TRANSCRIPT | Yet another song about my sexual preference and penis

Fact: There are now more songs sung about me in the demon world than there are dollars in my pocket. Here's one of them:

WOMAN #1: Your dick is very sad, little-dick, little-dick fag!
ALL: [singing] He's a little-dick fag, with his little dickie; and, when he's in the pen, they'll kill him with a stick-y.
WOMAN #1: Hi, faggot!
WOMAN #2: He's fag! He's fag! [sic]
Me: Hey, what's up?
Man: Where were you yesterday?
Me: At the house.
Man: Okay. 
WOMAN #1: Faggot! He's a little faggot. Fag! Pedophile, kill! 
This is a recording that was played out loud by another resident of the house I live in, while I sat in the backyard, which has occurred during every demonic attack I have sustained over the past six years— even while I was in jail for three years—which now numbers in the hundreds.

This type of harassment, which blends insults and epitaphs with normal conversation while in the presence of a target, is usually done by live persons; however, it is not unusual for these to be recorded ahead of time, and then played on car stereos or, in this case, a laptop.

Sometimes, the blending is so overt, you do not have to strain to decipher the message; other times, words are so subtly slurred, that only the target picks up on the message, primarily, because he has heard that message on a repeated basis for years at a time.

When humans are participating in this form of harassment, it lasts up to two to three days, non-stop, and is referred to what the Voices Demons have dubbed, "The Anger Management Ritual." This is the term applied to the joint demon-human effort to anger their target into committing a crime of retaliation, even while their frightened target sees any act as self-defense. In the event that the target so much as raises a fist and shouts back, all of their human followers are prepared to call 911, and then lie to police officers using a pre-fabricated story of how "crazy" the target was acting, and so forth.

Typically, this activity only happens in the jurisdiction of demon-allied officers, and only when they are on duty. The Bay Area is suffuse with such officers; so, rarely is there a place a target can go to be safe during these times.

To drive this point home, other demons cast the illusion of a police car's emergency lights on the top of white cars to make them look like police cars, while the Voices Demons threaten to have the target arrested. To see pictures of these illusions, see Voices Demons plot for supposed future custody stay.

To hear the Voices Demons' part in their Anger Management Ritual, see The voices of evil don't want to be heard by everyone.

To see how demon's change a target's environment around them in order to frighten and intimidate them, see Tree-shaping trend grows more sophisticated.

VIDEO | Demon Flies After Speeding Car

As I road back in a speeding SUV back to San Jose from San Benito County on the very same night of the two incidences of forced sodomy/oral copulation I reported just last month, I captured another flying demon on my cellphone video camera. As the blue-headed flew up to the passenger side window, it briefly peered inside, and then quickly drifted back into the darkness.
Although flying demons outnumber birds in San Jose (did they eat them?), they are typically of the flimsy, wind-blown sheet type of flying demon (the rare exception being the Spectre of Death); but, this demon, whose absence of hair typifies all demons of the flying kind, clearly has a heavier constitution, judging not only by the size of it head, but the fact that he flew alongside the vehicle, instead of directly at it.

A lightweight flyer does not have enough mass to withstand winds at such a high rate of speed, at least not with the control and grace of this flyer. In order to reach the car, the flyers of the flimsy kind would have to dart directly at it and then latch on in order to peer inside.
NOTE | On this night, the highway trip was like driving on the inside of an haunted house; demons were everywhere. These were new demons, that I had never seen before, and have not seen again. This was but one fact that formed my theory that demon hordes are bound to one location (near the point of origin of arrival—they literally crawl out of hellholes), and are restricted in range. Voices Demons are the most vulnerable to range-restrictions; sucker demons are highly transportable.

Sexual assault case in limbo

IAccording to Detective Craid of the Santa Clara County Office of the Sheriff, my complaint for forced sodomy and forced oral copulation was hand-delivered to the San Benito County's Sheriff's Office on July 11th, 2012; however, a representative of that office could not confirm its receipt.
The Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office case number 
The crime was reported on June 19th, 2012, to Detective Noe Cortez.
I left a voice message with a detective working in the sex crimes unit this afternoon; however, so far, my call has not been returned. So, as things stand so far, nobody in either sheriff's office knows where the case is.

UPDATE: A detective from the San Benito County Office of the Sheriff called me back at 4:24 PM, and, at first, stated that she had received a fax from the sheriff's office in Santa Clara County, but was still waiting on the audio recording of the interview from them. When I told her that I had just talked to Detective Craid about the case, the aforementioned detective said that she hand-delivered everything to San Benito County on July 11th, 2012. She was able to confirm that, and stated that she had been on vacation, and just returned to the office yesterday.

