VIDEO | A Tree Demon

A new video clip shows a tree demon materializing within the tree it possesses. About 8 seconds into the video, it appears in the lower right corner of the screen. Although partially hollow—just like the a tree—it still looks like a muscle-bound robot. When it appears, it looks to the right, then the left, and then right again before the camera pans away from it.

In the following preview of the video, you can barely see the tree demon:
For better viewing, download the original video, which is enlarged by a factor of two.

Gang-stalkers' ties to demons now definitive

Update on August 14th, 2012
I just transcribed the account of a man who stole my car, only to have it taken from him by demons. Basically, demons scared him to death, and told him not to worry about the money he and his gang stole from me earlier, and that they were going to take care of that problem for him.

At the time, I didn't know demons and their people were involved; but, six years later, I found out for myself that, when he eluded to the fact that a whole town of possessed people were involved in crimes like theft, he wasn't just whistling Dixie.

San Jose is owned and operated by demons.
SEE ALSO | The remainder of the recordings, and an explanation of the auto theft and the way it was handled by the police, can be found in The Sunnyvale Knock web site, which is downloadable at The web site that launched the demonic war.

The proof that the gang-stalkers that attacked in 2006 were tied to demons was scant until two days ago, when the man known as David, who left the voicemail heard at the end of Night of the Gun Chase, was heard on video talking to a demon that wanted him to lend his mouse to use with the laptop the hobgoblin demon-possessed woman borrowed from me.

Previously on this blog, I posted recordings in which some gang-stalkers merely eluded to demonic involvement, and which was only evident if you already know that demons were involved.

One recording that hasn't been yet posted is of one of the gang-stalkers, who had just been introduced to Tuzzo people—or people who are affiliated with demons. In it, he describes the way they come up on people, which is by scaring them by repeating things their demons have seen and/or told to them to say:
NOTE | My end of the conversation is not recorded; as a result, there are significant gaps in the conversation. Be patient; the relevant portions are worth the wait.
Following is a transcript of the part where Jon tries to describe his encounter with people possessed and empowered by demons. He is one of the gang-stalkers who stole everything, and I am on the phone trying to get my stolen car back, which he and Josh had taken the night before. Although I didn't know it at the time, Josh must have took off with the car, leaving Jon high-and-dry. When Jon went looking for him, the demon people called Tuzzo must have intercepted Jon's attempts, and warned him off in a way that I am all too familiar with—through the sheer terror that only demons can bring.

At the time, I thought he was stalling while my car was being chopped up somewhere. Now I realize he was absolutely terrified, and that he had just learned that his good friend, Josh, was associated with demons, and that their friendship had come to an end.

I was so frustrated during this call, as I thought it to be just a routine auto theft by a bunch of nuts; but, as Jon eludes to at the end, they knew everything about my stolen money, and intended to play a role in that, plus other things, in the future (which they did). They also knew stuff about him, and used that information to intimidate him, as he intimates in his recounting.

This recording is invaluable in proving that a horde of demons and their followers were at work in my life, and the lives of others in the Bay Area in 2006. It explains everything that has happened since then. Now, in 2012, the problem is so pervasive, I can easily say that 90% of the people I see at any given moment have ties to demons when in San Jose.

Here's the transcript:
Like, he has more pull than I thought, I don't know. I guess... I gotta talk to him. I don't know!
I can't explain it, bro. Like, the only way I can explain it is, like... It's like going to church and, like, feeling like you're safe and everything and, like, knowing your pastor and knowing everybody else, right? And, then, never, ever being scared in those situations; but, yesterday, I just had a twinge of, like,  these people don't hurt people, ever; but, they're... Huh?
They're... They were just... I don't know. Like... I just got a strange feeling from people who don't, like, have anything to do with anything in my life other than, like, normal contact in the community. They don't anything about my life, like, personally; I don't spend time with them solo. You know, I acknowledge them [in passing]—you know, not because of, like, organized crime or anything—because it was like, "Hm! There's the butcher, the baker, and the candlestick maker!" You know, folks about town. And, um, I'm trying to figure that out myself. I know that, like, um, sometimes, you know, judges and lawyers have, like, fraternal societies when they're in, like, college and stuff; but, I'm, like, Phi Si, bro. I'm Phi Si. I mean, like, when we're in Cabo San Lucas, having our little gathering-togethers—our little fraternity shit, you know, it felt like the movie, "The Skulls," once or twice; but, this was, like, way different than that—like, not on a Mason level. I don't know. I felt like I was being talked to by a brother. I was, like, you've checked my pulse before [and] taken my blood pressure. Why are you telling me what to do? Um, they left me kind of shaken about it; and, so I was just supposed to... I'm actually not supposed to make this call; but, I mean, until Josh is done with whatever he's supposed to be doing as far as, um, his...his lifestyle. I mean, I don't know if Josh is, like, a part of that whole thing with them, or if he's just protected by them, and he's doing his own thing and he doesn't want this to wash up on me or to wash up on him or something. Because, I mean, I wasn't cowering in the corner, but, you know, like, I left with the feeling,, alright, I won't fuck with that, and let him fuck it up himself; or, I won't fuck with that. I'm sorry, I'll let you guys handle the clean-up yourselves. Meaning like, from even meeting us. Like, maybe that was what it was. Like, [they said], "Don't worry about fixing James' bank accounts, ever, um, and, like, helping him out with other stuff he lost. Like, it'll be taken care of quicker, and, just let it get cleaned up, and let this man get on with his life." Well, then, why would you let Josh run amok. And, that's none of my business. So, I'm supposed to... They played a message that was, like, uh, in Josh's voice, and it was, like, "Frankly, I don't even give a fuck about Jon. Blah, blah...whoop-ti-do!" And, it was some bullshit. And, that's okay. Um, 'cuz, you know, he's young, and we're just friends. But, I didn't know there was, like...
You're what?
Who approached me?
Like I said, it wasn't a group; it was people from the community.
In a way, the same can be said of this latest "proof," that it might show demonic involvement now, but that doesn't say anything about back then. But, even still, more of the same brings us closer to the truth, which would allow gang-stalkers to be designated as victims, instead of as perpetrators.

