#559 - PHOTO | Puss oozes from eye after pierced by cloaked demonic spike

I don't know if it was actually the spike-fingered hand of a demon or not; it could have been a tendril with a spike on the end of it. But, regardless of what it was exactly, it was sharp, barreled like lightning to a point between my eyeball and inner socket, and nestled somewhere to the side or behind the eyeball.

Right before it happened, the Voices Demons had been shouting for hours on end phrases that translate into an order to other demons to hurt me in a specific way. For example, masturbate a noggin' crunch means to inflict damage to the spine to cause (or exacerbate) neck degenerative disorder [see PHOTOS | Sucker demon pierces my neck with tendrils; pop him in the jaw means to burn the jaw in order to diminish its flexibility and weaken it.

In those two scenarios, the order is directed to hair-thin, black sucker demons, which are lodged in various cavities in my skull; upon hearing the Voices Demons' command, they snake through the surface of the skin on my neck, arch to another point on my head, and dive below the surface in order to burn something there [see VIDEO/PHOTO | Smoke trails from head where demons burn insides].

After weeks of near-constant brain spiking and organ piercing [see ; see also], I can't remember exactly what phrase (if any) is spoken that meant burn my eyes, or that man to pierce them with a spiked tendril came from nowhere to spike me in my right eye. Although the damage was located internally, a green, viscuous puss, which oozed from the eye like tears, provided outward evidence of the otherwise unseen injury:
A Voices Demon told me to look in the mirror after having ordered my eye stabbed with a cloaked needle; this is what I saw
My eyesight was immediately compromised, in that the lights seemed to grow dimmer, and the room appeared to take on a slight haze; there was also slight double-vision

Blinding me, and, in particular, by stabbing my eye with needles was foretold to me as far back as 2006 by Josh, then a gang-stalker under the employ of his own Voices Demons; however, this is the first time that I am aware of that a cloaked needle was actually used.

Mostly, it's black sucker demons that are used now, specifically, to burn and pit grooves in the cornea (they have traced a perfect circle around the edge in order to blur my peripheral vision) now; past injuries were caused by other varieties of demons, as is described in these posts:

#558 - VIDEO | Tranny's eyes go demon while hiding same

While pacing my dark apartment with my camera on a night of unusually high demonic activity, I silently slipped behind my houseguest (a tranny who shall remain nameless), catching her by surprise. She stood with her back to me, in the dark, all alone (or, so I thought), peering outside through a crack in the curtains of my picture window, and muttering nervously to herself (or, so I thought).

When she noticed me, she turned around, and, this time, catching me by surprise as she revealed two huge, slitted yellow glowing eyes that bulged from a ghastly and distorted face that was definitely not hers:
A still frame from a video made that night, showing the tranny-that-must-not-be-named, turning to look back at me as I approach from behind with my video camera
That's not camera red-eye. Because red-eye is red. And, only the pupils are red when you've got red-eye.
NOTE | It seems yellow is a common demon eye color; even my eyes, when swapping places with their demon counterparts, turn yellow [see ].
Here's a close-up:
These eyes target my brain for their owner's spike-fingered demonic hand assaults
Those are scary things to see on a person who has spiked your brains with her wire-fingered demonic hand [see ; see also LIVE | [name removed], the tranny, in the cemetery]. Especially at night, in the dark, and at my apartment, just the two of us.

As it turns out, though, she was a little more nervous than I was in that, when it became apparent by the gawk on my face that I've spotted the little demon she held in her hand, she quickly drops it from view:

As she lowered the little demon, who she had been talking to all along, you can see one of its glowing red eyes.

#557 - VIDEO/PHOTOS | Fighting demons in my hand, in my shirt, and on my demon-deformed arm

This is a draft.

About 90% of the time, fighting demons looks different than you would have thought it would before you did it. I always thought such fights would be devil-versus-mankind-sized events; but, it is only that on the rarest of occasions.

Mostly, a demon fight consists of you versus a bunch of much smaller demons, all going at you at once, with each having a specific role to play in there joint effort to impede or stop something you are trying to do; and, when you're fighting a man-sized demon, it will likely be cloaked. That's like fighting air, albeit air that burns, shocks and makes you feel very sick.

