Demons prefer suicide to murder

In the old days, gangsters simply shot their victims dead; but, as so succinctly put by Jon Harrington, the then-leader of a demon-allied group of gang-stalkers in 2006, "We prolong peoples' inevitable demise," presumably, so victims will do the work of getting disposed of for them.
LISTEN | This Jon Harrington quote and other gang-stalker quotes can be heard in Gang-stalker eludes to demons in confession to crimes.
In fact, in February 2006, when the month the four-month siege of my home by the gang-stalkers began, I overheard Jon Harrington talking to someone who I thought was using a voice-changer at the time, "Don't worry! He'll kill himself in two days!"

(That voice changer wasn't a voice changer, as I came to discover; rather, it was the voice of a demon that is still after my life, and that still yells at his human underlings for not causing me constant stress when so assigned. The last time I heard it yelling at someone, he was yelling at Long and the man shown in Man Conceals Ginseng Root Demon Up His Sleeve.)

This method, on which the tagline of The Life of a Demoniac blog is based (i.e., "My inevitable demise, daily"), is quite effective, when you consider the extent of psychological damage that can be achieved by just one act of rape (in my case, there have been over four), and especially when you consider the demon factor.
READ | Mad as Hell: Demon-induced trauma likely to blame for PTSD
And, after the constant harassment by gang-stalkers non-stop for months on end in 2006 and family abandonment (read Grandma, Long assign blame for others' demonic behavior; read also Family stalls plan for respite, in spite of injury and suffering at hands of demons)—and then by demons, some of which is described on this site—you can see why I made an attempt on my own life in January 2009, which resulted in a near-coma for a week in intensive care, shortly after San Jose Police Officer Miguel Flores broke three bones for no other apparent reason than that provided by the prophesy (voices) demons minutes prior, specifically, that they were "angry."
READ | Voices Demons: Stupid People Make Us Angry and Stalkers from Hell: The Psychology of the Voices Demons
In the attempt, I disassembled a razor provided by the jail, and used the blade to gouge two three-inch gashes in the vein of my right arm, after having swallowed the nearly 300 ibuprofen and aspirin I had collected each week from commissary and other inmates during the first month-and-a-half I was there.
Sometimes I came to regret that the attempt was unsuccessful, especially since this particular custody stay lasted for almost three years afterwards; it was an indication that, in spite of my best efforts, I would not succeed in stopping the onslaught of demon-influenced aggravated mayhem and conflagration of egregious acts over the years that had beleaguered me so greatly.

On the other hand, I am fortunate to have the present ability and potential to address this issue in ways I never thought possible; and, having recently discovered that my childhood nightmares and associated monsters were actually real, I now have what I consider to be the God-given opportunity to confront the terrors of my early years, face-to-face.

In this video, members of the gang-stalkers who attacked me speak of the dangers and challenges I faced at their hands, and the hands of other criminals:
This video is a collection of quotes from a series of much longer recorded conversations with others, in which I describe the pain I felt during the time I was under attack by the gang-stalkers, and is followed by the taunting of Jon Harrington in a voicemail to me at the end:

Following is a transcript of a conversation with Josh, in which he describes some of the tactics that were employed against me in order to cause a suicide attempt:

