AIDS | Dr. Crapo lies, gets caught in same

Nobody prays for an extremely difficult personal problem with a solution that requires them to solve the same problem as shared by others; but, ever since having found such three years ago, I am surprised to find that I have never prayed for a way to end it, but for a way to defeat it—and, that, not just for me, but for everyone similarly afflicted. That's requesting more involvement, and on a grander scale, which seems very much opposed to logical thinking.

Anyway, more about that at the end of this post; but, first, God's answer to my prayer for a smoking gun, one which I acquired just today, and which consists of a video catching a doctor in a bold-faced lie with life-threatening consequences.

I should point out also the seriousness of this situation as perceived by the powers-that-be. Within a minute of acquiring the smoking gun of a video that is presented here in this post, Internet connectivity for all cellphones and all businesses in the area went out simultaneously:

The wireless Internet connectivity services provided by Taco Bell, McDonald's and VMC were simultaneously terminated within a minute of my acquisition of the videos presented in this post
I believe this happened solely because I wanted to upload the video because that's precisely the moment it happened. What should have taken only a few minutes to do (upload a video), took nearly an hour; I spent much of that trying to find connectivity, which is usually available in nearly all places. Eventually, however, I realized that everyone was down everywhere within two city blocks, and I had to wait to upload the video until I was out of the area.

All of that made me nervous; I really, really wanted this video out there. But, this has happened before, as shown, for example, by VIDEO | Demons (or other) hinder efforts to post to Facebook, so I took it in stride (at least best I could):

Yeah, I'd say it did...
Demons have near-complete control of the telecommunication industry, to name but one. When I tried to upload the video from my iPhone to YouTube, the wireless service for McDonald's, Taco Bell and VMC went out; so did Sprint's.

Yesterday, I micro-casted a micro-heads-up to my equally micro-audience, notifying them of my upcoming appointment at Dr. Crapo's office, and in regards to the prescription testosterone both demons and people have made active attempts to block—if for no other reason than simply to anger (and sicken) me—and which has now (once again) been successfully blocked:
A heads-up ad usually means I'm expecting a drama of some kind—an expectation handily met today
If you haven't read Demons/people rail against power blockade, you should, as well as all the other posts related to my prescription testosterone; and, you should also read the legal documents on my Scribd page relating to same. Finally, you should read all VMC (or Valley Medical Center) related posts to this blog. If you do, you'll make an easy connection between demons and my medical care, unlike this guy, who clearly read nothing but one post:
In my case, and in any other case where demons actually interfere with medical care of victims, testosterone has everything to do with them; many know that, and anyone reading this blog in its entirety on the subject would, too
I'm presenting the videos from today's appointment in reverse order; that's because the revelation of the lie only takes about 30 seconds, whereas it takes Dr. Crapo over four minutes to get to it. This way, the longer video will be more palatable to watch—and, strangely, more suspenseful, too, even though you know what's going to happen:

First, Dr. Crapo's lie, as revealed by a lab technician:

Basically, after having been presented with bogus test results by Dr. Crapo minutes earlier, I verified with a lab technician that the blood test in question was never taken.

Finally, Dr. Crapo's lie prior to being revealed by a lab technician:

Instead of proffering only the word of a lab technician, I present my online history of testosterone blood tests results:
MyHealthOnline, a site run by VMC itself, shows that no blood test was taken on the day Dr. Crapo said it was
What you're looking for is a blood test supposedly taken between 8/11 and 8/13; and, you're looking at the levels indicated by the last test, which are at the low-end of the normal range for an 85-year-old man.

The lie is actually provable without surreptitiously acquired video:
  • First, by stating the fact that the numbers simply aren't possible; my levels could not be 1347 after a single dose three weeks to one month prior. That is physically impossible.
  • Second, blood tests have shown that I do not produce the chemical that causes the production of testosterone:
This test from many moons ago shows that my brain does not tell my damaged testes to produce testosterone, and was (and is) available to Dr. Crapo; VIDEO/PHOTO | Smoke trails from head where demons burn insides shows how the damage to my pituitary gland may have occurred
  • Third, that I took a test at all when, in fact, I explicitly avoided it because I was expecting my medical records to show that I already taken the test that he wanted years ago—medical records that he admits that he did not even review, and states he will not even review, in spite of my efforts to acquire them (at his request!):
After six-hours of two transits to-and-from Elmwood Correctional Facility (but only a measly $5), I obtained the medical records Dr. Crapo requested, which he did not review, and subsequently stated he wasn't going to review
These medical records were intended to show that I already submitted to a battery of tests identical to those proposed by Dr. Crapo, and were provided in lieu of yet another round of health-diminishing cessation:

After obtaining the video of the lab technician, I returned to the lobby as requested by Dr. Crapo and his staff. While there, just like the one that stood silently behind a door during my appointment with the referring doctor, I was observed by a police officer, who stood some distance away, listening to an unsolicited conversation with a stranger interested in testosterone therapy:
Today, right after the Voices Demons tried razzing me about being arrested (for what, they could not say), a complete stranger out-of-the-blue "likes" a very old Facebook post—something I doubt was a coincidence, considering today's events; my, how demon people have a sense of humor
I waited about 15 minutes before letting a staff member know I was leaving, and would not be returning, ever.

I reiterated that intent during a subsequent phone call, which the same staff member initiated, even while requesting that some sort of prescription be issued, if possible, at least until my new insurance allows me to see another doctor at another hospital on September 1st:

For almost a third of an hour, I listened to a staff member explain that Dr. Crapo intended to review today's blood test prior to deciding a course of action—an option never discussed with me, and which sounded like a pretext of some kind; I spent about half that time asking what recourse a person has under the circumstances, other than to continue to beg for the medication he desperately needs
If there are any updates—which will have to be wholly initiated by VMC—I'll post them.

More about the logic of making things harder than they have to be
A surface analysis of Jesus' life makes him look like a bit of an eccentric, particularly in areas of the Gospel which recount His actions that appear to defy logic, such as:
  • Casting out demons and healing the sick (undoing or interfering with demon drama—sickness, possession, and the like—is a no-no to demons and their people, then and now; it is called not playing fair, and telling them that they are in the wrong, and that they made a mistake, which you should never do in their vernacular [Matthew 8:29];
  • Calling the bourgeoisie (the religious elite of Jerusalem) a brood of vipers in open public, at the height of His popularity, and when He would be the most heard and received—the most embarrassing time for Him to do it [Matthew 23:33];
  • Accepting the title of King of Israel—even parading down the street in a sort of coronation ceremony held by the masses—even while Jerusalem was under Roman rule, which meant certain execution [John 12:14];
  • Cleansing the temple by brute force, fashioning a homemade weapon and using it to commit assault and battery against any number of merchants doing business inside [Matthew 21:12; John 2:15];
  • Literally running to His own execution, claiming that God would raise Him from the dead in three days [Mark 10:32]; and,
  • Testifying to authorities in front of a people that would not have accepted Him even if they had known for sure who He was, that He was the Son of God, the Messiah, and rightful King of Israel, knowing that He would be executed for doing so [Matthew 27:11-13].
It was completely logical and sane to Him to choose to do these things because He knew the power of a man in right-standing with God; moreover, these were all things that needed to be done, and were handled rightly in the eyes of God. So, being fully aware of His sinless state, and having complete and total persuasion (faith) in His mind that God was on His side, He did them fearlessly.

In sum, the illogical, insane thing to do is sometimes the right one; so, you do it.

Similarly, I'm asking for a means from God as a man in such right-standing to handle a problem I know is not just my own; I've seen the poor, homeless, and migrant and jail populations underserved and mistreated in the same way for many, many years now. It only takes one corrupt doctor to do that to all those people, and I know God wants that to stop. Since it's happening to me, too, I may as well throw my hat in the ring [Matthew 11:12].

Anyway, I'll stop writing on this until I can flesh out the argument a bit with success (even though I think the presence of mind to record the visits, which I do with no other doctor or persons, led to the success of catching the problem red-handed—you can't deny it). I mean, I can see it now, knowing the way this county handles blowbacks from the atrocities it commits.

Undoubtedly, I'll be asked questions like these by a prosecutor or psychiatrist before you know it: Mr. Bush, do you think you have special abilities granted by God? Mr. Bush, do you think of yourself as a one-soldier army?

I'll just answer those now, if it's all the same: Yes; and, sometimes.

AIDS | Desperate demon people make desperate maneuvers

About this post
The purpose of this post is to show my continued walk from victim of Satan, his angels and other agents of the anti-Christ, to victor through Christ. You should read its companion post, Desperate demons make desperate maneuvers, first, which was written prior to His call (or rather, my answer) to sell everything I have, and give to the poor. [Luke 18:24].

What did I sell? The only source of my income, all former means of rest and recreation (or what I called fun), and all my connections to society as I've known it. What did I give? See the end of this post.