Today's demon fight characterized like most, involved multiple small demons
Today's fight fell into the majority, in that it was one man, who was trying to drape a towel in front of a mirror, versus three tiny demons, which were interfering with his every movement. The latter consisted of a six-inch long, black flying worm, an equally tall male-version of the Wicked Witch of the West (complete with black robe and pointy hat), and a three-dimensional shadow in the form of the arm and hand of a stick-figure drawing, which is visible in both darkness and light.

My goal was to block (with a towel) the gateway (my bathroom mirror) to a phenomenon known to quantum physicists (i.e., demons) as "a space within a space." Basically, that's a duplicate of the room you see reflected in the mirror. Because it extends into the fourth dimension, the duplicate room does not consume any space behind the mirror; the room you would expect to find behind the mirror is still there. It is your intent that determines which room you enter, whether it be—let's call it—the quantum room, or the one behind the wall on which the mirror hangs. It is from this quantum room that demons were striking me in the head with their tendrils; and, by covering the mirror, I hoped to stop that.

Why demons choose mirrors as gateways to their secret realm
Demons use my bathroom mirror to help them focus on their intent to enter the quantum room when leaping at it; without sufficient mindshare dedicated to this task, they might end up, instead, in the room in my neighbor's apartment on the other side. Because thought governs the quantum abilities of demons, which are essentially quantum entities, that at least requires them to mentally visualize the location of the room, and to form in their minds the concept that a room exists where none does, more or less. For this, my mirror works perfectly.
NOTE | Bathroom mirrors also make good markers for quantum rooms, in that they are never moved, and everyone can find them, eventually, without the difficulty one might have finding a special (but indescript) place on a wall.
Demons' size doesn't matter with respect to injury potential
The end result of either kind of fight is the same: man invariably sustains injury, while demons suffer casualties (you have to kill them to stop them). No matter the demon, the types of injuries are always the same, in that it is characteristics inherent to all demons, no matter the variety, that causes them—primarily, the demonic cloak.

In addition to causing immediate illness, loss of consciousness, disorientation, nausea, and vertigo in their enemies, entities that can (and do) affect cloaks can use them to alter the state of matter of any object around them in a way that allows them to bend that object as if it were made of putty. That fact made possible the relatively new deformity in my right forearm, which you can see in the following still frame, which was taken from a video of a demon fight occurring just today:
A deformity in my forearm (above the wrist), caused by the cloak of a demon—most likely, purposefully, as it is only apparent from one angle, which is Tuzzo's trademark body-modification handiwork
It was either that, or chunks of flesh have been eaten way.

Video shows injuries, most common type of demon fight
Having already contorted and misshaped my forearm, the demons inside the quantum room are now trying to misshape my head, in part, by striking it repeatedly with their tendrils. They extend them from their positions on the other side of the mirror. By coincidence, you can see a tendril hit my head in the video showing my efforts to cover the mirror while demons fight back:
A tendril striking my head moved so fast, it was captured in only four still frames (2/15th of a second)
While the video does indeed show a battle with demons, it may seem to show nothing more than a clumsy man making an even clumsier attempt to cover a mirror with a towel, which is due, in part, to poor lighting conditions and subjects that are semi-transparent (the quantum ability that is their cloak) and are stepped out of normal tie (which is also a quantum ability inherent to demons, and which means that no time passes for us, while any length time passes for them; they can perform long tasks seemingly in an instant with this ability).

At the beginning of the video, I am under attack by a cloaked sucker demon of the blob kind [see VIDEO TIMELINE | Cloaked Sucker Demon Slithers Down Neck), which is mounted on top of my head, causing the air to spark and waver an inch above my scalp [see also VIDEO | Sucker demon attacks at nude beach], as well as by a demon sporting a cloaked spiked-fingered hand, which pierces my scalp just under the skin. They cannot be seen for these very reasons, at least not without skimming the video frame-by-frame; but, even then, the tell-tale signs of demonic presence are so subtle, that it takes an experienced eye to determine the specifics (it also helps if you're the person in the video being attacked).

The aforedescribed will be provided when enhancements, such as those presented in TECHNOLOGY | Enhancing photos of demons (and the like), can be made to the still frames so showing; but, what I can show is the reason why I decided to cover up my mirror in the first place

I will show at least three demons attempt to keep me from hanging a towel over my bathroom mirror, including a black sucker demon, a ashtray-can demon, as first shown in Blanket demons possess bedsheets, humans possess clay, and a Cold-Hand-of-Death (also considered a demon).