Okay, so, they were using tactics to try and get me to kill myself. So, what tactics were they using to try and get me to kill myself?
[mumbles] I don't really want to talk about that.
The voices?
The voices. When people hears voices and nobody around them does...
That's scary, man.
JoshThat's scary.
Yes, I know!
You know what I'm saying? [mumbles] And, and...
Go ahead.
That's what you said, huh?
Okay, okay...
The voices were really scary. So, they figured out that the voices would be very scary for me. And, everybody could hear them; but, they were just acting like they couldn't, right?
JoshNo, no, no...
So, did they just tape record...okay! Go ahead. 'No, no, no' what?
JoshUh, [unintelligible].
Okay, so they use special techniques to make it where it's either directed at you of you have to be kind of trying to hear the, you know, pitch and all that kind of stuff. If I isolated it with that software, other people would be able to hear it, right? Could you hear anything out of, er, yesterday? Out of that stuff?
JoshI did not hear it.
Okay. So, then, what other techniques?
Who...who was involved in these voices? Who was involved?
Oh! Oh! Wha...I think I picked it up. Uh, wait a minute...I've got it right here.
JoshUh, did you put it in the bathroom?
I got, it's infectious. So, basically, okay...who was involved? Who...who was doing the voices?
JoshCan't tell you that.
Josh'Cuz...'cuz [unintelligible]
JoshI [unintelligible] fucking delu[sional], bro.
Okay, what else...what other tactics besides voices? Or, is there more to say about the voices?
Is there more to say about the voices? Or, do you want to move on to the next tactic?
JoshUm [unintelligible].
Okay. What else...what there more to...first of all, is there more information I need know about the voices; or, [unintelligible] do we need to move on to the next tactic?
JoshNo, 'cuz you know why? It's not a fucking problem anymore.
Okay. So, let's move on to the next tactic.
That's why...that's why I'm asking you to tell me [unintelligible]; because, it's not something I can prove; so, it's not like knowing their names would even matter. You know what I'm saying? But, it's...forget the names! Is there anything else about the voices that I need to know? Where were they putting...where were...the only people...was it also electronic equipment? Were they doing it from, like, vans? Like ...that...that....
JoshNo. No.
They were doing it from underneath the house, or, in...doing it under...were they doing it from the sewers?
Josh[shakes head no]
No? They were never down there? Ever? Okay. Um, I have...what else? What other tactics besides the voices? See, I knew...I knew...
Josh[unintelligible] always thinking there's someone there, you know?
'Cuz there was someone there.
So, so this whole paranoia thing wasn't...was, you know, justifiable paranoia?

You can hear the rest of this conversation, plus more, in these recordings:

VIDEOS | Demons move walls to punish, control, frighten

If you ever watched Demons Move Wall to Injure Hand, you may have wondered, "Why would a demon bother with moving an entire wall when it's mad, when it could just as easily move the human it's mad at?"
Prophecy—or Voices—demons warned me prior to moving this wall that they would hurt my hand (Watch 
Here's the best answer I can give, after having been exposed to the minds of demons on a continual basis for nearly six years now: When you don't give a demon what it wants, its usually because you went off and tried to do something it didn't think of or didn't think of for you, or you set off to do something that was your own idea (and that you had an idea) and you did it (or tried to do it) without asking or mentioning it first, or you simply thought of an idea—in your own head—and wouldn't stop thinking about it, or the idea you thought of was so offensive to its sensibilities that there just is no recovery from having thought it.

Or, it might simply be because you didn't do what it said to do or think what it said to think.
NOTE | Telepathy is not just the communication standard among demonic entities, it is the most commonly used and best-developed of a demon's seven senses.
From a demon perspective, there are at least five problems with all of these things, which must be solved to the exclusion of even its own survival (that is to say, your own will and initiative have threatened it in these ways):
  1. You failed to give it what it wanted;
  2. You failed to recognize its authority and power;
  3. You failed to learn what it wants in spite of its best efforts at submission and obedience training; and,
  4. You failed to yield to said authority and power.
A wall is slid out of the depths of a demonic portal by an uninvited guest to my apartment (Watch Oliver Prepares Portal for Demonic Transit)
How does a demon solve these kinds of problems? Naturally, just as one might expect: with a fearful display of force. And, what would be more fearful than moving a wall in your path to keep you from going somewhere it didn't want you to go?

That's happened on numerous occasions to me. For example, one night last winter, I tried to exit my apartment grounds on the east side of the business-residence that sits between my old apartment and Julian Street, much to the ire of the prophecy demons. Besides continually transporting objects in my path, they moved one of the brick walls of an add-on structure that narrows the path between the house and an adjacent wooden fence until the brick wall extended all the way to the fence.
READ | For more about demons teleporting objects, read Voices Demons play keep-away with cellphone.
They moved this brick wall as if it were one of those Japanese paper-and-bamboo walls, just like they slid the wall out of a demonic portal in Oliver Prepares Portal for Demonic Transit. That wall is a supporting wall on which the only door and window in my apartment are situated.

