FBI arrests stalker, detention hearing in federal court next Monday

Today, the FBI arrested one of my stalkers, specifically, the one that sent this just a couple of weeks ago (I think):

A message from the stalker just arrested by FBI today (probably); the theme is similar to that of the death-threat letter with the bullet attached to it sent in the summer of 2012
And, the definitely the one who sent this death-threat letter in the summer of 2012, the very letter the FBI credits for connecting the stalker to me and half-a-dozen other victims:

The letter the FBI credits for bringing the case against my stalker to prosecution
I was notified by phone shortly afterwards by the agent in charge of the investigation that the stalker is now behind bars, and that, this Monday, I can meet the stalker face-to-face at his detention hearing to be held at the federal courthouse in downtown San Jose, where Judge Grewal will determine whether he can post bail.
NOTE | The FBI petitioned the court to detain the stalker without bail; the court agreed, citing its belief that the stalker posed a significant risk to the community.
Although pleased that some progress is being made by others than myself in this problem (the demonic plague, that is), my exuberance is still long in the making. This is but one of many who act on behalf of demons, and, as far as I know, may never have caused any of the injuries I've sustained in the countless attacks by demons and their people (although, I firmly believe that were he not caught, and were he given the chance, he would have done more than injure; rather, he would have killed me or someone else, instead).

Arrested stalker holds title for 'creepiest demon person ever'
As far as my stalker is concerned, scarier than the timing of his threatening phone calls and letters and e-mails, which always—and only—happened during periods of high demonic activity and the Voices Demons' and their peoples' anger management ritual-attacks (and at the same time family and friends would join in same), is the phone call I got from him shortly after I arrived in Indiana.

It was on a stormy night during my brief tenure in Indiana last month when the light in my deceased grandfather's bedroom...wouldn't turn on. [Right as] I flipped the switch on the wall [—and then the lamp itself—,] the stalker calls, and, using his scary voice, asks me if I'm having trouble turning on your grandpa's light? I said, I am; he said, Do you want me to help you? I paused for a moment, right before eeking out, Yes. He says, Try again. So, I flipped the wall switch again. That time, the light came on.

Here, by the way, is his scary voice in three of his voicemails, so you get an idea of what he sounded like in a room darkened by the pitch of night, save the occasional lightning bolt and accompanying clap of thunder:

I've gone through quite a few hellish and harrowing experiences with demons and their people over the years; but, the fact that they are usually announced first, and being as expected as they are when they happen, for some reason, lessens the impact they have in comparison to this one incident. It creeped me out in a much bigger way to have been over 2,000 miles away from ground zero of demonic activity, with no pre-announcement, and no apparent cause for the intrusion. For demons and their people, it's a job; but, for this guy, it seemed personal. That's scarier.

Presumptuous intrusion into personal life uncharacteristic of typical demon person
Mostly, demon people, if they say anything, simply parrot what they're told to say by Voices Demons; accordingly, I pay it no mind. I'm as disinterested in hearing them and they are in talking to me. This particular stalker was different in that regard: he was interested, and I'm sure he went further than the Voices Demons would have allowed, were he within their sphere of influence.

While he was always in sync with the Voices Demons and their people, he left physical evidence of his harassment, which is unusual; and, he involved himself in matters that no demon person could have been persuaded to even hear about, let alone form an opinion on. For example:

This points to psychotic on top of being a demon person; he probably was connected to my problem, but wasn't managed because he was unmanageable, even for demons.

Options for sentencing mitigation to be offered
I'll post more after Monday's hearing; but, I doubt that's going to prove very interesting to readers, unless I recognize the person, and can connect him to others who now wage war against my life. What will be interesting in when I get the chance to throw the stalker a bone, specifically, sentence mitigation in exchange for information connecting my family and others I once trusted to the anger management rituals.

I know he can do it; I know he's connected to others I've had problems with in the same way, and at the same time. I intend to use this to make others "arrestable," as the Voices Demons have predicted over and over [see Voices Demons: "Your family will be arrestable"].