All three can be seen quite clearly in the video; however, provided below are still frames to show you where to look.
  • A black sucker demon, true to its variety, follows the motion trail of the spoon I'm lifting up and away from the camera. I'm going to use the end of it to push a towel into a groove in order to hang it in front a mirror. Because this will prevent demonic tentacles from further head assaults originating from the "space within a space" behind the mirror (quantum mechanics), the sucker demon attempts to enter the palm of my hand in order to mess with the hanging of the towel and/or use of the spoon to do so (which, as you can see, it did):
Still frame 1 of 6: A black sucker demon follows the motion trail of a spoon in my hand as I lift itStill frame 2 of 6: It is attempt to enter the palm of my hand in order to frustrate efforts to use a spoon to push a towel into the groove between the wall and the mirror
Still frame 3 of 6Still frame 4 of 6
Still frame 5 of 6Still frame 6 of 6
Sucker demons, like many demons, can determine a flight path that best conceals their identity. In this case, the black sucker demon positions itself directly between the camera and the spoon. The only indication that the spoon has a sucker demon in front of it, is the way the spoon seems to melt as it is lifted to the top of the mirror (at about the 56-second mark).
NOTE | Before you call me crazy about the creatures behind the mirror, keep in mind, there are at least three demons in this video that I'm showing you, and perhaps a couple more that you can see if you look closely.
  • An ashtray-can demon is positioned in my armpit, and can be seen underneath my shirt as I lean over the camera. Although the shadow conceals its details, the shape of this demon is unmistakable, which remains consistent and re-shapes itself predictably as I move around in all frames of the video:
Although not perfectly formed in any one still frame, you can still make out the silhouette of an ashtray-can demon, nestled in my armpit under my shirt in many of them
The ashtray-can demon faces the camera almost perfectly in the portions of the video in which it is seen, allowing for a more determinative view
The silhouette of a pointy-hatted ashtray-can demon, in a laundry bag full of dirty clothes; its shape is identical to the ashtray-can demon shown in the subject video
The role of this demon is to cause pain and discomfort in the joints of my shoulder when I use it in conjunction with a task the demons do not want me to perform. Here, it's waiting in my armpit for me to lift my arm in order to use the spoon to tuck the towel behind the mirror. The mere touch of a cloaked demon appendage on sensitive inner body parts causes pain, which it does by cloaking first, and then extending its arms into the shoulder through the armpit.
NOTE | These demons can (and do) reduce their cloak (to become more tangible) and pull and burn ligaments in the shoulder to damage them severely and, sometimes, permanently. So, even though they are less than six inches tall, and can be bent like fabric, they can render your arms unusable in under three seconds.
  • The Cold-Hand-of-Death looks like the shadow of a thin arm with elongated fingers; coincidentally, it lurks in shadows, too. They always seem to find a fit for their arm-like appendages in shadows that somehow form the same shape. Their touch would be cold if it weren't numbing first. In this still frame, the hand looks like the creases in my shirt; however, it's both creases and the hand of said demon:
The black, smoky arm of a Cold-Hand-of-Death demon reaches out to grip my shoulder (from the wall, and to my armpit; upper-right corner), in order to weaken my resolve to hang a towel over the mirror; it appears much more clearly in the video, in which it distinguishes itself from a mere crease in my shirt
I know it's this demon because its shape is familiar to me, having been grabbed countless times by these hands over the past several years, and having witnessed it, too. Not only that, but the oversaturated black of a cloaked demon as they appear in digital media is present in all three demons, this one no less than the others. 
Watch the video several times showing this demon; like a sucker demon, it tries to disguise itself in front of the camera. Here, it seems to dissolve and melt away from my arm when I move it. Skimming the video frame-by-frame shows the separation of the similarly-shaped shadow and the demon into two distinct parts. 
The role of this demon is to tire the muscle it is touching. When it holds you, lactic acid builds up almost immediately, and with only the slightest of exertion. In other words, glucose—the fuel for your muscles—breaks down into waste on contact by this demon.
These demons usually attack in massive hordes, fatiguing every major muscle group instantly. 
NOTE | I blame lactic acid for the fatigure; but, I don't actually know if it's that. A Cold-Hand-of-Death causes a burning sensation in the muscle it touches, which is similar to the sensation that you feel in a muscle towards the end of a tiring set of lifting weights (called "feeling the burn").
Sucker demons (and others) weaken by impeding impulses through the nerves; that is not the same. Its simply muscle tiredness—not a loss of strength.
Having been shown the locations of the three demons, you can easily identify them in the video (below):