Doing things this way, demons believe, helps them "make a point," the near-mantra of the prophesy demons.

As a result of this type of psychotic behavior, I have spent much time trying to learn to make a point of my own, and time learning how to take such things like this in stride. Until I accomplish this, however, and can get to a point where I no longer attempt suicide, I'll keep these videos handy to remind me of what I'm dealing with, just in case I get silly and forget that going to the grocery store whenever I need food is a by-permission only activity and demon-graced privilege.
HISTORICAL NOTE | I was in 24-hour intensive care in a near-coma for one week in January, 2009, after having attempted suicide; I slit two three-inch gashes in an arm vein and swallowed over 300 ibuprofen and aspirin tablets. I had just been beaten by San Jose Police Office Miguel Flores at the behest of demons only a month prior, and had been harassed by demons on a non-stop basis for years, as well.

How demonic entities enter our realm (and the injury they can cause)

These five videos collectively show how one human loosed a demonic entity, called a sucker demon, into our realm, after allowing his demonic friends to use a hyperdimensional portal, located at my old apartment; they also show just how dangerous this type of activity can be, as evidenced by the injuries I sustained by the sucker demon.
  1. The human, whose name is Oliver, prepares the way for the opening of a hyperdimensional portal that opens in my apartment floor:
Watch Oliver Prepares Portal for Demonic Transit
  1. After preparing the portal, and positioning the chair next to the adjacent wall, Oliver assists two demons, who clearly did not use the front (and only door) crawl out of it before going into a portal in an adjacent wall.
The first demon crosses from the portal in the floor to the one in an adjacent wall...
...right before a second one does the same
Amazingly, a demon can be seen sliding the wall with the window and door on it out of the depths of the portal itself.
  1. A third video shows a sucker demon, which must have crawled out of the floor portal, slithering into Oliver's backpack. If it weren't for the odd motion—and fact that it flies up into the air—it would look like one of the backpack's straps:
  1. The same sucker demon showed up later in my bed at another apartment:
Watch Sucker Demon in My Bed
  1. This sucker demon—and others—are later used to cause injury to my head, as is described in this recap of a previous post:
New photos reveal the aftermath of yet another attack by sucker demons, which, for several days, have been piercing the skin and bone of my head with their hot, needle-like appendages, causing deformities to my skull and constant pain (see also Voices Demons use sucker demons to deform skull, bore holes).

Insert site of a sucker demon with its hot, needle-like appendage, which disfigured bone and burned skin tissue
For over three days, I have been fending off the near-constant attacks of these worm-like demons, who were ordered by the Voices Demons to "masturbate a whole in my 'noggin." The Voices Demons have eluded to this eventuality for years; and, now that it has come to pass, one can only dread how the other threats that they have issued will play out.

Deformities in my skull caused by sucker demons are evident
Since a cloaked sucker demon cannot be seen or felt—except under certain circumstances—I had to wait until I felt the tell-tale burning of its hot, needle-like appendage before prying them off of me with pinched fingers, which crackled as they came into contact. It was partly effective, even though my scalp is dotted with red pinpoint scabs leftover from failed attempts to penetrate the skin.

Pinpoint red marks indicate failed attempts by the sucker demons to insert the above-described appendage
Although the attacks have escalated ten-fold over the past several days, it is now evident that sucker demons have been at work for quite some time. Three years ago, I noticed through the thin skin of my eyes that holes had been bored into the bone that comprises my eye sockets. I also noticed that the shape of my head had changed rapidly; comparing photographs just a month-and-a-half apart confirmed that for me:

December 2008, immediately before incarceration by the Voices Demons
March 2012, after three years of incarceration by Voices Demons
Less than two months later, after Voices Demons escalate sucker-demon attacks
At the time, I was unaware of any entity other than the Voices Demons. (I had not yet been made aware that they were affiliated with the demons of my childhood, as they billed themselves as good spirits at first, in spite of their abusive acts). As a result, I could not make a determination as to the cause.