Postscript: my last conversation with the stalker
Here's the last exchange of words I had with the stalker before his arrest:

I'm getting a little flippant (a sign of annoyance on my part), judging by my responseNow, I'm getting sarcastic (a little more than annoyance—more like aggression)
NOTE | I believe this to be different kind of harassment than the fag-bashing that can be heard in AUDIO | Homeless shelter staff fag-bashes via loudspeaker
Other online stalker activity
Other online stalker activity can be found on this blog by searching for:
The posts returned by the search will contain even more links to other posts pertaining to the aforementioned subject.

Other crime-related posts
The FBI reiterated on multiple occasions the key role this blog played in identifying, locating and apprehending the serial stalker, making it the second law enforcement agency so assisted.

The Santa Clara Police Department began an initiative identical to mine, also seeking to shutter a drug house operating in that city based on my such effort as described in The Death Wish of a Demoniac: Fighting the demon-allied drug trade.

BIBLE | Fighting the Good Fight: How a demoniac fights like a Christian

This post tells you how to fight like an angel, even when you feel like the Devil, and provides God's answer for fighting demons while keeping your soul. How? By giving you God's inspired-instruction for handling the inevitable anger that comes from seeing your own countrymen betray the land you love, as well as the anger that comes from watching humans hurt humans at the behest of demons, to name but two of the many sources.

Anger is the path to destruction
Anger is Satan's #1 weapon for distancing a Christian from God, in that one's anger, if unchecked, can lead to unholy conduct; consequently, of all emotions, anger is the most-oft addressed in the Bible. Here are key verses dealing with anger, as found in the Scriptures:

On the consequences of anger:
For man’s anger does not promote the righteousness God [wishes and requires]. [James 1:20]
Cease from anger and forsake wrath; fret not yourself—it tends only to evildoing. [Psalm 37:8]
A man of wrath stirs up strife, and a man given to anger commits and causes much transgression. [Proverbs 29:22]
Do not be quick in spirit to be angry or vexed, for anger and vexation lodge in the bosom of fools. [Ecclesiastes 7:9] 
He who is slow to anger has great understanding, but he who is hasty of spirit exposes and exalts his folly. [Proverbs 14:29]
On the benefits of subduing anger:
He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, he who rules his [own] spirit than he who takes a city. [Proverbs 16:32]
Good sense makes a man restrain his anger, and it is his glory to overlook a transgression or an offense. [Proverbs 19:11]
On avoiding anger:
Make no friendships with a man given to anger, and with a wrathful man do not associate. [Proverbs 22:24]
A soft answer turns away wrath, but grievous words stir up anger. [Proverbs 15:1]
Fathers, do not irritate and provoke your children to anger [do not exasperate them to resentment], but rear them [tenderly] in the training and discipline and the counsel and admonition of the Lord. [Ephesians 6:4]
Be angry, and do not sin: do not let the sun go down on your wrath. [Ephesians 4:26]
On the characteristics of a true child of God, as they relate to anger management:
I desire therefore that in every place men should pray, without anger or quarreling or resentment or doubt [in their minds], lifting up holy hands. [1 Timothy 2:8]
A [self-confident] fool utters all his anger, but a wise man holds it back and stills it. [Proverbs 29:11]
But now put away and rid yourselves [completely] of all these things: anger, rage, bad feeling toward others, curses and slander, and foulmouthed abuse and shameful utterances from your lips! [Colossians 3:8]
Let all bitterness and indignation and wrath (passion, rage, bad temper) and resentment (anger, animosity) and quarreling (brawling, clamor, contention) and slander (evil-speaking, abusive or blasphemous language) be banished from you, with all malice (spite, ill will, or baseness of any kind). [Ephesians 4:31]
On the characteristics of a child of Belial, with respect to lack of self-control and anger:
Idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, anger (ill temper), selfishness, divisions (dissensions), party spirit (factions, sects with peculiar opinions, heresies). [Galatians 5:20]
On characteristics of God’s anger, which one should mimic in all respects:
For His anger is but for a moment, but His favor is for a lifetime or in His favor is life. Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. [Psalm 30:5]
But He, full of [merciful] compassion, forgave their iniquity and destroyed them not; yes, many a time He turned His anger away and did not stir up all His wrath and indignation. [Psalm 78:38]
The Lord is long-suffering and slow to anger, and abundant in mercy and loving-kindness, forgiving iniquity and transgression; but He will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, upon the third and fourth generation. [Numbers 14:18]
How anger factors into the life of a demoniac
The Voices Demons don't hide one iota of the intent of their engagement with me, which is to anger me into making mistakes I can't live with; they even give a name to their campaign of anger-inducing harassment and violence, specifically, anger management ritual.

