#429 - Fourth death threat contains another gory photo

If it weren't for Night of the Gun Chase and many other nights like it—as well as the forewarning given by the gang-stalkers of violence and death and the song about my pending murder in prison and my pending murder in the near future—threats like these would be easier to dismiss:
The fourth death threat, received by e-mail
It reads:
you will die real soon, the top of your head sawed open, your brains cut out and examined for the demons. this is what is going to happen to you - Jesus Tejada
This is the fourth death threat that I believe was sent by the same person, and, just like the others, it follows the advancement of my case against a demon-allied man who is now being investigated by a California county sheriff's office as a suspect in a sexual assault against me.

Just hours before receiving this e-mail, I contacted the investigator in that case in order to impart additional information. Several weeks before that, I received the second death threat an  a third death threat within minutes of telling others about the sexual assault.
NOTE | Like the fourth death threat, the third one also contained a graphic image, specifically, of severed penises placed in the mouths of severed heads.
The first threat by e-mail followed an interview with the sheriff's office about the case; it was preceded by a death threat by mail, which consisted of a letter with a bullet taped to it:
A death threat by letter, received at Heaven's Gate Recovery Homes at 650 South Fifth Street in San Jose, California
For more on these threats and related incidences, read the following posts:

#428 - AUDIO | Chorus of female voices demons sing about penis, homosexuality and pending murder

Following is a sample from a much longer recording, in which the Voices Demons direct acts of physical violence, and in which you can hear them taunting the victim (i.e., me):

It's obnoxious to listen to this recording because the background noise, which sounds like a jet engine, almost eclipses the cheerleader-style song sung by at least two female voices demons; but, because the lyrics are somewhat discernible, it is still worth your tolerance, in that it provides insight into the daily lives of those suffering at the hands of these maniacally cruel demons.

Follow are two images showing me before and after the aforesaid violence and verbal torment, specifically, yesterday at 9.23 PM, and today at
Yesterday at 9.24 PM, before the physical attacks by various centurion-like demons and the tormenting by Voices Demons, as heard in the recording, aboveToday, about four hours later, after as many hours of listening to the likes of that in the recording, non-stop, while being burnt in the head and eyes
The original, 30-minute long recording can be downloaded from MediaFire.

#427 - VIDEO | A room in which a portal from Hell opened

In several posts, I describe times of a high number of demon sightings, attacks and other interactions as "periods of high demonic activity." And, in VIDEO | Demon caught on video in a cubbie that's inches from bed, I described what the environment looks like during these times; specifically, that:
"the tell-tale signs of demonic activity, or, technically, hyperdimensional portal activity, [include] chroma-filled air, slowly bending and undulating shelves and walls, and the tightening and slackening of the fabric of the clothes inside. There [are] also the fleeting shadows of fast-moving, cloaked demons, darting in and out of my peripheral vision. Finally, pinpoints of red and yellow light, which are similar to that from laser pointers, [appear] on the walls and flooring, which are hyperdimensional portals—or doorways—opening to and from demonic realms or other locations within ours."
What I haven't done is provided a good video example of what this looks like, until now. Following is about a three-minute video of a room filled with chroma, cloaked demons in the background, sucker demons and eye spider demons covering my body:

You can see the sucker demons pretty well as they dance all over my scalp, particularly, in the location where they once and forever made me bald.
NOTE | By the way, because sucker demons are the cause of baldness—and not genetics or whatever—science can't cure it. Demons use sucker demons to make certain men bald for reasons of their own.
You will also note sucker demons and eye spider demons, everywhere. They look like animated, long and black strands of hair along the top and sides of my shoulders. You can see one of them snake from one of my nostrils to an eye socket. You can even see them stretched between my hand and ear at two points.

Important viewer tip
In order to see any of this, of course, you should download the source video from MediaFire [27.98 MB]. Downloading the source video is a must for those who want to see the cloaked demons and the chroma; the YouTube-compressed version just doesn't show those things very well at all.

Other videos showing hyperdimensional portal activity visuals
More visuals from the effects of an open hyperdimensional portal can be seen in VIDEO | What fire from Hell looks like.

#426 - Third death threat adds decapitation to penectomy

This e-mail I received just now:
The third death threat by e-mail warns of decapitation, in addition to the former threat of penectomization
Apparently, a penectomy is no longer enough; now, instead of just my penis, someone wants to cut off my head, too, in that the e-mail reads:
you will be decapitated and then your sliced off dick shoved in your mouth
Demons and/or their human collaborators are already responsible for extensive and irreparable damage to both my penis and testicles, as more fully explained in, for example, Doctor cites 'Testis Contusion' as the basis for prescribing testosterone injections.

Even still, I'm not sure, though, if the sentiment is all this person's own. Typically, the Voices Demons put people up to this kind of stuff; rarely, is this type of thing that person's idea.

Penectomy has been part of the Voices Demons' lexicon for nearly six years now, as was first reported in Frequently used words by the voices demons and Excerpt: 15 seconds of Voices Demons threats, rambling; by its near-constant substitution with other words in every other sentence, it is no surprise that even my cyberstalker is aware of it [see Another death threat | The Life of a Demoniac; see also Bizarre communication usually follows demonic attacks and Tactics advisory riles long-time cyberstalker].

Their plan pertaining to a penectomy—or at least mention of it—was inadvertently discovered by a secretly made recording of a conversation between two gang-stalkers in 2006, namely, Daniel Anthony Napolitan and Robert Malnburg, Jr. (aka Bobby Bradford) [see AUDIO | Demons announced plans to damage penis to gang-stalkers as far back as 2006].

Threats of violence are routine, lately, in that the Voices Demons are constantly sicking something on me, whether it be a sucker demon piercing my neck and lashing my eye or an eye spider demon damaging my eyesight [see VIDEO | Cloaked eye spider demon (?) blurs vision and Demons Burn Left Eye as Previously Threatened; see also Left Eye Focus of Demonic Assault].
NOTE | It was due to the mounting physical injuries that were sustained as punitive measures by the Voices Demon and their cadre that I started this blog [see Other injuries since '06Serious injuries mounting fast and Other injuries since demons' second attack in '06].

#425 - VIDEO/PHOTO | Demon in the closet

Not four hours after writing Most Bay Area demons live in closets—just like biblical Asmodeus, a demon possessing a plastic bag on a shelf in my closet, not wanting me mounting me video camera there, made it known by pushing it back into my hand every time I placed it there.

It can be seen briefly, rearing its head in a video clip made during my attempt; however, it is hard to discern unless you already know what the demon looks like, particularly, because another demon is blended with the plastic bag, as well, and there is a slight overlap in facial features between the two.
An animated GIF made from the relevant still frames of the video showing the demon in the closet
Accordingly, I enhanced a still frame in two slightly different ways so that can get a better picture of what this demon looks like:

In the video, I am having trouble mounting the camera on the shelf. I felt something up there pushing it over and back, but I just assumed it was a sucker demon; however, the real culprit was revealed by the video when it shows a white plastic bag rustling first, and then turning up and back in order to reveal the face of the above demon.

Like always, my hand gets in the way of the camera almost instantly. That's the way demon magic works, though; if you're not meant to capture something on camera, a body part will invariably get in the way. This was also shown in Giant demon faces make usual appearance during demonic attack, in which two demon collaborators hide a demon flying onto the VTA light rail platform without even looking, and with perfect timing.

Send your responses to theoknock@gmail.com.