GALLERY | Demon doorknob (and more...)

This post contains images that are the various results from my imaging filter tests. It is similar to The Desktop of a Demoniac, which was updated every so often with snapshots of my Mac or iPhone workspace as I developed GIMP and Photoshop methods for processing images showing demonic activity.

There are only a few pics to start; but, I will post more as I acquire other interesting ones while testing.

Left alone in a virtual stranger's pitch-black three-car garage-made-for-living for about a minute more than I was comfortable with prompted me to turn on my iPhone camera to find out what might be lurking about. As it turns out, I was surrounded by dozens upon dozens of demons in every nook and cranny of the place. There wasn't an uninteresting one among them; but, these three caught my eye because they are far more unique than I usually encounter:
Three (or more) needle-head variety demonsThe same still frame (left), enhanced, revealed a different variety of demon (right)
Needle-head demons, I call them—or at least their variety. Although this is the first time I've seen them, due to the extensive number of encounters with demons and demon-aware sentient life, which could also be described as intimate and familiar, I can say I already know a lot about them.

People who know demons in general who come across new demons can assess intelligence, social standing, and culture by two things first: facial expressions and the clothing; second, the direction they face you, and then what they say, if anything (and whether they say it to you or another demon). The latter denotes their intention to make you take note of the messages their faces and clothes send. Third, the number that appear together (whether one by itself or a group), and the mixture of that group.

Demon doorknob
Subtracting the result of my multi-morphological operator imaging filter applied to an image made in my bathroom from the original produced several demons hiding in the folds of a towel draped over the light, as well as the doorknob to the cabinet. While it's not unusual for demons to possess textiles, it's rare that a doorknob is possessed by anything other than a demonic weapon or sucker demon of some variety (in order to injure hands or interfere with its operation):

A red-eyed skull-faced demon, apparently, poses as a bathroom cabinet doorknob
Acid-spewing anemones
Barnacles, that look like anemones. That's the best way I can describe them. They can be felt, but not removed easily. They dodge attempts to remove them, attaching their tendrils to hair and skin, while burrowing their roots—probably—to the bone. Over time, the area on which they are anchored begins to deteriorate (atrophy), dry and sag. Using my new Minimum imaging filter for the iPhone Photos app, you can see a plethora of them attached to my arm:

A still frame processed by my new Minimum imaging filter for iPhoneThe original, unprocessed still frame
The sprouts coming from the darker regions on my arm are invisible to the naked eye; but, as you can see, the imaging filter brings them out perfectly:

My arm looks like the anemone-coated bed of a tidal pool, and feels like it, too, even though this can't be seen with the naked eyeTo the unaided eye, my arm looks like an arm—not my old arm, but an arm, nonetheless
Nearly every frame of the video from which the still frames above were taken show similar degrees of attack and damage, some even worse:

Don't laugh; soldiers wear helmets
Here are close-ups from the above:

For a look at another plastic sheet-wearing lunatic (said in jest, and of myself only; this woman is a victim, and a brave one at that), see UPDATE | Demons, their people continue to exploit, cause suffering via open portals.

Instruments of decay
Images of what's eating you: the sucker demons and other cloaked entities that are literally eating away at your body, from the skin to the bone [see also TECHNOLOGY | Demonic maggots erode face, neck]:

Cloaked entities, placed on my face by demons and their people, in order to age and erode my face—and that's just one of nearly all my places where things like this can be found (thanks to my new imaging filters)
Another close-up, produced by an early version of my Standard Deviation Filter
The blue-tinted coils embedded in the skin of my noise portends to more implantations than I previously thought I had
The coloring of the coils distinguishes them from the organisms in the surrounding area

Long's inner demon(s)
Every demoniac I've ever encountered has more than just one demon, even when they only know of just one, which would make one think that it'd be more difficult to create images of them, seeing as they all overlap themselves and the person they are possessing.