Apparently, just like there are side effects from having been drained of blood while I sleep—also done by sucker demons per the direction of the Voices Demons—which makes me feel tired and weak—there are side effects to having your bone tissue pierced by a sucker demon's cloak and whatever-you-call-it that enables it to move through sheets, clothing and walls, specifically, mutilated bone tissue. What was once a smooth páte is now riddled with large bumps made of bone beneath the skin. The sight with the most visible skin damage is especially raised.

Raised and deformed bone underneath the scabbed and burned site of sucker-demon drilling
I can only imagine what has been done to the brain tissue underneath.
UPCOMING | Video showing sucker demons attached to my skull, while anchored to the ceiling from above.
In addition to mutating bone, a sucker demon can temporarily soften it. If you grab one in order to get it off you or out of your bed, and grab it hard enough to penetrate its outer gelatinous skin (which is really, really hard) an energy that you can feel shoots up your hand and arm. Insodoing, your nerves stop functioning and your muscles go slack. If you keep trying to squeeze, your bones will pop.

VIDEO TIMELINE | Oliver Moves Demons between Floor and Wall Portals

The original, uncompressed version of Oliver Moves Demons between Floor and Wall Portals is added to the Demonic Activity Video Timeline calendar on January 8th, 2012, at 8:00 AM.
The first demon crosses from the portal in the floor to the one in an adjacent wall... ...right before a second one does the same
To view this movie, use Quicktime Player, and see more clearly what media-sharing websites, such as YouTube, Vimeo and Facebook, render virtually unwatchable by and through their compression scheme that is applied to all video files stored on their servers.

Several demons arrive from a portal in the floor (the only door, which is next to the window, remains shut), step onto a chair, and then depart into a portal in an adjacent wall. Oliver was the only guest, and can be seen in Oliver Prepares Portal for Demonic Transit making way for the demons in this video.
A demon slides an entire wall from the depths of a hyperdimensional portal
This is not the only video which shows a demon moving from the floor to an adjacent wall. In Demon Springs from Floor, that very thing happens when a hobgoblin demon suddenly rises up out of my floor and runs headlong into an adjacent wall before disappearing.
A hobgoblin demon makes a dash for a nearby portal in a wall, after having sprung from same, located in the floor

VIDEO TIMELINE | Oliver Prepares Portal for Demonic Transit

The original, uncompressed version of Oliver Prepares Portal for Demonic Transit is added to the Demonic Activity Video Timeline calendar on January 8th, 2012, at 5:54 AM.
Oliver nervously prepares for the arrival of uninvited demonic guests from a portal in my apartment floor
To view this movie, use Quicktime Player, and see more clearly what media-sharing websites, such as YouTube, Vimeo and Facebook, render virtually unwatchable by and through their compression scheme that is applied to all video files stored on their servers.

In this video, Oliver hurriedly rearranges furniture and adjusts the lighting pending the arrival of several uninvited demonic guests, who, in Oliver Moves Demons between Floor and Wall Portals, stepped out of the floor, onto a chair, and into an adjacent wall.