Once we were both on clear on whether she now had everything she needed, I asked her how she preferred to proceed. Long story, short: I have an interview tomorrow at 1:30.

Finally, I asked her if she had received anything from San Jose Police Department, which also is conducting an investigation, since part of the crime happened in San Jose and the other part in San Benito. She said she was unaware of that, and said there were no notes on it the file that came from Santa Clara County.

I asked her to get the files, then, but she said I had to do it because San Jose PD will not give information over the phone (or something like that).

So, I went to San Jose Police Department, who said she could call, and then gave me the number.

I tried calling her to give her the number, but she didn't answer the phone, and her voicemail didn't pick up. I called the main number, but, instead of transferring as they said they would, dispatch put me on hold. After about 6 minutes or so, I hung up.

UPDATE 07-20-2012: Today, I received a call from the San Benito County detective; she wanted to cancel the interview for today, and then reschedule for Wednesday. After explaining that it was next to impossible for me to find a ride to the far-off sheriff's office, she offered to meet me at my current residence.

I agreed; so, hopefully, we can finish this process on that day.

The voices of evil don't want to be heard by everyone

I am not a sound specialist. And, apparently, I suck at trying to be one. But, the situation is calling for audio recordings of the Voices Demons at work, so that is what I'm going to try and give it, even though my success at getting anything that I've produced to other people has been almost nil up to this point.

The problem isn't just know-how or whether you understand the science of sound or are an expert user of sound-editing software—I have produced some pretty good edits; rather, that's just part of the problem. The other part is trying to get something done that's really hard to do, that really powerful demons don't want you to do, and that you really don't know how to do (for me, that sometimes applies to eating a decent meal).
ONLINE | A growing collection of audio files processed to boost the dialog of the voices demons' and their human counterparts will be available soon.
It seems like almost every time I try to get something done, I get attacked—or at least really bothered—by demons, and the work I did is taken.

Here's just two examples:
  1. A couple of nights ago, as I was setting up my camera, this demon appeared behind me without me even knowing, and let loose a swarm of sucker demons:

  1. Earlier this year, two demons rendered me unconscious at the Santa Clara Law Library while I attempted to clean up the secret conversation recording for distribution:

In spite of this, I will always try to get these audio files processed and out the door; but, even if I succeed, there's still the problem of a receptive audience.

Several factors preclude widespread interest in these recordings:

  1. You cannot relate to this problem. Unless this is your problem, too, there's only going to so much interest.
  2. You've got problems of your own. Audio files alone do not qualify the problem completely: it's not just what the voices demons are doing and how often they do it, it's also when they do it and with whom they do it and where they do it and what others are doing at the time they do it. So, even if these are a really big deal, audio files alone cannot capture the significance of the problem.
  3. You don't know who these people are. More than the photos and videos of the demons themselves, of most concern is about the audio files. These reasons are obvious only to them because, apparently, what is being said to me and between them is of interest to competitors and enemies alike. I don't see why; but, then again, I wouldn't have any visibility into that because neither their competitors or enemies are interested in me, personally, so I wouldn't even know to whom I am giving useful information to when I distribute these audio files. The point: if you don't know these people, you really won't care. For example, in one of the audio files, you can hear the voice of one of the employees of 650 South Fifth Street in it. The significance? Unless you live there or I told you, you wouldn't know; but, even if you knew, it wouldn't be about you, so it's just not that big of a deal.
  4. You don't know me. If this problem doesn't affect someone you know, but just some yahoo on the Internet, you're not really going to even believe it's happening, even with the proof in front of your face. You might find the thought that it could happen or that it might be happening scary; but, your belief won't be that until you've seen these things yourself. Unfortunately, once you've seen these things yourself, the last thing you'll be doing is reading my blog.
NOTE | The above reasons for the lack of interest in the audio files also apply to any situation that you're trying to bring interest and attention to. And, let me tell you, having a really, really interesting problem does nothing to get around them.
Still, the fact that there is nothing in this world like these audio files should be of interest to some. So, I will post as many as I can, as often as I can, make new ones, for as long as I can, and hope that I will find a way to educate as many people as possible about these particular types of demons and how they work—the latter being the final part of the problem.

There's just plain ol' kicking your ass; and, then there's messing with someone's mind until they go insane, permanently. That takes time and know how. It is a science to humans, and a religion to demons. They worship it, literally. It is the ultimate desecration of God's image to hurt mankind in this way.

But, in spite of its complexity, it is subtle, meaning that you may not recognize it in others or yourself when it's being done to you. That's why I want an interested audience to educate. If you knew the things they do to obtain their goal of making someone insane, how they do it, and what the results look like, you would never wish it on anyone.
NOTE | After seeing the depravity that is the Voices Demons' work, I no longer wondered how Jesus could really be all-forgiving. After all, there's some awfulness out there, to be sure. I figure that He knew more than He told us—He saw how some people really go bad, and why some of their choices are really made. Now, as long as someone asks and means it, it is easy for me to forgive because of the things I've learned through this experience. I can honestly say I have no grudges or resentments towards anyone at all these days because of it.