My motivation, by the way, is this: when you tell the Army of Darkness you got Jesus, you better get Jesus. The way you do that is, once the invitation to have Him is extended, you have to accept. That means continue in the paths of righteousness, resisting all evil, no matter the temptation, and getting busy with the Work of the Lord [see BIBLE | The Study Notes of a Demoniac [Revelation 1-2]].

Here's how that looks so far in the life of a demoniac...

Maybe the word isn't so much desperate as it is transparent—or maybe obvious. I know what they want: to get high so they can do their thing [see Demons, their people continue to exploit, cause suffering via open portals]; it's the first quarter of the apogee moon, and that makes for demon people a money and power bonanza on top of what is already provided by me. Not only that, but violence and power are every bit as seductive and addictive as sex, and demon people take perverted in this regard to new heights, let me tell you.

But, what these deviates (or perverts) want it to look like is that they're in a generous mood, and want to be friendly—albeit all of the sudden, and after a really, really long time of silence:

The initial question could have been answered...with a link to VIDEOS | Naked, demon-possessed man writhing on floor helps animate, transport demons
As you can see, though, I'm a man-on-the-mend, and simply wasn't accepting this or any of the other three invitations to derail my salvation today. It looks like demon people haven't been paying due attention to the person they recently tried to murder [see Hospitalized by demonic retaliatory strike for power blockade]; fortunately, God has, Who even answered my every-Saturday and all-day-Sunday prayer for the past year, specifically, Please help me find a Christian family:

God's reluctance to deposit a Christian family on my doorstep after so many months of prayer for same pretty much told me to simply ask other Christians for what I wanted directly; glad I did, as Jason Stewart, preacher at Miramonte Avenue Church of Christ, is taking responsibility for easy transportation to and from his Mountain View congregation
That prayer is based on much, much more than my longing to find a place that will welcome me with open arms a few times a week; rather, it's based on this stone-cold fact: when you're outside of the Church, you're outside of the purview of Christ. That's bad in the demon-fighting business, so my motivation is two-fold for the right reasons.

It's even more than that, though, in that being a part of a Church makes you responsible for not only yourself, but for others who God is very, very serious about. You have to be holy and remain holy for any kind of effectual prayer, and, if I am to pray with these people, I can't bring any evil with me when I do; it nullifies their righteous agenda. Pouring yourself into their mix is like pouring a poison in their drink. Doing so is beyond the definition of wrong as mankind comprehends it.

I am convinced that God is pushing me in the same way He's pushed every man since the beginning of time, and that is to learn not only consider others where your conduct impacts them, but to make others a part of your responsibility, too. It's a path we all have to take in our development as souls worthy of eternal life; with me, He's doing so in a way most grave and consequential, having directed my path to such a special group of people, namely, the members of the little church that could.

The stupendous thing about my day, then, is the realization that the Creator of all things is taking an active interest in my development and needs. I'm one of the few humans on earth that I know of that truly knows the size of the Universe, and the sheer number of souls contained therein, having been exposed and close-quartered to so many different species of sentient life over the years. As such, I'm quite qualified to say that God clearly meant to keep Himself busy with all the works of His hands. Any attention at all paid to little ol' me produces an amazing feeling, which was described best by someone else experiencing the same thing many thousands of years ago. David, son of Jesse, King of Israel, wrote [Psalm 34]:
I will bless the Lord at all times:
his praise shall continually be in my mouth.
My soul shall make her boast in the Lord:
the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad.
O magnify the Lord with me,
and let us exalt his name together.
I sought the Lord, and he heard me,
and delivered me from all my fears.
They looked unto him, and were lightened:
and their faces were not ashamed.
This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him,
and saved him out of all his troubles.
The angel of the Lord encampeth
round about them that fear him, and delivereth them.
O taste and see that the Lord is good:
blessed is the man that trusteth in him.
O fear the Lord, ye his saints:
for there is no want to them that fear him.
The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger:
but they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing.
Come, ye children, hearken unto me:
I will teach you the fear of the Lord.
What man is he that desireth life,
and loveth many days, that he may see good?
Keep thy tongue from evil,
and thy lips from speaking guile.
Depart from evil, and do good;
seek peace, and pursue it.
The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous,
and his ears are open unto their cry.
The face of the Lord is against them that do evil,
to cut off the remembrance of them from the earth.
The righteous cry, and the Lord heareth,
and delivereth them out of all their troubles.
The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart;
and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
Many are the afflictions of the righteous:
but the Lord delivereth him out of them all.
He keepeth all his bones:
not one of them is broken.
Evil shall slay the wicked:
and they that hate the righteous shall be desolate.
The Lord redeemeth the soul of his servants:
and none of them that trust in him shall be desolate.
NOTE | By the way, this psalm also summarizes all my expectations, as well as my past experiences along this journey. I, in no way, have any problem with being a kindred spirit to "the man after God's own heart."
As so poignantly stated in BIBLE | The Study Notes of a Demoniac [Revelation 1-2], Jesus doesn't just drop into your life, save it, and then expect you to stand around in awe of Him:
And as they were gazing intently into the sky while [Jesus] was going, behold, two men in white clothing stood beside them and said, "Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into the sky? This Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, will come in just the same way as you have watched Him go into heaven."
— Acts 1:11
Rather, there's work to be done, and He expects you to be about it:
For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father's glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what they have done.
— Matthew 16:27
To that end, this morning, even while tempted by yet another request like that shown above...