The demon who loved me

I declined to procure the services of a paranormal investigator today, in part, because he didn't recognize any of the entities in the movies, and he could get hurt if he doesn't know what he's up against. After all, I have received multiple injuries at the hands of these demons over the years, and many times from their people.
A demon-allied police officer shot me at point-blank range with a TASER,
which embedded its prong in my rib, both shattering and breaking it
He was generous twice over, though, first offering to be paid to come to my house where the demons aren't at and look at it to tell me nothing about what he knows nothing about. The second act of generosity, I thought, was based on his concern for my safety. In an e-mail, he asked, "What about you?" (As in, Should you be there, if I shouldn't?) I gave him this answer, which has a very different story than the ones I usually tell on this site:
Good question. I mean, I can't ignore the way they act, think, and talk—it's evil, and they have physically and mentally harmed me in ways that could be defined as torture; but, that's not true about all of them, all of the time.
But, regardless, I can't get away from them, so the point is moot. It's large crowds and far distances that limit, or cause them to limit, their ability to reach me. Unfortunately, I can't go anywhere right now (see also Family stalls plan for respite), but I was able to move to a large house with lots of residents recently, and that has made all the difference. The respite from demons afforded me has also enabled me so much free time that I was able to nearly double the amount of visitors to my blog to over 500 hits a day—consistently—just by simply explaining some of the old stuff I've posted before (I was averaging about 250-350 hits a day, every day for the first three months, with a once- or twice-a-week break of over 400).
But, with the financial constraints placed on me by these very well connected demons that occupy a town predominantly populated by agents of the anti-Christ, I can't get the distance I need to break away completely. In fact, I can't even go to jail and get away from them. In May, on my first night in jail, not yet knowing it was only going to be a three-week stint, I was laying on my bunk with my eyes shut, still awake, but in utter agony. Just three days prior, two demon-allied men forcefully sodomized me, but I was the one arrested on the suspicion of having gone on a tire slashing spree shortly afterwards. The culprits, one of which is the demon-possessed pedophile confessing to child sex crimes on video, were still out having fun—doing dope, screwing around—while I sat in jail wondering if I was ever going to get out.
Anyway, after I had been laying there for nearly six hours, I suddenly felt and smelled the breath of a centurion demon being blown gently into my nostrils (read Three things you never knew about a centurion demon's mouth). In spite of my agony, I smiled before opening my eyes because I knew who it was. I had met him before, and the breath thing is what he did the night he first rose up out of my apartment floor. Until that night, I thought centurion demons had to remain stationary, that it was one of their limitations; but, this turned out to be a ruse in preparation for the night that one of them planned to scare the hell out of me by running up on me real quick.
This particular centurion demon must have pulled the short straw, because he was the only one who was chosen to do this. So, when he first appeared, the usual measured, slow breathing, glacial arm movements and non-moving legs I expected were instantly replaced by the horned- and scaled-face of a fanged-mouth sprinter, who, with lighting-quick speed and uncanny agility, stopped running a mere three inches from my face. I was laying in bed when he did this; and, just as his snake-like eyes met mine, I froze—I mean, I stopped moving, blinking and breathing.
Then, without warning, he blew a puff of air into my face, just to drive home the fact that he was real, quite mobile and physical—and not a specter or disabled in any way, shape or form.
But, to his surprise, I recovered almost just as instantly, and, in just one look, let him know that, instead of scaring me, well...let's just say that, for the first time ever, fear wasn't the emotion I felt, and then leave it at that. And, oh, that look was returned, even if just for a fraction of a second.
When he recovered, though, he looked shocked, and I will bet he looked just as horrified as he had wanted me to look, and he froze just as still as I had. Then, he started breathing hard and angry, and scowled in only the way a demon can, and in way that suggested that I had embarrassed him in front of his horde, and in a way that suggested I was dead-meat.  
But, soon enough, he relaxed his posture, and changed his expression to one of bemusement, and to one that suggested that he was also a little impressed, even though there is nothing particularly impressive about being burned out from night-after-night of living in a demon's house of horrors and failing to react appropriately, as a result. Finally, he straightened up, and then walked into the wall adjacent to my bed while laughing—silently, of course.
The next time he came back to my apartment, he was nice the whole time. He let me smell his breath again (which, I told him, was for scientific research reasons only), and he also put his fingertips, which glowed like the butt of a cigarette, through the palm of my hand. He did this by stretching his arm nearly 10 feet from his body, somehow. Where his fingers intersected with my palm, the skin and inside of my hand glowed.
But, back to the night in jail—our third meeting: First, keep in mind that I can't communicate with centurion demons, and they can't communicate with me without me talking out loud and the centurion demons whispering (of course). Since this is considered wholly inappropriate on both sides of the fence, communication occur through intermediaries, specifically, prophesy demons. I can summon prophecy demons at will for this task, if I need to; but, the ones that stalk me are always handy these days. (By the way, even without a prophesy demon's assistance, I can still listen to communications between a prophesy demon and another human without them knowing, but only to the prophesy demon's side of the conversation, even though I can sometimes project language to a human. But, when it comes to centurion demons, my abilities are insufficient. (Have you heard of such a thing?)
Anyway, with the prophecy demons as the go-between, this now-enamored centurion demon said to me, "[I don't] want you in here with this guy (my then-cellie)." The guy was as crazy as I sound, so just imagine.
Sure enough, twenty minutes later, I was inexplicably moved to another holding facility—a much better one, in fact—where I was housed with what I consider to be the best cellie I have ever had, and I've had a lot of them in my day to compare this one to.
Now, I haven't seen this demon since that night in jail, even though I ask about him daily; but, I also I haven't been attacked by any centurion demons since, which used to be a constant problem for several months in a row. So, as I said, they are not all bad, all of the time.
READ |  Demonios ardientes con el fuego
I should also mention that the sucker demon attacks (see also Sucker Demons Join Attack with Red Horde) have ceased completely, and, right now, I am only being hit with light hobgoblin demon magic (which is like bad mojo or bad luck, but in a really bizarre way, and is pissing me off, but only causing minor, reparable damage to ligaments). I assume that's due to the residence change, but also want to believe that it was him, too. (About the hobgoblin demon magic: it's not surprising that he wasn't able to do anything about that, as hobgoblin demons are upper echelon, and answer to no one; apparently, though, they will honor requests by their own kind to a [limited] degree.)
So, to answer your question, which I assume referred to my safety: hell no, I am not safe, in spite of that lovely story and reports of diminished attacks; and, if a train, bus or plane ticket magically showed up on my doorstep that took me at least 150 miles away from where I'm at—even if only for 24 hours—I would be a happy, happy man.
So, how far away are you, by the way?