Following are just some of the recent posts that describe (and show) some of what constitutes an anger management ritual for demons and their people:
Although these posts are spaced a little over a month apart, they collectively represent what I am subjected to for days and weeks at a time on a regular basis, for years now, by demons and their people.
NOTE | In other words, they mean to describe all other incidences similar to the one they talk about, in addition to the one they talk about.
As you can surmise, maintaining self-control—a fruit of the Holy Spirit, by the way—in a world like mine can be a real challenge, a challenge that I have failed to meet on a number of instances, resulting in grave consequences to my freedom and relationships.

"Please help me take a bite out of evil today"
As I pointed out in Your God-prescribed duty to those in mortal danger, it's everyone's job to warn those in mortal danger, which this blog does in spades; but, on a personal level, I believe that this is what God called me to do, and the dedication to the iBook version of this blog explains why:
I dedicate this publication to God, and, of course, Jesus Christ. 
To God, for answering my oft-repeated prayer: “Please help me take a bite out of evil today.” [Psalm 140] He answered that prayer every time I prayed it; the number of posts and the date they were published coincide with how often and when each prayer was answered. The posts themselves show the results [Proverbs 15:29].
To Jesus Christ, for planting footsteps I can actually follow: that is to say, the footsteps of a courageous truth-teller [1 John 4:15]. God did not give us a spirit of timidity [2 Timothy 1:7]; you stood up to those who were wrong in your time [Matthew 23:33] and I would be remiss not to do the same in mine [Matthew 16:24-26]. I count it all joy at having suffered for doing so [James 1:2-3; 1 Peter 4:13], in that now we have a starting point to that common bond without which my soul would surely die [John 15:5].
NOTE | This dedication also serves as gratitude for a life of constant sorrow and torment, in that it always results in godly wisdom [Ecclesiastes 7:3-13].
The fact that, to this very day, God still answers my prayer to take a bite out of evil—which, by the way, means to uncover new facts about the demonic agenda that very day, and to disseminate those facts in an effective, efficient and convincing way—is proof enough to me that this blog is my personalized, God-given calling for now. The fact that demons persist in their attempts to provoke my anger means to me that they recognize this, too, and that they feel anger is the best means by which to dissuade me from being of service to God and the people He so clearly loves (i.e., my readers).

Self-control is the path to eternal life
When you're receptive to God's instruction and care, the Word comes to you whenever you need it, wherever you are. In these overwhelming times, when demons and their people have greatly intensified their efforts in order to stymie my ongoing, highly successful effort to inform the world of their agenda and activities, I received a very apt, relevant message through Joyce Meyer this evening.