VIDEO | Cloaked Demon Stands in Dining Room Doorway

Using the sepia color filter on my cellphone, I was able to capture the faint outlines of a cloaked demon of an unknown kind (it looks centurion, but without the horns, scales, fangs and musculature), standing at the threshold of the dining room door, at 650 South Fifth Street, in San Jose, California (also known as Heaven's Gate Recovery Homes).

The above is a four-frame animation, showing just the part in the original video in which the demon—or a portion of the demon—is shown; however, the complete video can be downloaded from MediaFire [832 KB].

The demon is first visible at the 13 seconds mark, and appears to be staring towards a window, which is positioned directly across the dining room from the doorway in which he standing.
A still frame from the video, showing an unknown demon standing in a doorway (original)
Unfortunately, the demon is only shown in four frames, and only one which is clear enough to see it.
The same still frame as above, with the Curves filter applied in GIMP to add detail to its face
I guess that, instead of sitting at the dining room table and recording it, I decided to get up, walk through it and go to another part of the house for another reason.
NOTE | You cannot feel yourself walking through a cloaked demon unless they want you to, which is rare.

TECHNOLOGY | How to build a demon detector with your cellphone

Cogent thought: if a particular type of object emits interference  that that messes up the images a camera takes in a certain and specific way, couldn't you use your camera, then, to detect such objects in, say, people's pockets without having to fish through them?

Both my cellphone and my iSight camera distort video (and audio) in very specific ways when they are operated near a demonic entity or during high periods of demonic activity, which include frame-jumping during playback, oversaturated demons, blurry or sharpened outlines of demons. They also both record chroma (or color noise), which, unlike the energy or radiation emitted by demons, is visible to the naked eye, but still could be used as an indicator of demonic activity in that its appearance is unique to such. Audio files play back white, pink or brown noise that sounds different from that of nearby machinery, wind, etc. Sometimes, though, the difference is minute to the human ear, depending on what else might be generating such noise at the time the audio recording was made.

Most people have not used high-end video editing software, but Final Cut Pro, for example, measures values of many types of properties of video and audio files on a granular level (i.e., to a degree that are imperceptible to humans). These properties are typically only useful to broadcasters, who must measure obscure properties of such files in order to ascertain playback quality on the variety of television or audio equipment the files may be broadcast to.
Final Cut Pro X videos scopes documentation
In an application such as the one I propose, however, these measuring tools could be used to find a "difference" between the values of properties of audio and video files that were made around demonic activity and an average made from a wide sample of a/v files that were not.

This, by the way, is how most fingerprint readers work that don't store an image of your fingerprint in a database (this is particular important for security; however, in law enforcement, images are required). When you register as a user of fingerprint recognition software that does not store images of your fingerprints, such as DigitalPersona's entire fingerprint recognition hardware and software product line, you are usually asked to register the same fingerprints multiple times. An algorithm is applied to all of the images of a given fingerprint in order to create a unique and reproducible hash. The hash value is stored in a fingerprint reader database, and is later compared to the hash value returned by the same algorithm the next time you touch the fingerprint sensor in order to use it (after having registered with it, of course). Here, a similar-in-concept algorithm could be applied to samples of values generated by various properties of demonic and non-demonic A/V files to make reproducible and reliable comparisons mathematically between the two kinds of files.

This is also how some spam filters work. A specially developed algorithm is applied to a set of e-mails identified by the recipients as spam. The algorithm uses the e-mail metadata and content of spam messages to identify a common mathematical pattern among them. Since most e-mail is easily discernible between spam and work-related messages, for example, the pattern generated by this algorithm should be vastly different between the two, as well. The only difference between algorithms for detecting fingerprints and spam messages is that spam-messaging trends evolve over time, particularly, when technology-savvy marketers learn how to skirt detection by these algorithms. So, algorithms used for spam detection must be continuously applied to all incoming messages defined as spam by recipients, and the pattern must also be continuously updated on all end-user workstations, so that new spam can be recognized as such before reaching an end-user's mailbox. Collecting and reporting new spam is arduous, in that a company making spam-filtering software must either hire employees to search for spam and add it to a database accessible by the detection algorithm, or end-users who use their spam-filtering product must have an easy (or, preferably, transparent) way of reporting spam.
NOTE | Some companies ship their software as an e-mail software plug-in, which watches a customer's spam folder for messages added by them. When the plug-in detects that a new spam message has been identified by the end-user, the message is sent by the plug-in to the software company for use by the detection algorithm. The new pattern is then silently sent to all other customers of the spam-filtering plug-in, so that only the reporting user had to take the time to mark a message as spam, while all other users (a number in the millions, like Yahoo! Mail) will not have to if they receive the same—or similar—spam message.