VIDEOS | Demonic chroma masking (real-life Halloween masks)

Two perfect examples of demonic chroma masking are shown in two videos from my collection.

Demonic masking is the conglomeration of chroma—the red, green and blue particles of low-level light that fill the air during periods of high demonic activity, and which is seen in almost every authentic paranormal photo and video—into a shape that loosely resembles that of a demon's face and/or body that is superimposed over a human.

It is extremely difficult to capture without expensive equipment, and my cheap cellphone and laptop webcam are generally not up to the challenge; however, in two instances, they have captured this phenomenon well enough to present some demonstrable examples.

In a video made on my cellphone, my body briefly—and inexplicably—leans into the view of the camera near the beginning; but, the face and body are not mine. A review of a still frame from the video shows that the left side of my head has enlarged by nearly one-and-a-half times, and my nostrils are lopsided; I also have white, fang-like teeth, similar to that of a centurion demon, in a mouth that is uncharacteristically hanging open like a slack-jawed yokel.
At first, I appear to be a fanged-toothed demon; but, as I lean back into the light, the
chroma dissipates, leaving behind the real me (Download: Source from MediaFire [15 MB])
The second video showing demonic chroma masking, however, is much more evident. In it, the entire room fills with green chroma, which then fuses into the face of a very angry looking demon; following, that, an elfish, reddish one.
The best example I have of demonic chroma masking on video, which appears to occur only during channeling (Download: Source from MediaFire [56 MB]).
The green demon appears to be barking at someone, and the red demon appears to be talking to someone, too; but, I am in my apartment alone (or so I thought).

In both instances, I have no recollection of channeling a demon; however, clearly, I had an inkling something was going to happen or I would not have had my webcam running.

Note that demonic chroma masking is not the same as morphing, which is an actual physical transformation. I have one video of morphing, in which my face transforms from a younger, pensive version of me to an older, more wistful version.
In one second's time, I morph into a slightly different version of me (Download: Source from MediaFire [161 MB])
Minutes later, though, it transforms back again.
A minute later—and also in about a second's time—I morph back (Download: Source from MediaFire [161 MB])
The expression on either face, and by the way each version holds itself and moves the camera (or doesn't move it, depending), suggests almost two different personalities or persons.