In Fight Like a Christian - Pt 3, she said:
How to fight like a Christian—when someone misuses us, mistreats us, when someone abuses us—the answer to it is not to try to get them back, it's not to return evil for evil, but it's to trust God, and do good. Put our trust in God, "God, you're our vindicator. I trust you to deal in the proper way with people who have mistreated me, and I'm going to continue to do good." 
Added by me: As for God, His way is perfect! The word of the Lord is tested and tried; He is a shield to all those who take refuge and put their trust in Him. (Psalm 18:30 AMP)
I'm not going to turn away from my God-given assignment to deal with all the mean people in the world; I'm going to stay focused on what God has called me to do. I'm going to keep helping people, and when I help people, I'm sowing a seed, then, for my breakthrough in life. 
Let's say that there's a hundred different people called to do different things in the kingdom: to help the poor, be missionaries, preach the gospel, worship leaders, whatever... So, let's just say a hundred little demons are sent out from Hell everyday, one assigned to each one of those called, anointed Christians, and all that demon's job is, is to set them up to get them upset—to offend them, to put people in their way that will mistreat them, to hurt them—and, so, if these hundred Christians don't understand what I'm talking about today or what God teaches in His Word, then they're going to spend all their time fighting these battles. They are going to stay angry all the time, they're going to complain all the time, they're going to get bitter and resentful, and they are not going to accomplish what God has called them to do. 
It's very easy to understand that we war not with flesh and blood, but with principalities and powers and wickedness in high places, and we are in a war, and we do need to fight, but we need to learn to fight like a Christian. The only way you can overcome evil is with good; you cannot fight evil with evil; you cannot fight anger with anger. The only way to overcome evil with good. 
God does not stop being good because the world is evil. 
Now, we do have to fight a fight; we are at war. The body of Christ is said to be an army, the army of God; and, there's places in the Bible where we are referred to as soldiers in the army of God. 
In 1 Timothy 6:12, Paul said to Timothy that he was to, "Fight the good fight of faith." So, when you're being attacked, one of the ways to fight is just to stay in faith, and to keep saying, and keep saying, and keep saying, "God, no matter what is going on in my life, I trust You." 
"Fight the good fight of faith. Lay hold of the eternal life to which you were summoned, and to which you confessed the Great Confession of Faith before many witnesses."
No such thing as coincidences
If that message wasn't meant for me, then I'm a monkey's uncle. There is no such thing as luck, coincidence, or happenstance and the like in God's universe. Everything is too important for that. I truly believe that God spoke to me today through the Word, acknowledging my biggest challenge, and offering the solution.

Right now, I'm facing major life obstacles that are not easily overcome, even without the army of darkness breathing down my neck. Pray for me, that I don't take a wrong turn along the way.

Comparing demonic activity in light and shadow

I must be getting braver with my blogging. In the past, the challenge was to convince some of the existence of demons, and I didn't want to offend or put-off anyone for whom that might be difficult. Although I experienced a wide variety of demonic activity and encountered a myriad of demonic (and other) species, because the target audience is the disbelieving, I restricted the blog to things I could prove—things of which I had videos and photos only—because I feel like this subject is the second most important thing everyone in the world should know. Now that I have hundreds and hundreds of posts that collectively prove demons except only to the dimmest and stubbornest, I'm delving into subjects that are not as well-demonstrated by media, but that exist, and that I feel my now well-informed audience should be ready for by now.

This post presents such a subject; if you're not ready for things like it, I suggest you start at the first post to this blog, and read every post between that one and this. Then, ask questions; I answer them day-and-night. After that, I promise you'll be more than ready; in fact, you'll be hungry to grow-up, and to face and digest all of life's most pertinent—even though difficult—facts.

This companion-post to Demonic Feng Shui will demonstrate that light and shadow make a difference in whether you can see demonic activity, as well as the kind of demonic activity you can see in each. Doing so will show which types of demonic activity can be abated by simply switching on a light, which kind can be detected by turning the light off, and which is unaffected by either. The benefits of knowing this information should be obvious to every demoniac, as well as any non-demoniac who wishes to stay that way.
NOTE | This post isn't meant to be the authoritative guide on the effects of light and shadow on demonic activity, but to merely introduce the fact there is such a subject, and to provide a means by which to begin fleshing it out. It also doesn't describe how light and shadow make a difference.
The difference light and shadow make with respect to demonic activity have been demonstrated indirectly before on this blog. In TECHNOLOGY | Highlighting demons possessing a human as shown on video, you can watch me transform from a demon to myself—at least, visually, in that we're both there at the same time—by simply moving from the shadows and into the light; and, three more videos show the same thing in PHOTOS/VIDEOS | Further demonic possession revealed, although it took considerable post-processing of the video to bring the demon out of the darkness.

