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VIDEO TIMELINE | Sucker Demons Flee Scene of Attack

The original, uncompressed version of Sucker Demons Flee Scene of Attack is added to the Demonic Activity Video Timeline calendar on March 13th, 2012, at 7:06 AM.

To view this movie, use Quicktime Player, and see more clearly what media-sharing websites, such as YouTube, Vimeo and Facebook, render virtually unwatchable by and through their compression scheme that is applied to all video files stored on their servers.

This clip from a video of the aftermath of an attack by the Red Horde shows sucker demons illuminated by the glare from the nearby lamp as they flit past it in the air. They look like fast-moving, white bugs, but are actually hair-like strands of demonic filth.

There are probably over 20 in this video; you will have to watch it several times to see them all.