NOTE | View this video in HD only.
As stated, there are several other demons in this video, two of which were attacking my head. In fact, you can see one of the tendrils that hit me square on the top of my scalp in this series of still frames:

[coming up in under an hour]

Having seen three demons with your own eyes attacking me while hanging a towel over a mirror, which I did to prevent continued blows to the head by demon tendrils, such as the one shown in the still frames above, I should be able to easily convince you to follow these precautions for preventing attack and injury from and through your household mirrors:
  1. Cover your mirrors, each and every one, completely, and all the time. In my case, doing so stopped attacks by demon tendrils altogether; however, sucker demons, as well as demons using tools or their spiked-fingered hands, were not stopped (although, for some reason, the strikes were greatly diminished).
  2. For those demons, spackle walls, floorboards, ceilings, sinks, etc., to plug holes and cracks—even pin-sized holes are big enough to harbor Jinn (Genie) class demons (the kind that stretch and lengthen when they appear, like the Genie effect on the Mac OS X dock).
  3. Finally, for the one- to two-foot tall demons that like to chew on or burn your lower limbs, and which attack from below, cover all floors and walls. Your house will probably look like a hookah lounge; but, it'll put put the kabash on demon traffic going in and out of your home (as demons entering your home use portals that open in the floor, while exiting into the walls).

#556 - VIDEO | Unidentified object seen through bottom of closed door (plus red-headed demon)

An unidentified object sat itself down in view of my video camera today as it recorded demonic activity through the crack at the bottom of my bathroom door.

This, by the way, is a great way to capture things you could not otherwise. In 2011, I captured my first two demonic entities on video by hiding in my bathroom and pointing my camera at a dress mirror on the door [see VIDEO TIMELINE | Two Demonic Entities Fly into my Apartment]. It was then I decided to share what was going on with others, travesty as that was (and has ever been).

Two years later, I'm sharing another video of something I've never seen before, which I made while hiding out in the bathroom (it appears on the far right; you'll need to watch the movie at least a couple of times):

Only one other person was (supposed to be) in my apartment at the time; and, it isn't her, nor is it positioned anywhere near where she was at the time the object(s) appeared on camera. Moreover, I don't have anything in my little studio that looks like it either.

As you can see, whatever it is, it appears to be in two different pieces. The first of the two pieces to appear on camera looks like a black, upside-down top hat being sat on the floor:
The black "upside-down top hat" is the first of the two parts of the unidentified object to appear on camera
The second piece, which looks like an elongated, maroon-colored balloon made of curtain fabric, lays (or is layed) on top of it:
The maroon-colored "elongated balloon" lays on top of the black "top hat" underneath it, bouncing slightly as it settles
In the video (above), the second piece appears to be filled with air, as it bounces slightly on top of the piece underneath.

If you look very carefully at the first few frames of the video at the point prior to the black thing entering into view, you'll see the head of a demon:
Half the head of a red demon briefly enters into view of the camera prior to the appearance of the unidentified object
When it dodged the camera, the brown thing on top went (more or less) straight up, while the black thing underneath slid horizontally, and at a much faster pace.

If I had to guess, it could be one of the many pieces of equipment that demons and humans are using for whatever it is they are doing in my apartment with me in it. This equipment generally stays cloaked, and people and demons stay the same; and, some of it sits in what look like holes or rooms in the walls, which are spaces within a space, as defined by quantum physics.

#555 - PHOTOS/VIDEO | Wire-fingered, brain-spiking demon attacks via possessed woman

This is a draft, with a lot left unsaid, and a lot of pictures unprocessed. I'll update tomorrow. Search for 'brain' on this blog to get up to speed on the subject discussed in this post, and to see and read the things that make this post all the more believable to the skeptical. If you don't do so, and you're the type who needs convincing, this post be a stretch for you.

I'm sure she knows what a demon is, and that they are bad for me and others; she is, after all, a shadow person [see LINK and LINK] and collaborator of little demon thieves, like the lipstick-stealing demon shown in LINK.