If a median set of values could be determined from A/V files made of demonic activity and from files that weren't—and the difference was theoretically possible to detect with some degree of reliability, you could use your cellphone to make a real-life demon detector.

I think there are some people who know what I'm saying here. Where are all the nerds that always used to gravitate around me? I bet they could figure this one out, as it wouldn't be too hard, I don't think. After all, two of the leading biometric security and spam-filtering software companies use algorithms developed by a single college student each.

Voices Demons leading obstruction of justice agenda

Now that several major important court dates are rapidly approaching, the Voices Demons, in conjunction with the entire cadre of other demonic entities and their human counterparts, are doing and trying everything they can to make sure I either miss those dates or show up unprepared.

They try it every time something big is coming up in the district court, where a large swath of people used by them in 2006 through 2008 are either defendants or witnesses to the allegations made in several  federal civil suits.

On December 15th, 2008, they were unsuccessful—at first—so, the night before an important case management conference in case no. C 08-01354, they resorted to physical assault at the hands of four San Jose police officers, two of which, four months later, were suspended for the same thing to another person.
Police shot a TASER at point-blank range as I exited my apartment, causing it to shatter a rib, as well as embed (or burn) itself into the rib itself; the charge for resisting arrest was dropped, but a suit for brutality is still pending
I was arrested on false charges—all of which were beaten in court—but spent over two-and-a-half years in the county jail, preparing to fight an arson case, in which it was alleged that I lit seven newspapers on fire, and which came up a month after I was already incarcerated. I was eventually released on August 3rd, 2011; but, in order to go home, I had to plead nolo contendere (no contest) to fires that caused almost imperceptible damage to the newspapers themselves, and absolutely no damage to any structure. Restitution to the "victims" was $0.

Had I not plead out, I could have received a 17 1/2 year sentence; also, I might still be there had I not plead out, as no defense was prepared by any of the 14 attorneys assigned to me over the course of those years, and I doubt they were given the option of doing so at any time.

So, as the dates for these important court hearings approach—one in the cop brutality case resulting from the assault mentioned above on September 3rd; the other, the suit that was the motivation of that night's assault at the beginning of August—they will undoubtedly be busy planning all kinds of things.

Right now, they're just annoying.

PHOTOS | Tree-shaping trend grows more sophisticated

Demons increase their artistic ability exponentially. If they were fashioning a stick-man out of twigs the first, they were building burning man the next. In other words, the actual representation of an object that they create may not change much, but the size and scope do.

Case in point: a week or so ago, in Demon in tree manipulates branches to form letter 'J', I posted a video that showed the arrangement of tree branches and leaves such that it formed the letter 'J'—perfectly, and from exactly where I happened to sit down (where I never sat before), ahead of time. Also, I could have chosen three other places to sit outside and, had I chosen one of them, I would not have seen the "J" in the tree.

Then, only a week or so later, they topped themselves with a complex representation of a demon's face, also using tree branches, as shown in Giant demon faces make usual appearance during demonic attack.

But, although the graphical representation was much more complex, there is only one location you can be on the train platform relative to the demon's face, so not much forethought had to go into determining where to assemble the demon's face. Still, it had to know I'd be on the light rail on that day and get off on that stop (where I never got off before).

Two days ago, they rose above even that by creating yet other complex (3-D) representations of their faces out of tree branches, but which can only be seen if the video camera is being swung while walking, and can only be seen in still frames, and change to other faces as you walk closer and closer to the trees outlining the faces. And, to top it all of, as you walk closer to it, it becomes more resolute—and actually appears to turn its head towards you.

For reference, here is what the scene looks like when the camera is not in motion:
There appears to be nothing out of the ordinary in this tree when the camera is stationary
And, here are still frames from the video, made while the camera was in motion, specifically, being swung back and forth in my hand while I walked:
In the middle, there appears to be two bright-white overlapping faces; the one
that is the most impressively rendered is the face on the upper left
This demon head closely resembles the one shown in the video Spectre of Death, Camouflaged and in the post Spectre of Death blends with shadow and window shade, phases out in walkway (Image 1 of 3)
The demon head shown above actually rotates towards you as you walk closer, and increases in detail (Image 2 of 3) 

The same demon head as the previous two images, but now facing me directly after having walked closer (Image 1 of 3)
All of these require foreknowledge of my use of a camera, and, in the case where I was swinging my camera in my arm as I walked, how I would use my camera.
NOTE | A male voices demon just said, "You're a fucking tweaker! That's not how it works; but, it makes us sound good, so keep it all in. It's done with magic, and it is [employed] to intimidate and make problems for your psyche." (The Voices Demons are mad today; their relevance to people has slipped to almost nil, since some people recently found out that, really, no one person is more advantaged or disadvantaged with them in your life—particularly, if you contradict or disobey them. I figure that they overstayed their welcome, lost their luster accordingly, and that the constant oddball demands and pushy, nosy, intrusive and rude lifestyle became too much for many. Once people started saying, "No," to things the Voices Demons considered vital, it hit the fan, so to speak. "We don't get told 'no'," is constantly iterated by them.