The following still frame taken from a video made yesterday, however, is better suited than past videos at showing that shadow influences whether one can see demonic possession and the bodily mutations that come with it:

My leg, in the light, shows no evidence of demonic possession; however, my arm, in the shadow changes to the multi-colored spotting of one of the demon's possessing me—that, and my hand disappears (click image to enlarge)
My leg, in the light, shows no evidence of demonic possession; however, my arm, in the shadow changes to the multi-colored spotting of one of the demon's possessing me (not only that, but my hand disappears as it transforms into the demonic hand weapon I intended to demonstrate in front of the camera, just like I did in PIC/VIDEO | Close-up of tendril-firing demonic hand weapon key for finding possession victims [see VIDEO | Demon-exorcising power (finally) caught on camera; see also VIDEO | "Zap" emits EMF radiation visible to digital camera].

To start, I made a video during a period of high demonic activity using two video cameras: one pointed at the well-lit portion of my face; the other, at the darkened of it (the dichotomy created by a single light source, pouring through a bathroom door behind where I sat:

Shadow-view camera (left) and light-view camera (right) highlight the difference shadow makes in the visibility of demonic activity; these still frames are from two different videos made simultaneously
NOTE | What am I picking at, you ask? See Demonic bombs, noggin crunches and flying demonic snakes for breakfast and VIDEO | Sucker demons swarm eyes, face to blind, disfigure.
It shows both camera views, side-by-side, allowing for interesting comparative observations, such as which hand mutations and facial modifications are most visible, and under which conditions can one see in-the-ether—that is, demonic activity that occurs on another level, in another rate of time flow, with an expanded set of laws of physics at play. There is only one pitfall to be aware of when making comparisons that you must be aware of in order to avoid drawing false conclusions, and that is differences in appearance that relate only to basic photography:

  • Difference in appearance. Compare the two still frames above, which were taken from both videos at the same time index. In the shadow-view camera, I look comparatively unhealthy next to the light-side camera, which some might mistake for a mutation that is only evident in portion of my face that falls within the realm of demonic influence (or shadow); however, in reality, it's a bad angle and bad lighting and bad times. The lighting and angle in the light-view camera just happen smooth over the dips and valleys caused by numerous and savage sucker demon attacks to the face and skull. In other words, these two still frames do not demonstrate the kind of facial modifications inherent to the demon-possessed; those modifications are actually the blending of one face with another. 

The following are the differences that constitute shadow-and-light influence on the visibility and presence of demonic activity:
  • Hand mutations. In the shadow-view camera, my hand begins to take on some of the demonic mutations shown and described in various posts to this blog, but appear to be hindered by the light, as they are not visible—nor do they seem to occur—from the perspective of the light-view camera.
Twisted and looped fingers—the same phenomena Satanists use to form the Sign of the Devil—are seen only from the shadow-view camera's perspectiveBlurry fingers from the their rapid motion, as seen from the light-view camera at same time index on the left, are a far cry from twisted and melted ones
  • Facial modifications. As shown in the shadow-view camera, the portions of my face overlapping the realm of demonic influence begin to modify based on the appearance of demons attempting to possess my body, whereas none of this is seen in the light.
Ultra-round ears and facial skin-speckling—not to mention the subtle, but noticeable change in facial features indicates an attempt at full demonic possession, which was thwarted by the light hitting the other side of my face
  • Physical contact. As shown in the shadow-view camera, shadow is the only place sucker demons were able to materialize enough enough to physically alter my face, as shown by the still frame below, in which they pinched my lips together to hinder my speech:
Sucker demons sometimes pinch my lips together (or make me bite my tongue) when attached to my face, making it obvious why I pick at them when they're on my face
Following is that video, which for now, plays straight through, without stopping at the points of interest (those were shown in the still frames taken from it, above):