But, what I don't get is why she doesn't consider herself a victim, too. After all, the wire-fingered, brain-spiking demon possessing, which uses her hands to cause brain damage in the people around her, similarly as described in LINK, spikes her brains, too:
Following this still frame, which shows brain-spiking wires extended from this woman's fingers, are three others showing the spatter of blood either cloaked and/or in a time-altered state (keep in mind that her hand is coming towards her, meaning that the fingers should blur shorter, not longer on the way up)
The magenta-colored spatter is blood that is cloaked and/or in a time-altered state, in which wounds heal (and, apparently, cleanup happens) in an instant; it is a result of the wires piercing her head
I discovered this while skimming a video of her, frame-by-frame; in it, you can her hand alternatively going from human to demon, and, on the latter, to yet another demon hand variation similar to the spike-fingered hand shown and described in LINK, specifically, a wire-fingered hand, which is used to inflict the same kind of injuries. The difference between the spike-fingered and wire-fingered hands is that the wires on the latter extend to reach the victim, while the hand arm are merely extended normally; in the case of the former, the entire arm itself stretches, thereby extending the spike-fingered hand to the victim.

There are two observations that lead me to believe that she may be a victim:

  1. In several places in the video, she wafts her hand in my direction in order to strike, which I was not surprised to see; however, to my astonishment, it looks like, at least once, she does the same to her boyfriend; and,
  2. When she adjusts her hair, you can the tell-tale signs of cloaked blood spatter in three frames following one still frame in which you can see the wires extended from her fingers, reaching towards her head.
Surely, she didn't mean to spike her boyfriend; and, definitely, not herself. Demons can (and do) make the possessed perform certain hand and foot movements without their consent, and without having alerted them prior to, during or after the fact that the demon took control of them.

In this case, I believe that both have occurred. Demons are extremely jealous and possessive (the term has two meanings, if it has one, that's for sure), and it doesn't surprise me that it took a swipe at her boyfriend.

As for me, I am certain it was intentional, as they would not be anywhere near me were they not commissioned to commit such an act, i.e., brain-spiking, by other demons, namely, those I fight.

That means she is certainly aware of her ability, and how to use it (and where and when to use it for profit), just like anyone else with such an ability [see LINK].

Some may ask why a possessing demon would harm those they possess while empowering them at the same time. The answer is simple: a demon has clearly shown its disdain to the person it possessed by the act of possession in the very worst of ways; why wouldn't it hurt her like that?

To explain: Possession is the most lowdown, despicable, debasing act of degradation and disrespect that exists, and is otherwise the one true sign of a deranged and diabolical mind [see LINK]; therefore, it should be no surprise that it hates the person it possesses more than any other person. It is certainly hurting them the most. How so? Let's just say that killing a possessed person would be mercy at its greatest when it comes to possession. That's because victims of possession live their lives unaware of what they are losing—the ultimate indignity; moreover, they continue to interact with the people they love, unaware of the injuries they are inflicting on them, while trying to maintain relationships with them under a strain they are unaware of. It's like being on a dangerous drug that you react badly to, and trying to raise your children on your own at the same time. Bad memories, bad choices, etc., are imminent.

Demons know this; and, obviously, that doesn't phase them a bit.

As far as the victim having access to some of their abilities: in short, they have to let them do it; otherwise, it makes it harder for the demon to use the human to use its abilities with their bodies. Plus, they are there to do harm to everyone. So what if she helps out, even when she's hurting herself?

[insert cloaked blood-spatter pics]

#554 - Judge rules in error in eviction case

Last Friday, a Superior Court judge in California denied my motion in the latest eviction proceedings against me, which sought an order requiring the landlord-plaintiff to issue a proper termination notice:

[a copy of the order forthcoming]

The basis of the denial was that a failure to follow statutory noticing requirements is an issue addressed at trial, and not a motions hearing.

This is incorrect for several reasons, which are fully explained in the memorandum of my motion:

Legalese aside, the crux of the argument is that there can be no trial until the defendant is properly noticed; and, in my case, that didn't happen. The declaration below provides the details:

In short, the declaration states the landlord agreed to extend my lease an extra month, and I remained in my apartment into the beginning of that month. The landlord then decided to rescind the agreement, and refused to accept rent; then, instead of providing the requisite 30-day notice, the landlord filed an unlawful detainer (or eviction) suit.