VIDEO | Demon caught on video in a cubbie that's inches from bed

If you were laying in my bed last night and looked straight up into the cubbie mere inches away, you would have been greeted with the sickening smile from the bone-white, black-shrouded face of this demon:
The original still frame from a video showing a smiling demon in the cubbie next to my bed 
Because he was standing behind me the whole time, I didn't even see him until I watched the video; still, I knew to point my camera in that direction due to tell-tale signs of demonic activity, or, technically, hyperdimensional portal activity, in and around the closet; those signs included chroma-filled air, slowly bending and undulating shelves and walls, and the tightening and slackening of the fabric of the clothes inside. There were also the fleeting shadows of fast-moving, cloaked demons, darting in and out of my peripheral vision. Finally, pinpoints of red and yellow light, which are similar to that from laser pointers, were appearing on the walls and flooring, which are hyperdimensional portals—or doorways—opening to and from demonic realms or other locations within ours.
NOTE | A perfect example of the cloaked shadow of a demon flitting from one hyperdimensional portal to another is shown in Hobgoblin Demon Springs From Floor. As you can see, I didn't really seem to notice it as it runs in front of me, at least not until it entered my peripheral vision. Demons exiting a portal are invariably cloaked in this way, particularly, hobgoblin demons, and are generally not visible when looking at them directly; however, they can be seen out of the side of your eye as the light passing through and reflecting off the demon is amplified by the recursive effect the shape of the cornea has on light. An explanation for a digital camera's ability to sometimes see such a demon is proffered in Invisible demons detectable by radiation emission and The ethereal glow and semi-transparency of cloaked demons explained.
The still frame above was selected from a different video clip, which has been removed from my laptop and cellphone (read more on this type of behavior in TECHNOLOGY | Info + tips on file quality and integrity of demonic activity on video); however, I found the following clip, which also shows the demon:
Apparently, it was overlooked by the guilty party, probably because it was neither assumed nor apparent that I would have made multiple videos of the same thing.

For better viewing of this demon, this same still frame was post-processed using an image-editing application:
The same still frame shown above, but with Auto Levels applied with Preview (Mac OS X)
A video of this demon was made using both sepia (above) and full color (below) modes, each, to demonstrate the increased visibility of blended demons that sepia color mode offers by comparison:
The demon in the cubbie cannot be seen properly by the naked eye; however, the chroma, or, the red, greenish-yellow and blue snow, slowly circulating in the air, can also be seen with the naked eye, but the particles look much smaller, and are more concentrated (they also make a sound, like a gentle, constant breeze that neither winds up or dies down
As seen by the stills, recording using sepia color mode shows more realistic positioning of the objects comprising the demon along the z-axis (front-to-back); specifically, in the sepia-colored still frame, the white face of the demon appears recessed behind its hood, and the shadow the hood casts over its face appears accurately rendered; however, in the full-color version, only the face is there, and there is no shading to imply the depth necessary to show its head connecting to its neck.

PHOTOS | New hobgoblin demon photographed

In What a hobgoblin demon looks like, I showed my collection of photos of hobgoblin demons, which, as therein also described, are black-cloaked, white-masked (or so it appears) demons, standing three to four feet tall, and usually only captured by a fast-moving video camera as the camera lens passes over their position—and only then, when the hobgoblin demon is blended (or possessed of) an object that may slightly resembles its body shape or striping (white on top, but black in back; black from the neck down). That's a lot of variables that have to be present in order to capture a segment of video that has a hobgoblin demon that can be seen in the still frames.

Last night, I was able to capture quite a few still frames of a new hobgoblin demon, which is by far the highest quality set I have so far. You can see a lot more detail; in fact, the mask even appears glossy in a few of them. And, unlike the other photographed hobgoblin demons, in which there are multiple photos of the same demon, this one changes expression and turns its head slightly several times:

NOTE | As usual with these types of demons, I never saw this demon face-to-face; for all I know, it—and the others—are a hoax.
As of 07/18/2012, I'm convinced that it has happened enough times to for this maxim: these demons almost always precede demons that similar looking, but predominately disposed to violence and aggression, as shown and described in Jawa-like demons with glowing red eyes needle shoulder, trap muscles:

This demon's image is over saturated (the black and blue colors are too vibrant to appear natural), which is probably due to some sort of radiation, which either emanates from the demon itself or by its recent use of a hyperdimensional portal (or doorway, per the Voices Demons), and which affects the camera in such a way that is known to cause imaging anomalies

Demon-designed video transition disguises cuts

It appears as a vertical line that wipes from left to right across the video, which is transparent, except for the subtle shift in position between objects on either side of the line.