Not only would that be accurate, but it would give them another option besides being stuck between a rock and a hard place, when it comes to deciding whether to continue working within the demon crime syndicate, and whether said syndicate remains a safety net for those evading prosecution.

PHOTO | Fast-panning camera reveals woman's hobgoblin demon underpinnings

Is it a woman or a hobgoblin demon or both?

Maybe she just had one in her. After all, centurion demons as a matter of course inhabit people all over town, riding along inside them all day and all night. And, Spectre of Death-type demons recharge in their hosts by returning to them (or, rather, the inside of them) after a night of doing who-knows-what, too.

So, maybe she just had one in her, and I happened to catch it on video. That's more likely, I think, because I don't think most demons can touch electronic equipment without interfering with it, anyway (at least not touch screens, as I've said before in Sucker Demons Interfere with Electronics on Contact, Spark when crushed and Electrical conductivity of electronic device affects cloaked demon's ability to maintain contact with human skin).

I am talking about the woman shown using my computer two days ago, as described in SECRET VIDEO | Two humans—and who-knows-how-many demons—work me over for payment as a job.

Following is a still frame taken from another video of her doing exactly that:
A still frame from the video in which a woman borrows my laptop, in which the camera is not in motion
Next, is another still frame from that video while it was in motion:
A still frame of the same woman, taken while the video is in motion
Here is the same still frame with corrected color, and with the proportions adjusted to compensate for the skewed perspective the motion caused:
Skewed back into proportion and color-corrected to re-create the mask as it would appear when not in motion (note the top of the woman's forehead peering from behind the mask)

You can clearly see the white mask of a female hobgoblin demon, looking as if it were falling off; the top of the forehead can be seen peering from behind it, and is slightly flesh-colored, whereas the mask is pure white.

Female hobgoblin demon masks can be highly stylized in comparison to their male counterparts, as is shown in PHOTO GALLERY | What a hobgoblin demon looks like, and which is shown below:
Another 'female' hobgoblin demon mask
It is known that video in motion reveals a morphing demon's true self—or at least part of it—and enough of it to reveal a morph veneer. This is useful when you've been duped...literally.
NOTE | That is, the technique is useful when you've been duplicated by a demon, and it is inadvertently or purposefully catch it on video
My theory on how a moving video camera reveals a morphed demon is still in development; but, is similar to my theory on how a moving demon is revealed in front of a stationary camera. Well, I gave up trying to explain it a couple of days ago, but ended up with this disgraceful collection of blurbs, instead:

A video camera that captures video at a rate of about 12 to 15 frames per second can reveal a demon who is morphed into someone or something else whenever the morphed demon moves, so long as the demon is close to the lens of a stationary camera, and is not moving too fast. Of course, all other elements of good videography, such as sufficient lighting, must also be present. 
Still frames from any portion of a video in which a morphed demon is moving a complex body part, especially the mouth and the face, are most likely to expose the underlying demon, ...

This is because the malleable veneer of a morphing demon is a separate layer of the demon, and moves independently of the body it covers. Projecting a morph veneer that adequately disguises the demon or imitates a subject requires constant effort by the demon in order to compensate for changes in gravity and motion

The blurriness of an object in motion in a video made on a low-end video camera and that of the veneer cast by a demon's morph moving into place appear to extend in different directions when viewed in a still frame of the movement.