By the way, here's the rent money, just in case any of you were wondering if that was the issue:
Knowing a maneuver of demonic proportions was on its way, I took a snapshot of March's rent at the time I saw it coming (not that it makes much difference now, of course; but, you know how people talk)
A common tactic in Santa Clara County, which exists between judges and lawyers connected vis-a-vis the Voices Demons and the like, is for a lawyer to avoid in their answer to such motions the primary argument altogether, making the issue something entirely different. The judge then goes by the issue in the answer, and not the issue in the motion. Following is the answer to my motion, as filed by the attorney for the landlord:

Plaintiff's Response to Defendant's Motion to Quash Service of Summons

The statements made in this answer are not correct or imply that I don't know what I'm doing.

First, I don't dispute that I was served, of course, just that I was served improperly. The question of service of summons isn't whether I was served at all; but, whether I was served after having received proper notice, too. There are only two motions to file prior to answering a complaint for unlawful detainer (eviction): a motion to quash and a demurrer to the complaint. A motion to quash is where you question to the sufficiency of noticing and service compliance. It's just the law.

If you were served a lawsuit, but were not noticed prior to it (and you were supposed to be, as you would be in this case), then the service of summons is deemed insufficient. You raise that issue before trial because there can be no trial (i.e., the court has no jurisdiction over you) until you have been properly served.

Second, it is not a factual dispute that requires any introduction of witnesses and evidence that could not have been provided with and attached to the answer to the motion itself. You either have a copy of the notice with the proper date on it or you don't. There could not possibly be any witnesses required, if all the documentation is there.

In my case, I had a contract written by the landlord, explicitly extending the lease into March; the lawsuit was filed in March. That's not 30 days.

On Monday, I will prepare and file an ex parte motion to have this error-of-law reviewed.

#553 - New York D.A. declines prosecution of bogus attorney

In a letter received last Friday, the New York County District Attorney declined to prosecute bogus attorney, Gil Kreiter, against which a complaint was referred to them by the Supreme Court in New York [see Supreme Court refers bogus attorney complaint to district attorney]:

As disgusting as it is, it comes as no surprise; rather, it merely confirms what I already knew: that demonic influence exists throughout the entire American justice system, just as it has in every other justice system for thousands of years.

Per the advice in the letter, I have already started the process of having a copy of the complaint forwarded to the D.A.'s office in Brooklyn. A letter to the Department Disciplinary Committee of the Supreme Court in New York was sent a couple of weeks ago, requesting that they send my complaint to the office in Brooklyn, just as they did the office in Manhattan.

Search for Gil Kreiter on this blog for more information about the incident that is the subject of this letter.

#552 - VIDEO/PHOTO | Smoke trails from head where demons burn insides

This is a draft; updates will continue today and tomorrow.

It's the form of violence that habitual abusers prefer; that is, the kind that produces no surface-visible evidence. Men who batter wives prefer to punch them in the stomach versus the face; that way, they can easily deny allegations of spousal abuse, if necessary, and can continue to abuse without any black eyes garnering unwanted attention.

This, however, has nothing to do with the Voices Demons, even though the signs of their abuse are buried underneath my skin. I say this not because I believe their claim that San Jose knows about and condones this form of violence; rather, I say it because it's a coincidence that the meanest and cruelest way to inflict harm on someone just happens to be underneath the skin, and that they, unlike man, can easily cause those harms.

By the way, the specific abuse I'm talking about is the burning of the inside of my head, which happens multiple times a day, daily, and has been going on for almost two months. You can smell whatever they are burning, which I overheard them call a "pituitary burn."

I'm assuming it's just that, too. The feeling makes me sick all throughout my body. My head hurts, of course; but, it immediately tires my body. Moreover, I may have felt depressed before in my life; but, lately, it's been an unnaturally low depression, one that I know isn't necessarily circumstantial or just the way my mind is wired.

Why my pituitary? Well, why have VMC's demonic collaborator, Dr. Krishnamurphy, cut off my testosterone replacement therapy arbitrarily? Both a loss of pituitary function and sudden cessation of testosterone therapy are known to cause depression that results in suicide; and, as I've said before, demons prefer suicide to murder, and the damage to my pituitary gland and testicles are demon-caused (they announced these things before they did them, and even told others). I've already attempted suicide twice because of them, and while they screamed at me and otherwise egged on the attempts [see ].