When I first noticed it, I saw that everything on the left side of the video started to raise up just a few inches, starting from the very edge, and making its way progressively to the right, until everything in the picture was on even keel.

What most likely happened in that transition was the cutting of material that showed a demonic entity slithering off a closet shelf and into the folds of hanging clothes because this transition is what I saw instead of that when I went back to see the entity again.

It was so subtle and fast, that I almost didn't notice it, which means I may have missed it in all the now dozens upon dozens of times I've seen things on video once, but not a second time as they were apparently erased.

I just assumed they cut out frames (and, sometimes, they may); but, I guess a more sophisticated, subtle and sometimes more appropriate way is the way I just saw, as long as the picture doesn't move too much, what's being cut out doesn't take up much screen real estate, and the duration that the part of the video that is being cut out isn't too long.

All guesses.

VIDEO | Miniature Spectre-of-Death Demon who shook pillow shakes cord

The miniature Spectre-of-Death demon of pillow pulling and shaking fame was captured again on video at the Martin King Luther King, Jr. public library today, this time pulling on my camera's USB cable instead of my pillow. Well, not exactly; but, he could have. He was that close.

In this new video clip, he does the same thing as he did in the first video; jumps straight up, and then falls back down. This time, however, he flits off to another side of me in a blur, instead of pulling and shaking anything.
DOWNLOAD | The source video from which this clip was taken [MediaFire (45 MB)].
I don't know if he came up by my elbow at the same angle as in the pillow video to be cute, or if it was another one of those demon-magic coincidences.

As I already said, this demon was first seen in Miniature Spectre-of-Death Demon Pulls and Shakes Pillow, in which he jumped up from behind my mattress and pulled and shook my pillow.

THREAT | Voices Demons, human collaborators warn of impending violence

For the past couple of weeks, both the Voices Demons and, now, their human counterparts have been warning of impending violence against me.

Over the years, warnings have been sent to me in various ways, but they are mostly sent in the form of still frames, which can only be seen in you skim a video frame-by-frame.

In the still frame below, the left side of my face is stitched back on, and it is swollen; also, my left eye is blackened and swollen shut:
The left side of my face looks partially paralyzed, swollen and stitched back on
I wouldn't think much about this still frame saying what it does without the warnings, and without the repetitive use of this warning/intimidation tactic.

Other still frames of note, which I no longer have:

  1. My arms were chopped off at the elbows, and I was blind (reference to masturbation);
  2. My right leg was chopped off by a demon whose arm looked like "The Claw "; and,
  3. My face was melted from fire, and I could only partially see out of one eye.

If it's not still frames, it's mirrors. In the winter of 2007, it was my naked, dead body sitting on the ground with my back against a wall, my throat slit. I was at a date's house, and we both saw it plain-as-day in his wall mirror.

SCIENCE | Peering into the fourth dimension of overlapping space

They are everywhere during periods of high demonic activity, such as today; all you have to do is pan your videocamera over an area where either chroma (color noise—red, blue and green points of lights floating in the air) or clicking and popping sounds are constantly occurring, and then skim the video frame-by-frame.

See how many you can find in these still frames, which were taken from VID_20120716_182633.3gp; this is extremely challenging if you don't know what you're looking for, particularly, because demons blend in four dimensions—they are one-on-top-of-the-other.
This image points out but a few of the dozens of demons, with groups of one demon layered on top of the other

Here's a brief description of each demon highlighted by a red arrow, which is provided in order to help you see them better:
  •  There are two demons highlighted in Demon Faces in Tree. The first:
    • A profile of a demon with a very high forehead, with a wide smile and huge, horse-like white teeth, looking down at an angle:
    • Prominent cheekbones, deep-set eyes, ski-slope nose, extra tall philtrum (area between upper lip and nose), hobgoblin demon-like smile with mouth shaped into a similar natural grin, also looking down at an angle (read What a hobgoblin demon looks like to see the similarities):
NOTE | Almost all of the demon faces in the tree are looking down at the same angle and smiling.
If you're still having trouble making out the demons, remember that demons blend in a manner identically simulated in Chica o Vieja (is it an old maid or a young woman?):

This is either an old woman or a young woman, depending on what you choose to focus
In the animated image, I point out some of the easiest demons to see; however, there are probably up to three or four demons stacked on top of each other that you could also see.