Yet another attempt (bottom), and right after a night of endless dreams in which I (relievedly) rebuffed offers of drugs and sex, no thanks to dreamweaver demons; and, shouldn't it be, "Good morning! How's your head?" and not, "Can I help you sell your soul to Satan?"
...I resumed my charity work in earnest:

My self-designed tri-fold brochure for free legal document preparation services; the front page is on the rightThe service offers assistance in preparing two of an evictee's legal defenses not offered by a similar county service
This is the brochure I designed to introduce to people the Devil doesn't see fit to house a service that begs to differ; specifically, free legal document preparation services for would-be evictees, who need to keep their place a little longer than the 30 days allowed by law—up to 60 days—but who are without money to pay rent.

My travails with demons and their people over my own housing these past few years has afforded me such useful knowledge and skill [see eviction], and I now offer that freely to anyone needing same. God wants everyone indoors; so do I. I believe it, under the circumstances in which this world is run, a human right.

There's no one standing in line starting at 6 a.m. waiting for access the county-funded legal services provided at the Notre Dame courthouse (where I am also passing out the flyers) that doesn't deserve help with preparing an answer to a suit for unlawful detainer—only one of three possible defenses provided by the county service—nor are they undeserving of access to the other two defenses available to them as provided by me.

Homelessness in the County of Santa Clara is rarely an if-you-don't-work-then-you-don't-eat consequence; it's nearly always the work of the Devil, as is easily ascertained by and through this blog's past treatment of the subject.

Ambassador for Christ
There are actually three distinct steps to obtain right-standing with God: as I've already stated, stopping sin is step one; working for the Lord is step two. The third step, though, is spreading the Word, and giving credit where it's due: Christ Jesus [2 Corinthians 5:20-21].

Without praise for the Son of God, you're taking credit for something you didn't do (or could ever maintain) on your own—holiness. Carrying the banner of the cross on your walk along the Way is the key to obtain all of God's promises.

To that end, my most recent wiper-flyer campaign:
Occasionally, mini-flyer spreads like this one are cut across the borders, and then each flyer is placed under windshield wipers to alert the public of demonic activity relevant to their lives
Now, there's no way "to do it" like Jesus did; His path was unique to ours. But, when you follow His lead into battle against evil, what can be said about what you do sometimes looks awfully similar to something that was said about what He did:
Having spoiled principalities and powers [e.g., my power embargo], He made a shew of them openly [e.g., my blog], triumphing over them in it [e.g., my attainment to right-standing with God through obedience].
— Colossians 2:15
Totally not the same thing; but, it's not not the same thing, either. Uncanny, at the least.

Coming up...
Tomorrow, August 18th, 2015, is another showdown over my all-important medication regimen with the office of Dr. Crapo. Get up-to-date on the story in Demons/people rail against power blockade, and then check back here to see what happened during my 1pm appointment at VMC.

TECHNOLOGY | Download Chroma source code from Github

The source code for the latest version of the Chroma Photo Editing Extension for iPhone is now available from Github:
The source code for the Chroma Photo Editing Extension for iPhone is now available at Github
It is an Xcode project written in Objective-C, and was last updated on August 7th, 2015 at 3:04 PM:

The software and hardware requirements are:

The software requirements for using the source code for the Chroma Photo Editing Extension
You can clone the repository via HTTPS, SSH or Subversion.

About Chroma
Chroma makes available to the iPhone the latest advancements in medical and scientific image-processing techniques for the purposes of detecting cloaked entities using its built-in camera; the fidelity and precision at which it renders details is unparalleled:

In the above image, body hairs, stitching and fingerprint ridges captured in exquisite detail, all in one image, using Chroma.

How does this precision translate into detection of invisible demons? It's needed to render the slight imperfections and wavering of air and light caused by a cloak into an image you can see.