In a video made just yesterday, you cannot see the cloaked instrument or appendage of some demon (not sure which, as it varies) enter the area inside my head at or near the pituitary gland and burn it; what you can see is a stream of smoke, coming from a red, glowing dot, located between and just above my eyes, can be seen in a video of my ongoing torture by demons:

A color- and contrast-enhanced still frame using the new Google+ image enhancement filters, which shows a trail of smoke coming from a glowing, red dot on my forehead
The video, below, is best viewed in HD quality, and with the brightness of your monitor at its highest setting:

Here are a few still frames from the above video, which were enhanced by Twitter's auto-enhancement image filter:

Enhanced by Google+ Plus image filters

Enhanced by the Twitter image filter

By the way, the smoke comes from both the back of the head, and the only actual heat felt by me is at the base of the skull.

#551 - Judge precludes civil recovery for laptop destroyed in November attack

Last week, I received an order from the Superior Court of California, denying my request to file a lawsuit against the man who attacked me last November [see ], and which sought compensation for destruction of my laptop and cellphone as a consequence [see ]:

Order to File New Litigation by Vexatious Litigant

Normally, damages such as these are recovered during the criminal prosecution process; however, because Santa Clara Police Department refused to prosecute this case, instead, forwarding it to the district attorney's office for "review" [see ], pursuing damages civilly is my only immediate recourse.

This order precludes any such recovery unless I can hire an attorney, which is unfeasible for me in my current situation.

Without the help of the police department or the Superior Court, I must rely on the Santa Clara County District Attorney's Office; however, so far, no one in that office has done anything on this six-month old case.
NOTE | The offense said to have been committed is incorrect, in that it is a felony to cause great bodily injury in an assault. Right now, the assault is classified as a misdemeanor.
Every request to file new litigation has been granted, except for this one, which is highly unfortunate, as I have no other computer to use, and have no means to procure another one sufficient for my needs.

#550 - READER | Cyberstalker harasses multiple targets

My cyberstalker, who continues to send hateful e-mails, and continues to solicit men purported to be prostitutes to engage in acts of coprophilia using my name and contact information, also targets other men with such e-mails.

This morning, I received an e-mail from a man claiming to be one of those targets:

Here's the e-mail he is referring to [see also CRIME | Another threat by e-mail.

Alleged prostitutes solicited
Recently, I received an e-mail from a man who purports to be interested in taking me up on my offer to pay him to defecate in my mouth, which is an offer I did not make; moreover, I do not believe that the e-mail was sent to me by the man. Rather, after arranging the particulars, the cyberstalker simply passed the man's e-mail over to me (or, it was just meant to look like that).

You'll see what I mean when you read the e-mail, if you consider the fact that this is the first e-mail I received in what looks like a series of previous exchanges:

Here's my reply to a similar e-mail sent by a student of San Jose State University, which is in regards to a prank e-mail he received from my cyberstalker:

Here's one in which "Wreck It Ralph" purportedly agrees to discuss by phone arrangements to engage in acts of coprophilia for pay:

As you can see, I don't offer elaborate explanations; I simply clarify that I did not send the e-mail in question, and then turn tragedy into triumph by taking the opportunity to expand my readership.

Professional career attacked
My cyberstalker has also been soliciting random LinkedIn users to connect with me on this professional networking service:


Requests to help from churches blocked
During all of this, I received this response to my request for prayers and words of encouragement to others from a church [see The little church that could]:

Members of the Church of Christ do not respond to requests for prayers and words of encouragement to others in gang-stalker fashion (that is, cryptically). My inference: either infiltration or interception.

Another self-esteem attack
Here's one of the many "talkin' to's" I get from my cyberstalker, and relates to information presented in CRIME | Falsified legal documents filed in collections suit:

The most recent scolding of an adult male by a complete stranger can be read in E-mail reveals others' knowledge of demonic agenda.

Another target's e-mail recent
The following e-mail is regarding a completely different target of harassment, and is included for the sake of completeness:

Not related to Jim Scianna—or me—but another target altogether

Latest harassment accompanies demonic abuse, as always
Like always, action on this form of harassment skyrockets during or around a period of high demonic activity, both of which are at their highest levels ever. Not only have I received more prank e-mails than ever before, but I have sustained more injuries recently than ever before, with most of them being to the brain and vital organs.