, and must be adjusted Due to the complexity of a given simulated body part, such as a mouth, the morphing layer must move (or shift) faster than the underlying body part. , and because thought controls both, the shifting of the morphing layer begins before the body part begins to move, thus exposing 
Normally, the blur trailing an object in motion will extend in the opposite direction of its motion. In other words, when a person moves their head down, the blur will trail upwards; however, if a demon projecting a morphing veneer moves its head down, the blur will appear to move downward (or in the same direction) in advance of the head. The motion blur from the head movement will still extend upwards; but, the movement of the veneer will overshadow it, luring the motion blur away from attention.
The tell-tale contrast between the two blurs, by the way, is the key to identifying a morphing demon. To maintain that all-important contrast, the camera itself should not be in motion, as the distinction between the motion blur and the blur from the compensatory motion of the morph veneer will be diminished by overlap. An overlap of the two types of blurs will not even allow you to see the actual face of the demon, which is revealed in bits and pieces while the morph veneer moves into place. 
veneer moving in advance of the demon's head when the blurriness is the morph veneer catching up to the head as it moves down, then the blur will also point down. Of course, there will be the motion blur from the head's movement; but, unless the motion is extremely fast, the motion blur will be overshadowed by the blur of the morph veneer in compensatory motion.
A recent example came from a video made early this morning by demons to replace a similar one I had made just last night, but, with—shall we say—some tweaks. In several places, the morphing demon is unable to adjust its morphing veneer in time to compensate for the speed of its movement. This is always most prevalent in the mouth, which is why videos in which the subject to be reproduced spoke closely to the camera are the hardest to re-create, particularly, because morphing demons have fanged mouths—and, generally, not perfect Dracula teeth, like the uniformed centurion demons, who apparently have good dental benefits as a part of the enlistment package.
Other characteristics that are indicative of a morphing demon, which should only be evaluated in the presence of the primary indicator of such, include slow body movements, including the rate of speech and blinking; the absence of habitual movements of the head or arms or legs; the way the eyes look in mid-blink; the faces they make (you can put someone's mask on, but you may not mimic the smile correctly and so forth, which demons may do on purpose, depending....
Morphing demons have trouble bridging the gap between the two upper prominent fangs; so, a morphed demon will often appear to have bucked teeth, even though the subject does not. When the demon is moving its head is when that is most noticeable; the bucked teeth will still be visible for a couple of frames even when the head stop moving, which you can then watch move together after the head comes to a stop.
As you can see, I was going somewhere, then back, then somewhere else, then back again, and so on. It's a tough topic, and once you think you've figured one thing out, you realize there's about 20 other things you've got to figure out, as well. Plus, being a polymath would help, I think.

VIDEO | Blended hobgoblin demon sneaking up behind me (or false alarm?)

Yet another attack, coming from behind, I thought, as I rested my head wearily on a dining room table. But, instead of waiting for my instincts to tell me when and where to grab, squeeze, twist, and throw, I just pointed my cellphone camera behind me and waited.

Then, nothing.

Maybe I'm getting paranoid, I worried. But, after checking out the video, I decided, Maybe not, because it showed the masked visage of a hobgoblin demon, creeping up behind me:
Or, so it looked at first glance; but, after taking a second look, it's just the back of the chair, catching the light, and kind of looking like one of their masks.

Demons of all kinds, when facing a camera with nowhere to run, will turn into whatever they are approaching from. In fact, most don't approach unless something that looks like them is in your line of site to them (search for 'blending' and camouflage' on this blog for more information).

But, usually, not like this, and not to this fine of a degree; rather, it usually looks something like the Spectre of Death, its head blended with window coverings, and its body submerged in shadow (see VIDEO TIMELINE | Spectre of Death, Camouflaged). What I'm wondering now is whether my instinct is really mine, or if the sense of a demon presence is affected by them. Unlike the type of blending (or camouflage) I just described, that would not be unusual.

For example, "Aunt Bee," the childhood monster of my nightmares, and who was shown by the Voices Demons to be the real thing earlier this year, carries a rod-like device that, when activated, generates overwhelming fear. It would then be feasible that other demons can generate other sensations, and do so just to give you the creepy crawlies when they are around.

And, here I thought I had Spidey-sense.

But, also, if it wasn't a camouflaged or blended hobgoblin demon, this video would be quite a coincidence, considering that a demon from my childhood, which is shown in VIDEO TIMELINE | Specter of Demon Illuminated by Light Glare, also showed up as a dresser drawer knob in a video made on the same day as this one.

Like a hobgoblin demon and the back of the chair, the childhood demon in the related video and dresser door knob match exactly.

PHOTO | Damage to penis by demons extensive, irreparable

The Voices Demons once said, "Stupid people make us angry." Of course, this was less of a threat at the time, and more of a taunt made to a victim who had no chance of making them happy. Besides, the only thing that makes them angry is when their victim isn't getting hurt.
A censored picture was placed first in this post to prevent accidental exposure to those who do not consent to viewing such material or to those who are not otherwise permitted to do so when visiting the home page
On the day they did this, then, I'm betting that they weren't angry. In addition to scores of other injuries at the hands of demons, which continue to mount, they irreparably damaged my penis while I was, apparently, sedated. There is a dark ring around the circumference, located in the middle, which appears constricted when in a semi-flaccid state, but is otherwise not evident in a total erection or when flaccid.
A dark ring is situated in the middle of otherwise healthy tissue (full photo available upon request)
When lying down and held by the base, the portion above the ring falls to the side. The tissue under the ring is tough and less spongy than the rest above and below it.

Also, nerve damage is extensive; sensation on the entire right side of the penis has been diminished by more than half.