In this still frame, the objects on the other side of the window screen, when in motion, look like a dragon (yes, they exist, fly and shoot fire from their mouths, and they will make an appearance; but, they're very, very slow, and, tactically, only meant to be a distraction, nuisance and terror device):
The original still frame, showing a dragon with outspread wings, made from a tree trunk (neck and torso), shrubbery (wings), and light passing through the branches (head)A copy of the same still frame, color-enhanced and sharpened to increase the distinction between the natural elements in the scene and the representation of the dragon
For your reference, the following still frame was taken from a full-color video made of this scene to show what you would see with your own eyes, and not with a digital camera panning the window with sepia color mode enabled:
The elements that make up the dragon image when the camera is in motion and set to Sepia color mode
The address of the house in which this dragon appeared is 666 South First Street, in San Jose, which was first mentioned in Neighbor's house number is 666—the Mark of the Beast.

Also, the wing of the dragon coalesces with the wing of a flying horse, of which only the head and neck are visible:

[Also add example of the visible part of an object partially blocked from view creating a face (or whatever) until the thing blocking is view is removed]

Voices Demons intend to use my faith to cause psychological pain

Apparently, my God and the Voices Demons' god (or gods) are not one and the same, which makes it complicated to use Him (and/or my religious beliefs) against me.

That's easy to believe, considering our respective "works." That, and I don't look like Satan or some kind of monster. (Am I oversimplifying?)

In another portion of one of the audio tracks I've been reviewing tonight, I heard a female voices demon saying to other voices demons (in regards to me), "His God is so difficult to work with." The implications of this statement were clear to me before receiving (by force) verification, but, by way of explanation: they are trying to work one of my most cherished beliefs, sources of comfort, direction in my life, etc., to my disadvantage.

How do you work one's belief in God to someone's disadvantage? Well, however it's done, I know that there must be strongly held beliefs on God, and those beliefs must factor into decision-making and opinion-forming to a large extent—as they do for me on a daily basis—in order for any efforts there to be rewarded.

So, I'll take this latest attack plan as a compliment of sorts.

Either the God of my understanding is difficult to work with because of my own knowledge of Him (or their lack thereof) or He is just too complex for the demon mind to grasp on a practical level. For example, here's a tough question for a demon to answer: How can you wake up everyday and not hurt at least one person, at least once? God-fearing people, however, can go their whole lives without hurting anyone—or at least a week or an hour. It's the difference.)

I have found in my life that many people oversimplify their understanding of God, and, instead of learning or devining or deducing as much as they can about Him, they settle with the fact that God is great and God is love; however, if you read just the book of Psalms as a mature and experienced adult...

Voices Demons plot for supposed future custody stay

In another surrepitiously recorded video made at my house, the audio track revealed a female voices demon reminded a male voices demon of their plan to "leave his cellphone on the entire time he is in custody, and turn it off as soon as he gets out."

He, meaning me; custody is obvious. The reason, less so.

Apparently, that's not the only plan they have for me when I "get out." The same female voices demon also announced that she planned to "make [me] per [her] money."

When the same male voices demon asked her how I was going to do that, she replied, "I have ways of making people earn money when I need it." (Or, something like that; imagine something more sinister sounding, but along the same lines.)

Custody is the one thing they think is the most terrifying to people, as well as the most crippling socially, financially and vocationally (which is true, in large part).

Often, while walking down the street, a demon will cast an illusion over a white car that appears to be the emergency lights of a police car. While this demon does that, the voices demons will pretend that you are in trouble, and constantly tell you horror stories about your future.

Although they do this continuously, I only now managed to get one video of this, in which you can, in two separate instances see what I saw with my eyes in the still frames.

In this series of images taken from the video, the camera clearly shows a cop car, even though it is in motion from my swinging arm; however, as the camera closes in on the car, it reverts to the ordinary car that it is:

In these still frames (which are not as clear as the preceding), blue and red transparent squares are superimposed on the hood of the car. You can see these in these still frames, which were made while the video camera was swinging from the end of my arm as I walked:

The illusion of a squad car emergency lights is shown by the video camera
as blue and red semi-transparent rectangles, projected on top of a white car

The illusion of a squad car emergency lights is shown by the video camera
as blue and red semi-transparent rectangles, projected on top of a white carfcvv

The illusion of the red and blue emergency lights was created by two demons, who appear to have the lights mounted on their heads (were these real lights, but partially cloaked with the demons themselves? Or, did these two demons blend with the white car while the video camera was in motion

The illusion of a squad car emergency lights is shown by the video camera
as blue and red semi-transparent rectangles, projected on top of a white car

