtray can, which was revealed by the camera in-motion technique in PICS | Possessing demon revealed in man's eyes, hands

Don't think demons can be shadows? Not only can they form as shadows, as shown in VIDEO | Shadow demon revealed by inability to cast beer bottle's shadow, but they can be mirror reflections, as shown in Mirror demon poor imitator of real thing.

Here's a past example, by the way, of the secret builder demons' work with attic insulation:

OriginalLight contrasting and sharpeningHeavy  contrasting and sharpening
For more information on these photos and the demons that sculpted the head shown in them, see Demons in the Attic.

Demons possess people—not just blankets and dust bunnies
Where there's one snake, there's two. In other words, where there's demons that possess inanimate objects, there's demons that possess people. It's just how it works.

Introducing the sole occupant of the house: grandma, whose inner demons were discovered by digital camera in the same way as described in PICS | Possessing demon revealed in man's eyes, hands:

Brow ridge, arched and darkened eyebrowsSame still frame, enlarged [see The most comprehensive collection of demon-possession videos in existence; see also VIDEOS | Six videos show my face and body morphing, undergoing supernatural changes]
Wide face, pointed features, slit eyesSame still frame, enlarged [see PICS | Possessing demon revealed in man's eyes, hands; see also PHOTO | The eyes of another demon possessing]
Narrow face, pointed ears and noseSame still frame, enlarged [see PHOTOS | Physical attributes of orlock expressed during periods of high demonic activity]
These are just three of the five shown in less than two seconds of video footage.

Demonic possession explains baffling family behavior over past two years
Demonic activity has been somewhat of a family tradition over the past two years, although, unbeknownst to me, it involved possession of family members—not just their ties (or allegiance).

These posts describe just some of their antics (which started at the same time the gang-stalkers attacked in 2006):
These are some of the posts that describe a few of the events that occurred at the same time the family was overtaken by demons, and involves gang-stalkers and gang-stalking at my Sunnyvale home in 2006:
Correcting the mistaken assumption of whose demons are whose and where the problem began
From my standpoint, the problem got attention from California, starting with my blog; but, it really began in Indiana, starting at age 5 [see Childhood demon behind most recent attacks]. Did moving help, would have been the most appropriate question; and, the answer is: it wasn't meant to. It was only meant to move certain fires away from its fuel. And, that it did.

Uh, call me when grandma's head starts spinning—not before...
How about when my wrist starts spinning?

This can't be done with a camera and your wrist without your wrist doing a 360° turn. Try it, if you don't believe it.