Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Gang-stalkers' ties to demons now definitive

Update on August 14th, 2012
I just transcribed the account of a man who stole my car, only to have it taken from him by demons. Basically, demons scared him to death, and told him not to worry about the money he and his gang stole from me earlier, and that they were going to take care of that problem for him.

At the time, I didn't know demons and their people were involved; but, six years later, I found out for myself that, when he eluded to the fact that a whole town of possessed people were involved in crimes like theft, he wasn't just whistling Dixie.

San Jose is owned and operated by demons.
SEE ALSO | The remainder of the recordings, and an explanation of the auto theft and the way it was handled by the police, can be found in The Sunnyvale Knock web site, which is downloadable at The web site that launched the demonic war.

The proof that the gang-stalkers that attacked in 2006 were tied to demons was scant until two days ago, when the man known as David, who left the voicemail heard at the end of Night of the Gun Chase, was heard on video talking to a demon that wanted him to lend his mouse to use with the laptop the hobgoblin demon-possessed woman borrowed from me.

Previously on this blog, I posted recordings in which some gang-stalkers merely eluded to demonic involvement, and which was only evident if you already know that demons were involved.

One recording that hasn't been yet posted is of one of the gang-stalkers, who had just been introduced to Tuzzo people—or people who are affiliated with demons. In it, he describes the way they come up on people, which is by scaring them by repeating things their demons have seen and/or told to them to say:
NOTE | My end of the conversation is not recorded; as a result, there are significant gaps in the conversation. Be patient; the relevant portions are worth the wait.
Following is a transcript of the part where Jon tries to describe his encounter with people possessed and empowered by demons. He is one of the gang-stalkers who stole everything, and I am on the phone trying to get my stolen car back, which he and Josh had taken the night before. Although I didn't know it at the time, Josh must have took off with the car, leaving Jon high-and-dry. When Jon went looking for him, the demon people called Tuzzo must have intercepted Jon's attempts, and warned him off in a way that I am all too familiar with—through the sheer terror that only demons can bring.

At the time, I thought he was stalling while my car was being chopped up somewhere. Now I realize he was absolutely terrified, and that he had just learned that his good friend, Josh, was associated with demons, and that their friendship had come to an end.

I was so frustrated during this call, as I thought it to be just a routine auto theft by a bunch of nuts; but, as Jon eludes to at the end, they knew everything about my stolen money, and intended to play a role in that, plus other things, in the future (which they did). They also knew stuff about him, and used that information to intimidate him, as he intimates in his recounting.

This recording is invaluable in proving that a horde of demons and their followers were at work in my life, and the lives of others in the Bay Area in 2006. It explains everything that has happened since then. Now, in 2012, the problem is so pervasive, I can easily say that 90% of the people I see at any given moment have ties to demons when in San Jose.

Here's the transcript:
Like, he has more pull than I thought, I don't know. I guess... I gotta talk to him. I don't know!
I can't explain it, bro. Like, the only way I can explain it is, like... It's like going to church and, like, feeling like you're safe and everything and, like, knowing your pastor and knowing everybody else, right? And, then, never, ever being scared in those situations; but, yesterday, I just had a twinge of, like,  these people don't hurt people, ever; but, they're... Huh?
They're... They were just... I don't know. Like... I just got a strange feeling from people who don't, like, have anything to do with anything in my life other than, like, normal contact in the community. They don't anything about my life, like, personally; I don't spend time with them solo. You know, I acknowledge them [in passing]—you know, not because of, like, organized crime or anything—because it was like, "Hm! There's the butcher, the baker, and the candlestick maker!" You know, folks about town. And, um, I'm trying to figure that out myself. I know that, like, um, sometimes, you know, judges and lawyers have, like, fraternal societies when they're in, like, college and stuff; but, I'm, like, Phi Si, bro. I'm Phi Si. I mean, like, when we're in Cabo San Lucas, having our little gathering-togethers—our little fraternity shit, you know, it felt like the movie, "The Skulls," once or twice; but, this was, like, way different than that—like, not on a Mason level. I don't know. I felt like I was being talked to by a brother. I was, like, you've checked my pulse before [and] taken my blood pressure. Why are you telling me what to do? Um, they left me kind of shaken about it; and, so I was just supposed to... I'm actually not supposed to make this call; but, I mean, until Josh is done with whatever he's supposed to be doing as far as, um, his...his lifestyle. I mean, I don't know if Josh is, like, a part of that whole thing with them, or if he's just protected by them, and he's doing his own thing and he doesn't want this to wash up on me or to wash up on him or something. Because, I mean, I wasn't cowering in the corner, but, you know, like, I left with the feeling, um...um, alright, I won't fuck with that, and let him fuck it up himself; or, I won't fuck with that. I'm sorry, I'll let you guys handle the clean-up yourselves. Meaning like, from even meeting us. Like, maybe that was what it was. Like, [they said], "Don't worry about fixing James' bank accounts, ever, um, and, like, helping him out with other stuff he lost. Like, it'll be taken care of quicker, and, just let it get cleaned up, and let this man get on with his life." Well, then, why would you let Josh run amok. And, that's none of my business. So, I'm supposed to... They played a message that was, like, uh, in Josh's voice, and it was, like, "Frankly, I don't even give a fuck about Jon. Blah, blah...whoop-ti-do!" And, it was some bullshit. And, that's okay. Um, 'cuz, you know, he's young, and we're just friends. But, I didn't know there was, like...
You're what?
Who approached me?
Like I said, it wasn't a group; it was people from the community.
In a way, the same can be said of this latest "proof," that it might show demonic involvement now, but that doesn't say anything about back then. But, even still, more of the same brings us closer to the truth, which would allow gang-stalkers to be designated as victims, instead of as perpetrators.

Not only would that be accurate, but it would give them another option besides being stuck between a rock and a hard place, when it comes to deciding whether to continue working within the demon crime syndicate, and whether said syndicate remains a safety net for those evading prosecution.

Murder, Satan wrote | “They popped a cork on you…”

"Rock him off" and "Cash him in" are both phrases used to describe murder, or at least acts likely to lead to death, in ...