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#504 - VIDEO | Hands appear out-of-thin air to prevent touching of demon orbs

In this clip from a two-day old video, in which I hoped to capture more assaults to my head, similar to those shown in VIDEO | Demons strike head twice from across room, around the corner and VIDEO | Demon pierces skull with tendril, a pair of hands appear out-of-nowhere and swat at mine, probably, to keep me from damaging demon orbs that were descending from the ceiling [see what demon orbs look like in VIDEO | Green orb of demon flies, zig-zags into ceiling corner]:

A giant hand is shown in this still frame from a video clip of a human-demon hand-slapping fight
Although the hand can be seen in the above still frame, the actual event was too fast for the human eye to see anything clearly: Interactions with demons often occur just that fast, and the memory of it fades almost as quickly. I actually have no recollection of this hand-slapping fight; but, then again, it's hard to keep track of them all. Not only that, but I was also focusing on the demon orbs, which is part of handling them (more on that much, much later).