This is similar to the damage done to my fingertips, particularly, yesterday, the same day needles were inserted into several major internal organs and head. This damage was achieved by burning my fingertips with an instrument that either applied heat from the inside out or so quickly that the surface of the skin was left relatively unmarred.
NOTE | To see some of the instruments used by demons to cause injury, see Spiked instrument used repeatedly on my neck and back to inflict pain. To learn about one facet of the demon and human collaborator propensity to inflict physical injury in psychotic fashion, read Demons modify peoples' looks from birth to affect social standing, to punish and control.
The Voices Demons have constantly eluded to this in their non-sensical ramblings, specifically, by substituting the word "emasculating" or "emasculate" where it might fit, if you were in-the-know. Of course, I wasn't; but, now, I am. This was mentioned on this blog as far back as April 11th in Excerpt: 15 seconds of Voices Demons threats, rambling, in which I wrote that one of the strange things they were repeatedly saying was, "Dude, don't emasculate us like that," and that they "trying to arrange a forced castration and use this term to elude to that future event, hence the term; the meaning here, however, is that they don't want me telling others what they're doing and saying."

This was done as "punishment" for having removed sucker demons that were placed on my skin, and is typical of the demons who constantly monitor every movement, who exact immediate retribution for a given "offense," which can include sliding entire walls into moving hands, as shown in Demons Move Wall to Injure Hand (see also VIDEO | Sliding walls (and the uninvited guests who go through them).
NOTE | Obviously, they mean to inflict psychological harm at the same time, which is touched on in various posts throughout the blog, but most extensively in Mad as Hell: Demon-induced trauma likely to blame for PTSD.
Evidence of handling by demons while sedated can actually be seen in Demonic Intruders Attack, which is a video made by the intruders themselves using my cellphone, and in which my unconscious form is lifted up by at least one demon, right after one clearly whispers, "Pick him up." Clearly, this camera was being held by someone else; at one point, I was dangled in the air by both arms as the camera was panned around my torso:
Both arms are clearly raised in the air in the close-up of my neck and shoulders, indicating that I was not alone
Besides both arms clearly being raised in the air, I am shown falling back into the arms of the needle-fingered demon shortly thereafter, indicating that I was not alone. You can also see the demons laying me back on my bed after a brief period of darkness.
NOTE | In the original video—before it was removed—you could see me being carried away in the arms of a demon, who was running into a point in mid-air, even though it looked as if he was running into the horizon (think Back to the Future). That's what hyperdimensional transport looks like when a human-looking entity uses it: they simply shrink to a dot, and then extinguish like an ash from a fire.
Aside from these four indicators of the presence of others in my apartment, the video is mostly a jumble of images to most.

There are two other videos in which demons appear out of nowhere, and in which I am subsequently rendered unconscious, namely, VIDEO TIMELINE | Demons Attack at Law Library and Another Demon Assault Caught on Video.

Modifications to the human body—especially, bone tissue—can be made very quickly by demons, as is made evident in Voices Demons use sucker demons to deform, bore holes in skull and Skull disfigured in just two days by sucker demon attacks; and, it can be done without pain, as sucker demons can render an area of the body both immobile and insensate, as described in Sucker demons use 'acupuncture' to immobilize victims.

Injuries at the hands of demons (and others) were the primary motivator for starting the blog, and were first described in these posts:

SCIENCE | Demons, portals most active during specific moon phases

Overlaying a moon calendar on the Demonic Activity Video Timeline Calendar suggests that hobgoblin demons are most active starting with the New Moon, and until the First Quarter, which is probably why they always cause my desktop to change to the Moon picture whenever they issue their '8' warning, as described in PHOTO | Hobgoblin demons stylize number eight into a logo of sorts and Demon in tree manipulates branches to form letter 'J'.
Whenever the hobgoblin demons warn with the number '8' made out of cord or string, they also replace my desktop with this picture of a New Moon
And, while nearly all hobgoblin demon videos on the timeline calendar coincide with the New Moon, all other demons appear to be most active starting with the full moon, and until the Last Quarter, with most being no later than the Third Quarter.
READ | PHOTO GALLERY | What a hobgoblin demon looks like
It's possible that the top of the stylized '8' is not only meant to be a profile of their trademark black hoods; but, may also be a variant of the crescent moon symbol. Because demons layer everything, the overlapping of symbols in this creative way would be expected.

With respect to the hobgoblin demons, it is not a surprise to me that the new moon has some significance, which means this fact may be related to the science of psychology—not biology or other scientific field. During my nearly three-year jail stay, most—if not all—of my many, many unfavorable court dates fell on, or within a few days from, the New Moon.

That isn't something I would notice on my own; the phase of the moon would be pointed out to me each time, and I made the connection over time. Eventually, I got to where every time I saw the New Moon, a sense of dread would pervade me.

The demons have done this with several sounds, sights, signs and smells in the past in order to create anxiety and fear whenever I am exposed to them; it was done with the Voices Demon leading me through terrifying scenarios, while said sound, sight, sign and/or smell was introduced (read The Devil smokes Double Diamond cigarillos). Going forward, all they would have to do is replay a given sensation in order to cause fear. The trauma necessary to cause a healthy, mentally stable adult to fear by association with any type of imagery or sensation would have to be extreme, and of enough magnitude to create the fear of impending death or cause great pain. Knowing this, the people of the Northern Bay Area of California (e.g., San Jose, San Francisco, etc.) participate in public outings where they are directed by demons to scare people who have been traumatized by multiple expertly crafted, demon magic-assisted fear-of-death scenarios (perceived or actual)—with demons.
NOTE | I witnessed many refusals to participate in these lately, which I think may be partly due to the type of activity the demons subject me to behind closed doors. And, one time in particular, at the Santa Clara Public Library, I walked in (I guess) a few seconds earlier than the announcer who got to the library before I did saying to everyone, "Okay, it's time to implement the faggot protocol, people. He's coming in right now..." It was clear everyone knew who I was talking about, and the many mothers, children and other patrons were silent—dead silent—the entire time I was there (which is better than what happens everywhere else during those times).
Similarly, my experience since my release has been that the Voices Demons rage on a full moon night.