The video also shows a phenomena that I have not yet introduced on this blog: the bending (morphing, shifting, resizing, etc.) of matter. Matter is putty in the hands of fourth-dimensional entities who know how to manipulate it with their minds; and, when the fourth dimension overlaps with ours, fourth-dimension rules apply, and fourth-dimensional entities rule.

Accordingly, fourth-dimensional entities with the ability to bend matter with their minds do so to their advantage when they work, as shown by comparing these two still frames:
Cloaked demons behind the door and big-screen TV are camera-shy, and compelled me to turn the camera away from them by having a sucker demon nudge it to make me think it was going to tip overAlthough I put my hand over the camera to prevent it from falling, I did not move it in the slightest, neither its tilt nor angle nor distanceEven still, when I remove my hand, it looks like I both tilted and twisted the camera at first glance; but, even if I had, the lighting in the room would not have changed, nor would the width and length and direction of the ceiling beam
Compare light-levels and ceiling distance between the two, followed by the marginal shift in my position in front of the camera. You'll notice that, although between the two I place my hand over the lens as if to adjust the camera, my position between the two frames does not change in relation to the changes in light level and the height of the ceiling; I'm in the same place in both, and, even if I pivoted the camera, the ceiling wouldn't be farther away from it. That's because I simply placed my hand in the way of the camera from tipping over; even still, when I remove my hand, the width and length of the ceiling beam have changed, and the light in the room is brighter.

That's because the camera-shy demons behind me wanted to move out of the camera's view; so, they raised the ceiling. That increased the height of the bathroom door from which came the room's source of light, allowing for more of it to pour in; it also brought more of the ceiling beam into view, because it was farther away than before.

This is not the first incident I've shown of demons bending matter and space around me in order to avoid camera detection; it is just the most discrete example. A more drastic occurrence is shown in VIDEO | Demons slide man into camera's path to preclude recording, which shows space being bent so close to me that it looked like they actually slid a man just a few feet away between my camera and its hoped-for subject (some demon I never got a picture of):

Generally, unless you see it, you cannot feel space and matter being moved unless:
  • you make contact with it after it has been moved or bent, and were depending on space and matter being where and you thought it was before you made contact (like when demons and their people dip or raise a sidewalk beneath me between my steps); or,
  • you are part of the matter being moved, as in the case of the sliding man.
Obviously, in my case, I did not see the ceiling being raised until I watched the video (and I would not have noticed it from the video had I not seen this phenomenon a thousand times already, and, of course, followed up with the math, so to speak).

Light does not preclude in-the-ether visibility when diffracted
One portion of the video not included in the clip above showed Long standing in the bathroom, which was separated from the camera by a doorway. Even though Long was fully enveloped in light, you could see in-the-ether activity.

Remember the woman from Wire-fingered, brain-spiking demon attacks via possessed woman who spiked her own brains with her hand-based demonic weapon? At the time, I thought a demon used her as a portal to attack her from her own body; but, still frames from a portion of the video not included in the clip below have enabled me to recognize the incident now as simple ignorance: she doesn't know how to control her weapon, and/or demons don't care to teach her, or the weapons cannot be controlled. They show puncture wounds, lacerations and slices and scrapes all over Long's face and head, having come from the demonic weapons in his own hands.