Fortunately, the individual species of each member of a demon-possessing horde must be different for them to share the same space or perform in a similar capacity as joint-possessing demons; my theories are that's either because:
  • the cloaked molecules from the same species cannot overlap and perform the functions of a demon battling for control over its target, whereas the cloaked molecules of another species can perform without undue interference from other demons (think of a cloak as a radio frequency; no two stations can broadcast on the same frequency, but can share the same air if they use different ones); or,
  • the demon mind cannot think for more than one demon, and two demon minds vying for influence and/or control over one would clash.
I'm leaning towards the frequency theory, considering that all you have to do to see two different overlapping demons in a person is to filter two different frequencies of an image of said person. The still frames below are all the same still frame from the source video, yet, in combination, they show the person and two different demons:

Long resting in the bathroomA possessing demon, doing sameAnd another, doing sameAnd yet another, doing same

As you surmised, this was made possible using two different imaging filters—both of the band-pass kind—configured so that different frequencies of the still frame were isolated and rendered to a new still frame image:
The imaging filters used to create the above filtered still frame images
Perfected face of blanket demon
It's rare to see a demon's face made out of a blanket take on a realistic look; most blanket demons either don't have the skill or don't take the time to do as good a rendering as, say, The Bathhouse Blanket Demon, or as artistically as the demon that shaped his face out of a scarf nearly 30 times per second with about as many variations; instead, they tend to settle with a sort of caricature of their actual face like, say, The Pillow Demons.

Early this morning, I captured on video a consummately lifelike version of a blanket demon's face; it was so detailed, I thought I was looking at flesh-and-bones at first. Following are two of over a dozen still frames showing this demon's work-of-art:
The face of a blanket demon, staring at the ceiling, wearing headdress common for certain varieties of possessors of blanketsThe face was sculpted (or formed) out of an unfolded blanket, lying on top of an also-possessed suitcase
Incidentally, these images were slightly contrast-enhanced using Photoshop, and not with one of my image filters.

Closest close-up ever of white flying sucker demon (sRGB-Inversion image filter)
In SCIENCE | Sucker demons fly like some fish swim, I proposed a theory on how sucker demons fly, which somehow manage to achieve airborne status with only their thread-like bodies and no wings. Unfortunately, because they are so small, shy and hard-to-see with the naked eye, I hadn't acquired many decent close-up shots—Sucker demons buzz camera, poisoning by radiation (finally) captured on video being the only possible exception—which would allow me to confirm the mechanics of sucker-demon flight, until today. These three still frames show a sucker demon passing in front of my camera lens about an inch away:

A video clip made this morning shows what looks like a speck of dust drifting in front of my camera......however, freeze-framing reveals the body of a sucker demon......which is more tubule in-flight than thread-like
Although it looks really large in the still frames, the sucker demon is only about an inch or two and thread-thin; and, because it's only visible in three frames (out of 30 per second), I decided against posting the video clip showing it for now.

Demon shapes light reflected off bathroom wall into face (Root-Mean-Square - Unsharp Mask and Mean of Minimum and Maximum filters)
How does a demon shape light? Maybe like a prism or lens; but, it could also be polarized light emitted by the demon's cloaked molecules as reflected light from the bathroom wall hits them.

Regardless of how, his face is quite clear after the still frames showing the reflection are processed using my RMS-UM image filter, allowing for a visible discernment of its teeth:
The filter over-amplified the green tendrils dripping down the wall obscure the demon's face somewhat......but can nonetheless be easily found by looking first at his very prominent right eye, and then to his toothy grimace
Note that both the blanket demon and the one above are facing upwards (towards the ceiling).

VIDEO | Hand-like, demonic tendril rises in front of TV

About this post (updated 8/29/2015)
Have you ever wondered, "Why do 'crazy' people always take their electronics apart?" Believe it or not, it's because they know it's their electronics that made them crazy—or something inside them, that is...