Hyperdimensional portal activity, which is mostly attributed to hobgoblin demons and demonic half-breeds, appears to be the most active between the apogee—when the moon is the farthest away from Earth—and the New Moon.

For example, portals were used to enter my apartment in Demonic Intruders Attack, and were also used to in a surprise attack in Demons Attack at Law Library.
DOWNLOAD | Demonic Activity Video Timeline Calendar for iCal and Moon Calendar subscription for iCal.

PHOTOS | Hobgoblin demons stylize number eight into a logo of sorts

It's been showing up constantly again—sometimes, seconds after I've turned my back: the number eight, coiled out of anything that can be coiled by demons, after something magical happens. Sort of like a calling card (as if I needed one):
This weekend, demons shaped the top of this number eight made out of electrical cord in a way that resembles the profile of a hobgoblin demon's hood

With these latest 'eights,' and since I first mentioned the figure eights in Demon in tree manipulates branches to form letter 'J', I noticed that the top of the eights are stylized in the same way. At first, it appeared that the hobgoblin demons have begun shaping the top of the number eight to blend the number itself with the shape of the profile of their hoods.
Also this weekend, demons placed my USB cord on a chair as I rose from it and, when I turned around, had formed it into a stylized figure eight in mere seconds
But, looking back to the 'eights' shown in Demon in tree manipulates branches to form letter 'J', I see the same stylized eight in some of the photos of those eights. For example:
An older photo of a demon-made figure eight also shows the stylized top, which was not recognized back then

PLACES | Bay Area businesses where demons attacked

While far from complete, here is a list of businesses where demons have attacked (or have been spotted):
  1. Santa Clara County Law Library (see Demons attack at law library):

    View Larger Map

  2. The Watergarden:

    View Larger Map

  3. Motel 6 (on The Alameda):

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  4. Motel 6 (on First Street):

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  5. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library:
    View Larger Map

  6. Safeway:

    View Larger Map
  7. The Market Safeway:

    View Larger Map
  8. Valley Fair Mall:

    View Larger Map

The web site that launched the demonic war

When the demon-led gang-stalkers attacked in 2006, I had no idea—at first—that the demons of my childhood were behind it all. I should have known that something supernatural was at play, though, because of all the things I witnessed; but, back then, I just didn't believe things like this happened often and to this extent.
The Sunnyvale Knock web site started the demonic war raging today
So, ignoring those things, I started journaling events on a web site that I created, ignoring the demonic stuff all the while, calling it, "The Sunnyvale Knock," the moniker ascribed to me based on my location and my designation by the criminals who attacked.

It was this site alone that, in 2006, launched the demonic war that rages to this very day; in spite of its exposure to over half a million people in under two months, it is still a major threat to those who mean to harm others, namely, the demons and their human collaborators.

If you're not in-the-know on the issues at hand, only one section on this site will be of interest to you, particularly, the recorded phone calls and conversations, which can be found in two places on the Investigate page:
  1. Under To-Do, click Listen to their phone calls and type what they say
  2. Under Done, click Transcribed conversations and phone calls

Scary traffic count on scary day

On August 5th, 2012, this blog received 666 visitors.

That number has come up repeatedly over the past week, which has seen non-stop demonic encounters; however, the last time I reported it on this blog was in HOME | Neighbor's house number is 666—the Mark of the Beast | The Life of a Demoniac. At the time, I said I hoped it was just a coincidence that '666' was my new neighbor's house number; but, as it turns out, it probably wasn't.

Also, the last three numbers in the case for unlawful detainer (eviction) involving human-demon collaborator and former landlord, Khoa Nguyen, is '666.'

For the record: I'm not particularly into things like that. I certainly don't look for it; but, I try not to leave anything out, either.

VIDEO | Scratchen's life threatened again by repeat of eye illusions

Two buttons on the end of the sleeve of a black jacket tilted at a specific angle towards the camera and lighting and shadow adjustments made by the demon issuing the threat, who issued a threat against Scratchen's life, form Scratchen's eyes; it is traditional to create such an illusion in art for these types of threats
One of those violent and hate-filled Jawa-like demons, whose glowing eyes you can see in the beginning of this video, issued a warning against being an enemy of Tuzzo, saying that it would have dire consequences if I did not expect battle to the extreme.
It would not repeat the warning for the video camera; the army of Tuzzo is too scared to do that, generally (I guess), which is the other reason I'm not afraid of a three-foot muppet or any other of their foul-smelling kind (by the way, the demon's entrance infused the air with the old familiar smell of fear, which now smells like fight to me).

Rather, as shown in this video clip (MediaFire [5.44MB]), the demon resorted to a commonly used way of threatening, which is to create an accurate and detailed illusion of the person they intend to hurt, but with evidence of how they intend to hurt them.