Here are a few of those still frames, showing the ethereal wounds to Long's head made by the misfiring of his own hand-based weapon, and by the demonic bombs stitched into the collar of his shirt, as revealed by major contrast and sharpening-enhancements in GIMP:

Heavy contrasting, sharpening, and other modifications made to the original in GIMP show the wounds Long sustained in-the-ether by his own demonic weapon (see enlarged area); this is what happens to (and is intended to happen to) victims of demonic-weapons fire—not the demon person—and, although they heal in the blink of an eye, each hit imperceptibly destroys skin and bone and everything in between, as well as diminishes health, requiring demon people to pelt a target thousands of times over a long period of time to destroy health and age the face and body
Seeing images like the above, having been made in full-on light, after seeing that all other demonic activity is visible only in shadow, may seem to negate any conclusions made so far at first, at least until you understand how and why shadow makes demonic activity more visible. In short, it's simply this: strong light overpowers (scatters) light reflected from demonic matter; when there's less light reflecting or emanating from a source in our realm, the weaker light reflected from the matter from the demon realm has a chance to reach the camera (or your eyes) in the same shape it started out at the source.

So, how do I see demonic activity on Long with all that light? The light from the demonic matter is unscattered (or diffracted) as it passes over the edges of the bathroom door frame, like a bubbling, rushing current that smooths out as the point it falls over the edge of a waterfall, thereby allowing the light to continue reflecting the shape of the matter along its entire path.
NOTE | Even when diffracted, the light is still pretty weak; so, enhancements in GIMP have to be made in order to make it stand out.
Frequency and separation and wavelet decomposing shadow images reveals further activity
Duotone, color shifting, and texture overlays sometimes reveal demons and demonic activity you won't see with the usual contrasting, sharpening and so on. Take for example the shadow side of my face, processed by chromatic abberation, following by wavelet decomposing:

The side of my face and all areas of the room masked in pure white indicate non-shadow areas; the shadow areas are those with detail, and reveal demonic possession that would have gone undetected were it not for frequency separation and wavelet decompose filters in GIMP, which are based on the physics of light
Observations basis for categorizing demonic activity, development of visibility tools, and strategy
Establishing that light and shadow determine what demonic activity you can see and what you can't raises the question of whether demonic activity is prevented or facilitated by either lighting condition. Looking back at past posts, as well as some recent video, suggests that it depends on the type of activity.

For example, Demonic Feng Shui shows that a lot of demonic activity depends on light and shadow being a certain way to happen or be present; but, if you watch the video in VIDEO | Wrestling with a Demon-Possessed iPhone in the Dark, and then watch the following clip, you can see that the demon with whom I wrestled my iPhone in the dark—which you can see—did not need to be seen in the light in order to wrestle with me for my iPhone:

Another example showing that a demon does not have to be seen to be present comes from READER | Did your demons follow you to Indiana?, which contains a video of my hand and wrist doing a flawless 360° rotation while holding my iPhone. Although, while making that video, I did not see what was obviously the same miniature hobgoblin demon at work in the other two videos, it was clearly its hand-mutating power at work. As I cannot rotate my wrist like that on my own, nor can I make portions of the USB cable move through itself, I—and you—can conclude that both the iPhone-possessing demon and its power have no ties to light or shadow, but just to visibility.

Biblical support for viewing angle-ethereal sighting visibility theory
Just like some of the other assertions and conclusions I make on this site, the Bible backs me up on the relevance of viewing angle and the visibility of things ethereal [see also Demonic Feng Shui]. In this case, this theory pertains to the conversion of the Apostle Paul:

Illumination depicting Paul's conversion, from Livre d'Heures d'Étienne Chevalier (c. 1450–1460), a book of hours by Jean Fouquet now in the Château de Chantilly
As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him... The men traveling with Saul stood there speechless; they heard the sound but did not see anyone.
— Acts 9:3-7 
When Saul was converted by Jesus into Paul the Apostle, Jesus appeared to Saul as a blinding Light that only Saul could see. None of the men with Saul saw the Light, even though they heard the Voice.
NOTE | Like so many demon people, but I digress.
I believe that was due to the same phenomena introduced in this post, especially given the other similarities observed between other phenomena described in other posts and the apparent biblical equivalents.