What I thought at first was just a part of the image on the TV, shown just outside the door in the room in which my video camera was set up, turned out to be a demonic tendril on closer inspection, which rose from either the console in front of the TV or from somewhere behind it:
What I thought was an image on TV turns out to be a demonic tendril, which rose from somewhere on top of the armoire
I processed a close-up with image-editing software in the following manner, in order to capture some of the tendril's details:
A still frame showing the tendril, processed by my mean-of-the-minimum-and-maximum (3x3, leveled)  imaging filter; it looks like a raw catfish steak
That helped some; but, a better way to distinguish the tendril from the image on the TV screen is to watch the video:

It appears to be the same weapon I detected in another video using the Ripple Effect filter that ships with Photo Booth (Apple) earlier this year, as first shown in Detecting live demonic activity using CCD sensors:

Both videos were made during periods of high demonic activity, and show a weapon used to slowly but surely degrade the health and appearance of (e.g., drain the life/give demons their jollies from...) its victims (e.g., ...the occupants of the my apartment), not to mention their mental health, as it most often strikes the head [see PHOTO | Close-up of tendril from hidden demonic weapon, lashing out].

The damage from these weapons is more severe to portions of your molecular make-up that are in a semi-cloaked state like the weapons themselves, and looks something like this:

The indentations on either side of my head (top, left and right) are actually there, but are not visible filtering the reflected light, and rendering an image from only polarized light
Those holes or indentations on the left and right of the top of my head are not perceptible to the human eyes as damage, so much as deformity or "just the shape of your head, which changes as you get older." By filtering from digital media the light reflected by the molecules you can see and then rendering an image using what's left over (i.e., the polarized light emanated by the semi-cloaked molecules, which is seeable, but is drowned out by the much more powerful and plentiful reflected light), you will be able to readily and easily distinguish between a point of impact and a natural change in bodily shape.

BIBLE | The Study Notes of a Demoniac [Phil. 2:13]

Having difficulty ascertaining the relevance of the Word to your life or situation? Not seeing the pressing need to be involved with God?

If you need more trust in the process from sinner to saint, know this: your very notion that you should ascertain the need for and value of being a follower of The Way, when coupled with just one small step—reading The Word—is all the evidence you need that God is working in you.
“For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.” ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭2:13‬ ‭KJV‬‬
God promises to see you through that process; so, whatever has happened, is happening, and will happen will not impinge or impede His will in this regard, so long as you go where He leads.

If you are even slightly compelled to follow Jesus, nurture it, grow it, build on it until you can stand on it safely and securely, cherishing what you have as if it were as vital as the air you breathe.

TECHNOLOGY | Decloaking Demons | Frequency, spatial domain & morphological filtering

I'm putting this post together right now; you can check back every 5 minutes or so for updates. I post early whenever I think I've got something interesting to share that shouldn't wait. In spite of my circumstances, that's not very often. Most people already know what they are doing (or not doing)—which this post sort of eludes to in so many ways, but directly—so what "news" do I really have? That a sucker demon flew up my nose?! They already know that, by reason that they are the ones who sent it.

By the way, here's the video of that sucker demon flying up my nose:

What I think this post will offer, then, is not new information, but a new way to see it. People may know what they are throwing on people, and they may know and/or have seen the damage the things thrown on people by them inflict; but, I know for a fact that they do not have the equipment or know-how to see the actual demonic entities they wield as weapons and instruments of torture (and are also damaged by), and therefore cannot fully comprehend the gravity of their actions (nor be truly aware of the own status as victims of similar injury, albeit due to ignorance, and not malice). I also know for a fact that, even if they could see what they were doing, they wouldn't want anyone else to see them, even while I think it's a good thing that everybody know everything about anything related to creatures misused in this way. That's not to mention the people who smuggle, conceal, bear as arms weapons of mass destruction on American soil and abroad, and who have and do and have vowed to and have the capacity to continue to use them for the purposes of assault and murder of U.S. citizens (and abroad) for the purposes of worldwide sedition—which, by the way, marks the opening salvo of their oft- and long-stated plan to overthrow (or at least subdue or subvert) governments everywhere, and otherwise conquer the world.
NOTE | At least that's what I'm told. Personally, I've seen none of the requisite competence or ambition—just assholes.
When I'm done writing the post, I'll say so in the usual places; but, I wouldn't wait 'til then if I were you. There is no other place on Earth with images like those posted here. You are seeing up-close sentient life never viewed before on this level—life that is the source of all aging, nearly all disease and injury, and, depending, healing and defense/protection, too.