They have done this in mirrors and video, whereas you could see me as I am now, but modified to show the type of mortal injuries they intend to inflict.
NOTE | This was described previously in a post on this blog, but which now appears to have been erased, probably because they want no evidence of death threats issued to me (even while claiming that they don't care if people know, and that they couldn't do anything about it anyway). The opportunity was recently taken by demons through a human collaborator, who had access to my laptop for nearly eight hours yesterday, and who received instructions from a cloaked demon on what modifications to make to my laptop while on it while being secretly recorded on video (see SECRET VIDEO | Two humans work me over for payment as a job).
The threat consists of two buttons at the end of a sleeve on a hanging coat that were angled toward the camera to create the shape of Scratchen's eyes; then, the demon used its innate mastery over light and shadow to create the rest of the illusions.

This is the second time a threat against Scratchen's life in this manner was caught on video (see PHOTO GALLERY | Demons re-create Scratchen's "eye" with power strip).
Demons use illusion magic to re-create Scratchen's eye with light, shadow and a power strip

This threat is very real, in that demons are petty cry-babies when it comes to losing, or the prospect of losing. At the merest hint that a life form lower than themselves could "get over on them," they will kill their own mothers, if that's what it took to win.

Killing Scratchen, who is a cat that is as non-threatening and inconsequential as can, is the very maneuver I'd expect from a superior race who never had to be "just happy to be nominated" or be patient or take turns or share or cooperative with others. As a consequence, they are stuck in the "terrible twos" when it comes to injured pride and challenges to their superiority, which is trumpeted by nearly every one of them at least hourly.

SECRET AUDIO | Demons recruit Long to taunt about homelessness they caused

An oft-repeated tactic by the Voices Demons is to cause a major life catastrophe well within their means and practice, such as losing your job, home, car, money, relationships, etc.—after repeatedly having announced prior their intent to do so, and after having waiting for you take every preventative and recuperative measure first, in order to try and foil them. Then, having already dispatched a horde of Voices Demons (or collaborator of varying kind), will use your family and/or friends to berate you for having lost those things, and for reasons that have no basis in facts that could even be known to the person stating them, and for reasons that are not even plausible.

For example, in the case of theft, you might be berated for not taking appropriate security measures, which could have happened, for example, when a demon walked right into your safe while cloaked and then beamed your money and valuables out of the safe once inside. And, even if that's the case, no one is going to accept that explanation if they're told not to by their Voices Demons.

You may also be blamed for having a weak personality or for having been intoxicated; however—and, as was the case with me—you will simply be intimidated into giving it to people who have the ability, and have threatened to use their ability, to cause harm, and who are recruited by demons for that purpose, i.e., the gang-stalkers. That's called either strong-arm robbery, or just plain robbery, and maybe with assault with a deadly weapon.
NOTE | For the record, I was rarely intimidated, but was beaten, which means they hire people who are willing to get your money either without violence or with. Then, you will be berated for making poor choices of friends, even though, in my case, I did not choose to hang out with an enormous crowd of White and Mexican gay-bashing straights and motorcycle gangsters—all of whom were way outside my peer group—who lived (or wanted to live) a life of organized crime, which would have been a change so major in my life's history that not even unabashed and wanton drug use could explain such a ridiculous change in my case. Everyone kept referring to them as my "friends," even though I never defined them as such (even the police did this in reports). When I would insist they weren't friends—but, rather, a gang of thugs equipped to rob and the like—family and friends would still call them this. Of course, I couldn't understand why at the time because I didn't know about the advanced positioning of the demons within my social support network; and, having had no other reasonable and likely explanation at the time, I was eventually driven to my first suicide attempt in jail in December 2006—the stated goal of the gang-stalkers' campaign of harassment and fear—when my own mother lied to police to put me there on behalf of the Voices Demons.
In this audio recording of a phone call with long-time friend Long Cao, a perfect example of this is given in the situation in which I became homeless due to the wrongful failure to refund any money for rent paid to my current landlord/human collaborator, after having been forced out only two days after having paid the money (and, a portion of that money came from the county specifically for the payment of rent).

Long and my family know that I am dependent on them for basic needs, ever since my release from a three-year custody, which has almost nothing to do with my situation compared to other factors, none being more prominent than the demon one; however, instead of meeting those needs as promised, they provided barely enough, forcing me to eat less and do absolutely nothing that cost money, which included buying household and clothing essentials. So, when catastrophe hit, as prepared as I was with the knowledge in advance by the Voices Demons, there was nothing I could about it.
Long "Kevin" Cao
Not only that, but my mother promised to pay rent twice, but then refused after it became very late. This could have been, and was cited as, the reason for eviction from my first apartment, even though I know that particular landlord to be in league with the demons, and that I would have evicted me for any reason or no reason.
NOTE | In the eviction trial, Judge Barnum was actually instructed to violate clearly established case law by a centurion demon, standing partially cloaked behind his right shoulder, whereas I would have had the eviction dismissed, and would have been awarded the fair market value of three-months rent, plus moving expenses, for a total of $3,995. This shows how petty and baby-ish demons handle losing, or the prospect of losing, and is a clear downside of having nearly unlimited power as compared to others in this world as far as maintaining it as a lawful, civilized and orderly place. They simply state that they are allowed to break laws against some people. I find they are awfully adept at it breaking laws in very technical and ingenious ways to really buy this; they go about things in ways that make Mission Impossible look like crap. There's that, plus the fact that they only break laws, so it's not like breaking laws—even for a reason—is something that is a contrast to what they do otherwise. (Finally, let's not forget that we're talking about demons here, and not people; I didn't ask for an explanation as to why demons do bad thing in the first place. Would you? They look like skeletons in cloaks, monsters with fangs—no halos, no angelic wings, or long, flowing white robes. Do you think they do good sometimes, even inadvertently, ever?)
So, basically, as soon as the Voices Demons and the gang-stalkers attacked, I went from being known for my history of a crime-free life, full of nothing but a self-supporting lifestyle that was at least the minimum required for any adult in this world (but, in most ways, above average), to this loser pushover who lost everything to drugs, all in one day (it doesn't happen that fast, believe me).