[More on chroma masking later...]

VIDEOS | Elusive needle-fingered demon briefly captured in two videos

The needle-fingered, gloved hands of a demon that spikes your brain with them as you walk away from him with your back turned can now (briefly) be seen in two separate videos, which are:
  1. Thing, in which my hand flies off my arm and grabs a cellphone before a smaller demon, which is snaking towards it from under my bedspread, does; and,
Those aren't stubby fingers; a glove has been cut in order to expose the needle-like digits
  1. Demon Intruders Attack, which was made by two demons, one being the needle-fingered one, while they dangled my unconscious body in front of my cellphone camera.
The needle-like fingers can be seen more clearly in this blurry still frame from
the video in which the demon is pulling my arms behind me
Although I have met it face-to-face on multiple occasions, I have only incidentally captured it on video three times; unfortunately, the third video was taken by a demon half-breed, probably during the attack at the law library, and has been not recovered.
Close-up of the still frame showing the needle-fingered, black-gloved hand reaching behind my back to suspend me by my arms
When he hits you with his needles in the head, you are rendered dumbstruck for hours. They leave no marks, as they are partially cloaked, and there is no sensation, other than dizziness and disorientation and inability to concentrate. Your face takes on a dumb look, too.
The head is a frequent target of demons, which was particularly evident by recent deformities
made in my skull and bloody wounds left on my scalp caused by a sucker demon attack
To learn more about my head injuries, which were caused by demons, read:

VIDEO | Sliding walls (and the uninvited guests who go through them)

What do demons do to me after rendering me unconscious? Besides slide walls from the depths of hyperdimensional portals (shown below), it would appear to be two things:
  1. inspect equipment that may have recorded things they don't want recorded; and,
  2. transportation—either me or them or both.
I've been rendered unconscious four times on camera now by demons (but countless times since age 5), with one incident now being released in this unprocessed (raw) video clip, in which Oliver, the half-naked man who had a sucker demon slither into his backpack in Oliver Conceals a Sucker Demon, apparently, had at least one—if not two—uninvited guests in my apartment on January 8th, 2012, while I was unconscious.
A pantless demonic collaborator conceals a sucker demon (the strap-like entity next to his butt) in his backpack in Oliver Conceals a Sucker Demon The same strap-like entity snakes through my bedsheets in Sucker Demon in My Bed, and looks like a piece of elastic—but then it moves in the opposite direction it should
You can see at least two people crawl out of the floor—which is where Oliver is definitely not—which is the only place they could have come from, then climb a chair and disappear into a wall, which is the only place they could have gone.
The following footage has not been processed—it's just "blurry nonsense" right now; but, soon enough, I will point out some of the things in this video that are not natural—or at least common. Keep in mind that the apartment is a studio; there is one door and one window. The camera is on the floor. Also, my walls don't slide in-and-out like a stage-set, and people aren't supposed to come out of the floor and then climb up into them and disappear, of course.
DOWNLOAD | The uncompressed video file from MediaFire.
At the end of the movie, I seem to have had some sort of indication that I was not alone, as I say in my delirium something about, "They took my iPod." (It later mysteriously came back.)

A demon slides a wall from the somewhere "in the ether" (there's a scientific designation for space within space, but I prefer the demon vernacular)

In another video, made just minutes prior, Oliver can be seen nervously preparing for the arrival of his uninvited tagalongs. He is seen hovering over the portal area on the floor, moving the table, and adjusting the lamp. He makes frequent nervous glances at the wall, window and door while he does this. It's clear he knows what he's about to do:

This is not the first time I've been rendered unconscious by demons. You can hear one demon say, "Pick him up," while another demon lifts my unconscious body from my bed in the demon-made video Demonic Intruders Attack; clearly, I was unconscious while two half-breed demons perused my cellphone and laptop in Demons Attack at Law Library; and, I assure you I was not conscious after being charged by the roaring demon in Demonic Assault (Again).