An interesting sequel: Obviously, I cannot say for sure; but, it is possible that Jesus used these particular entities shown in the following images to reattach the centurion's ear, lost to one of His disciples in a skirmish during His arrest. That's a guess based on my narrowing down ... extensive knowledge of most "unknown" sentient life around town, and at least two experiences of healing by them.

Last summer, a demon person used them to heal a severe cut to my face, which occurred during a very physical confrontation between me and other demons/people. They shot straight out of his fingers, and when they reached my face, they turned the skin around the wound to that ethereal clay that skin becomes in the ether [see VIDEO | Spider-like sucker-demon variety burrows under skull], molding the wound into a scarless replica of the original area. In the following spring, a gaggle of them slithered from the hand and arm of a doctor in the demon-addled emergency room of VMC Hospital; they opened a hole in my armpit similar to the one shown in VIDEO | Hole opens in left armpit, and instantly repaired whatever damage five heart attacks had caused.

Anywho, all conjecture. And, now, on to the post...

I've made so many variants of band-pass (frequency domain) filters and so many more morphological filters in my quest to decloak demons that my collection of imaging filters almost rivals the product offerings of many leading image analysis systems companies that develop products using the same filters for the medical industry; but, even with all those resources now at my fingertips for finding hidden demons, it always seems that it takes just one to make breakthrough discoveries, such as my new Variance filter.

Although other filters posted in the past have shown entities like sucker demons flying through the air and eating away at my face, eyes, bones and other body parts [see TECHNOLOGY | Gaussian + Laplacian, standard deviation high-pass filters = decloaked tissue-eroding entities], none have portrayed them as realistically as this one. Following are stills from the first video employing the filter to find the same kind of entities shown just two days in Minutiae detection solutions needed for small entities' attacks, that were (and are) attached to my face today:

They look like fangs (or even tusks) jutting from my cheeks, just under my inner eyes, but are actually yellow sucker demons, slithering from out of my skull and onto the surface of my skin [made on iPhone 5s using my new Variance filter]In the original (unfiltered) video, the still frame shows no evidence of any such thing, even though they could be felt on my face and with my hands (you can, however, see things in the original that you cannot in the filtered version)
This is the work of my new Variance filter, one of a growing number of imaging filters I've added to my collection recently that perform morphological transformations to images in both the spatial and frequency domains; in short, that means a filter that enhances certain elements of an image by blending a specific frequency of that image by subtracting the variance between pixels in the frequency-sliced image and the original. By first applying a properly formulated Gaussian kernel to one of the images prior to calculating the difference between the two, the result is practically a brand-new image, in which all formerly invisible (or, more accurately, camouflaged) portions of the original are revealed, and in which all formerly visible take a back seat to those newly revealed portions.

The Variance filter is easy to use; just touch the filter to apply it.
Using it, I was able to ascertain exactly what disfigured my head and body, and what is being now used to do even worse, in under two minutes. The original video is about 15 seconds; the Variance filter took about as long to process it, producing in record time these startling images:

I'm done working on this post for now (except for the blurb that follows); hopefully, though, I'll return to it so to highlight and caption the still frames' points-of-interest. Until then, here is filtered version of the source video:

To-date, the Variance filter is available as an Apple Photo Editing Extension; it filters both video and still images made with the iPhone 5 and 6 built-in camera and stored in the Photos app. It is applied using simple and familiar touch gestures, none of which require any user input, other than the selection of the filter itself.

Following is the source code for both the Core Image Filter and the OpenGL ES kernel that comprise the Variance filter:

The Variance Core Image Filter (Objective-C portion)The Variance Core Image Kernel (OpenGL ES)