The illusion of a squad car emergency lights is made to overlap the white car by the camera motion, indicating that they are illusions to those who were not there

The facade is lifted by more overlapping of the emergency lights, and by the fact that they are much larger than they should be as compared to the car

The illusion of a squad car emergency lights is shown by the video camera
as blue and red semi-transparent rectangles, projected on top of a white car

The illusion of blue and red emergency lights is far too large; the blue light is overlapping the car, and the red light is off to the side

An illusion (kinda) of a PIT bar, mounted on the front bumper, but without the blue-and-red emergency lights

Three demons heads, floating above the car onto which their cop-car illusions will be projected,
one of which is glowing red, getting a head start on the demon who will glow blue
As I walked towards this car, I had to really squint to make out what they wanted me to see; and, like all demon cloaks, they tend to fade the closer you get (it's like a fog; you can only see its border if you're far away from it). By the time I had reached a distance close enough to barely be able to read the license plate, the non-law enforcement vehicle lost its illusion.
COMING UP | A collection of posts from this site related to incarceration threats, references, etc., by the Voices Demons, which occur continually, and have occurred continually for six years.

Voices Demons consult oracles, prophetic abilities overrated

A cursory review of a surreptitiously acquired audio track of a recently made at my current home of the voices demons discussing theory plan clarified the nature of their prophetic abilities.
As it turns out, they consult oracles, other demons you hear, but that tend to only talk to other demons about the future it sees.
In the audio track, a female voices demon asked an oracle demon if there looked to be any possibility that they would be able to recruit children for the purposes of bringing "pedophile charges" in the future.
In short, the oracle demon said that "there might be a mother of a little girl who will want to speak of her adventures with James B."
I'll take that as a "no."
In an earlier recorded conversation, a male voices demon said that these types of charges could not be brought.
So, the female voices demon was looking to salvage their operation.
"If we can't get rid of him one way,I guess we'll do it another," she said.
On a related note, the female Voices Demon said that their "pedophile people" were not happy with the way the Voices Demons had placed so much emphasis on a non-existent issue.

Neighbors dress in black, prowl outside window to cause alarm

On a whim, I decided that not every problem requires a demon.

People can also the problem.

Tonight, and the night before that, window prowlers have been extra busy.

A cursory outdoor inspection roused about five neighbors, from five different directions, from their rustling bushes.

Upon discovery, they quickly retreated into their homes. One was from the SLE next door; ironically, not the '666' address.

Telekinesis or a lil' help?

Last fall, while walking down the sidewalk during periods of high demonic activity, leaves on the ground would slide away from my feet.
This was rare; but, it happened more than once, although,eventually, it stopped altogether.
One video of this happening was taken from me, but, before then, I was able to determine a few things from a few of the still frames:

  1. When I stepped on a leaf (in other words, one that didn't move), there was a pink-colored explosion--very small, but big enough to be loud enough to create a much louder sound than a crunching leaf would; and,
  2. The ones that moved had little creatures under them.

Today, the phenomenon continued, in a way. But, this time, it was a twig.
Just one. Slid right away from me as I walked past it.
And, that was it.
The prophecy demons didn't acknowledge it, which was strange to me because they'll acknowledge every burp they hear and every fart they smell.
I figure, then, it has something to do with someone they don't get along with, namely, the "people in white."
More on that later...

AUDIO/VIDEO | Interesting Voices Demons (and more) segments from raw footage

For your early perusal, I have identified a couple of locations in the following videos that will allow you to hear early Voices Demons and other interesting sounds, including a form of babbling-brook communication by demons, which is the blending of a word with a sound (think 'Bubbles' voice on your Macintosh; it sounds like what you want it to say AND it sounds like bubbles!).
NOTE | I once knew a bird of sorts that spoke babbling-brook style; it sounds like a long, high-pitched tweet, but, each one was a word or two.
Listen for words in my roommate's snore:

And, in this snoring:

This is a demon who I haven't heard from directly; but, do hear talking to others, on occasion. At the 13 minutes and 30 seconds mark, listen for a Daffy Duck-like voice (but higher pitched):

NOTE | If you cannot hear what I'm describing, the volume may be too low. Use sound editing software to increase the gain. Also, the audio track on all multimedia files generated on my cellphone sound better coming out of the cheap speaker on it—and, surprisingly, worse on my laptop. If you're really desperate to hear demons talk and, for some reason, cannot, move these files to your cellphone, and then hold the cellphone speaker to your ear.
You can hear a Voices Demon speaking at (or shortly thereafter) the 5 minutes and 20 second mark (see note above):

More later, maybe; it's a lot of work listening to hours of hard-to-hear Voices Demons saying things to each other like, "We bugged him to death!"

Besides, I already know that: I'm him!