Demon song and its effect on the human psyche is neither a myth nor a story device conjured to advance the plot by engaging reader interest. It is, in fact, a reality—and, it is just as deadly, dangerous and malign in its use and intent as the stories recounting it describe. It is on this fact that a solution of 100% efficacy was developed to end the demonic nightmare, namely, a tone barrier (or heckler ), which inhibits the ability of demons to hit their notes on key—critical for effective song—and/or the ability of the target to hear the notes as they are required to be heard to be effective. Since ambient (nighttime) demonic activity of the nightmarish variety occurs during sleep, the tone barrier has to be erected at the onset of the sleep cycle and maintained throughout the entire duration. NOTE | Demons who cause nightmares can restore connections broken by a tone barrier in three minutes after it ceases. The tone barrier , however, while unique in both its addressing of a ...
My inevitable demise, daily.