HOME | Neighbor's house number is 666—the Mark of the Beast

It's almost funny. Almost.

I hope this is just a terrible coincidence; but, my new neighbor's house number couldn't be more disconcerting:
666 South Fifth Street in San Jose, California
After having fled demons at my two previous addresses nearly three weeks ago, I landed at 650 South Fifth Street; but, as circumstance would have it, the address of the house next door is 666 South Fifth Street:
'666' is also the Mark of the Beast—a horrible coincidence for me and them
Read about The Number of the Beast on Wikipedia.

READER | Former jailhouse buddy provides evidence of demonic camouflage

James Strickland, former jail friend and current Facebook friend, took this photo on a nightly walk during a high period of demonic activity in the Bay Area:
Demons blend with leaves of tree to create general shape
He only posts one picture, whereas I have 100 of hours of videos showing the same type of phenomenon; but, it is a very poignant example, all the same, in that trees don't grow like this...ever.
James Strickland, former jailhouse buddy, current Facebook friend
There are no thunderstorms, tornados, frosts, or heavy downpours—or even wind—in the Bay Area to cause a tree to form like this. And, I'll bet that if I took a look at this tree now, it probably wouldn't look like this right now; but, during certain times, it would go right back to its shape.

As I've previously alluded before: my situation is not unique. It is predominant among all people in the Bay Area.

I simply cannot explain why more people don't talk about it; but, perhaps it's because they are not waging war against evil, as I feel forced (but privileged) to do.

READER | Crystal meth addict lauds mention of connection between demons and drug

The author of the site, The Truth About Crystal Meth, Witchcraft And Demons, had this to say about my blog posting on the connection between crystal methamphetamine, gang-stalkers and demons, Crystal methamphetamine use common denominator among demon-led local terror groups:
Great bravery! Hats off to you.
We (survivors of meth) are truly blessed to know what is really happening to us while using this demonic drug. So many people fall to fear or even insanity when these demonic forces are unleashed on us while using meth.
Would you like to hear a secret? Then listen up! Let these next few words soak into your heart as they flow through your eyes from this screen: You have no friends in the meth world. I know because I looked hard. Here is secret knowledge: Love them anyway. They want you dead, your wife, your money and all other things that you own. They want to trap you in your moments of despair. So this makes it very hard to love them with an honest love but remember this... it is not them.
While on meth they are like puppets and the demons are free to use them as they wish. In most cases they are also targets. The devil and all his empire have NO care or love for any of humanity. No one is special to him.
This image depicts the type of things that actually happen during demonic incursions
So love and pray for those who appear to be on GANG-STALKING | Gang-stalker eludes to demons in confession to crimes.
Here's the e-mail I received from him:
You are more than welcome to use our hub. I left this comment on your article.
Great bravery! Hats off to you. We (survivors of meth) are truly blessed to know what is really happening to us while using this demonic drug. So many people fall to fear or even insanity when these demonic forces are unleashed on us while using meth. Would you like to hear a secret? Then listen up! Let these next few words soak into your heart as they flow through your eyes from this screen. You have no friends in the meth world. I know because I looked hard. Here is secret knowledge: Love them anyway. They want you dead, your wife, your money and all other things that you own. They want to trap you in your moments of despair. So this makes it very hard to love them with an honest love but remember this... it is not them. While on meth they are like puppets and the demons are free to use them as they wish. In most cases they are also targets. The devil and all his empire have NO care or love for any of humanity. No one is special to him. So love and pray for those who appear to be against you and this will weaken and denounce all witchcraft rituals against you. I know this works! Love is the most powerful "weapon" a human can have, next is faith. Faith can be misused but true Love is amazingly powerful and NEVER fails!! God Bless you in your journey and your battle. Thank you for sharing your story.Everything you talk about in your articles are very true occurences and all is considered by us to be truth. We know because we have fought the same fight and still do. I would just like to finally note that you are not crazy and do not ever fall into that thought. Stay close to Jesus Christ, no matter what.
Thanks for sharing!