Another demon-led attempt to evict me from my home is described in HOME | Demonic plan to oust me from new apartment backfires on roommate.

SECRET VIDEO | Fake fighting, barking police arrest and "drug bust" commands by humans collaborating with demon stress-inducing aims

This videos contains a dialog between three human collaborators, and, in particular, a fake argument over a defective chair sold by a visitor to the owner of the apartment I stayed at last night, as well as police arrest and "bust" commands incoherently interjected into the otherwise coherent conversation (although some parts of it could have just as easily been said in a drug deal). They were overloud, with lights and windows on, late at night. One of them dropped heavy items on the floor to suggest that police could be called for a noise disturbance by the neighbor below, all in order to cause the chronic fear and intimidation that is the daily goal of the Voices Demons.
This has been a tactic repeated more times than I can count, and started at the very first party thrown against my wishes by the gang-stalkers in my Sunnyvale home; it continues today, and is even done by children, old woman and other unexpected persons. In my The Sunnyvale Knock web site in 2006, I called this "loud-speaking," for whatever reason, and defined it as a tactic employed by a kind of criminal syndicate called gang-stalking.

I was absolutely baffled when even members of own family started doing this; I didn't know that I wasn't the only one who had a Voices Demons infestation. But, even when I found out how this tactic was perpetrated (by and through the Voices Demons network), I was shocked and disgusted by the fact that any number of Voices Demons are (and were) just as attached to thousands of people, and, in fact, had been long before I even knew the things I have presented in this blog.
NOTE | I believe being left out all those years, and having been left with the false belief that the demons' early incursion into my life (at ages 5 through 8), were because those early experiences were to prepare the way for what they are doing now. It's not a simple thing they want; rather, they are like the Native American Indians—they eat every part of the buffalo, so to speak
Although a daily effort is made by the Voices Demons, the effectiveness of this "skit" is de minimus, which is anathema to the Voices Demons. They want me offended that it is even tried, and to be scared by the prospect of being arrested, as well as angry that it has happened.

But, they claim to be "unhappy" because my fear and anxiety (if any) over those things would overshadowed by the what I feel about the fact that demons are responsible for the stalking, harassment, assaults, torture (aggravated mayhem), rape, thefts, etc., and the fact that humans are helping them.
NOTE | Today, they wanted me to be really angry about the fact that they kept pushing things into my knees and elbows to hurt me, or pushing my knees and elbows into things—they constantly order sucker demons to attach to the ligaments/tendons in both places to create pain and cause future injury (see VIDEO TIMELINE | Demons Move Wall to Injure Hand; see also VIDEO | Sliding walls (and the uninvited guests who go through them); I didn't get angry, but I could have. Again, it's the demon-aspect of the problem that I focus on only because, when it comes to demons, whether they say they like you or you are this kind of person and that kind of person or whatever, they are the enemy. That goes even when they are not doing anything to you that you don't mind, but are asking you to do things to others with them or on their behalf—even if it is to others who you may feel deserve it. You are perpetrating evil with agents of the enemy of God, and in a way that violates the law. Next, though, they wanted me to forget the fact that they kept spiking my brain with the needle-fingered demon—the glove of which was caught in a still frame of one of the many videos I made early this morning (see Elusive needle-fingered demon captured in two videos; see also Demonic Intruders Attack) every time they wanted me to forget where they hid my electric toothbrush (as if I could know that before I found it). Hiding my toothbrush isn't the thing; it's injuring my brain that would be, of course. They are that careless.
Lately, this tactic has also been used to enhance the apprehension they want me to feel about being physically assaulted. After first "trimming me back down to size," they want me to be beaten up, but not before I'm made afraid of it, and after having been reminded of my vulnerability to it for an extended period of time. They also want me to feel ashamed at being diminished (I was very thin before starting a workout program that led to a dramatic difference), and angry, as well, so that I will be less likely to avoid a physical confrontation (in order to prove myself).

For example, I no longer stay with City Team Ministries because, on the second day of the latest Anger Management Ritual, asked homeless men to make threatening gestures towards me, and to threaten to assault me. The words "fag" and "pedophile" were used, and a few of their people performed shadow magic.

SECRET VIDEO | Demons instruct woman borrowing laptop to hack it

On the fourth day of the Voices Demons-led "Anger Management Ritual", I accidentally turned on my iSight camera on my MacBook Air, and then lent it to a human collaborator, who worked on my laptop, while I laid on a nearby couch pulling sucker demons out of my pillow, sheets, clothes, ears, eyes, mouth, nose and anus on a non-stop basis for nearly 10 hours.

The first 5 minutes or so of this video is of me lending my laptop to a woman, who later turned out to possibly be possessed by a hobgoblin demon. It starts by me logging on and checking the network connection for her, after which I pass the computer on to her. Both of us are in the same room with another human collaborator—a man who can be seen in Night of the Gun Chase—both of them allegedly friends; but, when I leave the room, they address each other as co-workers getting paid to help demons hurt me, which is what is going on the entire time I am there.
Note how they talk to me versus how they talk to each other when I am not in the room. Also, skim the video frame-by-frame to find still frames with demons in them. They, and everyone else, act like they can't hear or see them; but, they can, obviously, if the camera can.

Also note the fact that the man in the bedroom starts talking to someone else after the woman left with my laptop. Apparently, the flit of black behind her was a black-cloaked demon, who must have asked him to give her the mouse, even though he initially said that he was going to use it. She had the mouse later, so he must have given it to her.

All this means is what you should have already figured out: I was in a house with two other people and who-knows-how-many demons.

The problem with this video is, although you can see people talking, you can't see the demons—at least not very well. I don't know how it's done, but, in this video, and in every other video made, demons somehow manage to keep to the periphery of the screen most of the time, and with no small effort.

In the rare instances when you manage to face a demon with the camera, you can only see the demon if the camera is panning across them. If the camera is motionless, you will not see the demon, but probably a piece of furniture or article of clothing or tree or the like that looks similar in coloring and size and shape to the demon, but like it should, otherwise.

It turns out that the 8 hours she used my laptop wasn't just playing games and checking her e-mail, but also modifying system files related to remote desktop access, which doesn't surprise me; and, I'm glad I wasn't knocked out this time so this could be done.
They do this to make my video/audio files less viewable/audible, erase files, etc; they also modify this blog in order to make them sound awkward and strange. I've lost really good footage of demons, and the good ones I have are practically unwatchable now; but, although I'd prefer that not to happen, there is no point in being as convincing and presentable as I can with my data because the point of the blog is not for other people, but for me. This is because the demons keep my life in a constant state of drama—not so much with actual events (although some bad things have happened)—but with threats and assaults and hunger and homelessness and health (now) and other things that I can't really ponder on any one event and make solutions out of information I've collected over time.

So, that's the point; plus, it would be nice for people who don't already know what/who they are and what they do to be forewarned, and for people not fully in the know to be fully apprised of what's happening, so that inadvertent sin does not become a problem for them on Judgement Day.

PHOTO | A demon blended with an ashtray can

I wasn't sure, when looking at the still frames in a video clip made just this morning, if a demon face was blended with the silvery top of an ashtray can. Sometimes, when you've looked at demons all day, everything starts to look like a demon.

After skimming a little further, however, an eyeball popped up just where one should go if this image were going to have eyes; so, I guess that means that these demons, which can shrink to the size of your thumb, climb into clothing and bedding, and generally make your life a living hell why you try to get comfortable, can also enlarge themselves.

Here's the still frame that I think shows a a green-faced demon:
If you look closely, there appears to be an eye on the left side of the face.

VIDEO | Blanket demons and specters of demons merge

Video footage taken while inside the home in Santa Clara where I stayed for almost an entire day during the most recent "Anger Management Ritual" demonic/human attack shows not just a demon blended with a bed sheet, as is typical for a blanket demon, but shows two blanket demons merged into one bed sheet, which is a first for me:
A specter of a half-breed demon, which looks like an African woman, lying on her side, with her face tilted towards the floor; the sun-darkened skin of her head contrasts sharply with the light color of her legs

But, the best part is this: the video also shows a specter of a half-breed demon that looks like an African woman merged with blanket demons, essentially joining the two types of demons, for a total of four demons, to the same object and, consequently, to each other. In other words, if you focus your eyes in one particular area, the bedspread carelessly tossed on the floor reveals three blanket demons in a row, all facing the same direction; but, if you look at the bed sheet at another focal point, you can see the faint image of the specter of a demon half-breed that looks like an thin, African woman clothed in a knee-length toga-like robe, sprawled on the floor, as if in mid-struggle to crawl. She is shown in the beginning, moving very slightly and slowly, mostly facing downward, with a marginal tilt of her head to the side:
A specter of a half-breed demon, which looks like an African woman, lying on her side, with her face tilted towards the floor; the sun-darkened skin of her head contrasts sharply with the light color of her legs Highlighted for easy identification of the demon's specter, whose head is upwards, with legs extending from the bottom of the robe; the faint image is hard-to-see unless in a still frame, but much easier in the motion video
Taking another view—and rotating the video 90° counter-clockwise—you can see two blanket demons, from their waists and upwards to the tips of their hooded shroud; one is facing the camera, the other with its back to it, and with their cheeks pressed together in an apparent dance, their arms extended, hold each other hand-in-hand:

While these are not the only demons merged with this bed sheet, they are the most prominent and active.

Videos shows hundreds of demons participating in Anger Management Ritual attack
blended with every knick-knack and piece of furniture in every house or building I entered, and