Sharpening improves already-proven technique for revealing hidden demons with iPhone

This post updates the technique I developed several years ago for revealing hidden demons in digital media by recommending the use of an unsharp mask as a part of the. post image acquisition processing procedure. Applying a sharpening filter to images processed per this technique is considered a crucial and necessary step, in that 1) it may reveal demons that otherwise remain hidden after the existing technique was applied; and, 2) it may expose details of demons made visible by the existing technique that cannot be seen without this added step.

The existing procedure requires an iPhone and a homemade video camera app [see Source code from GitHub]. With few exceptions, the app is basic: simply touch the Record button to start a video, and then touch it again to save it to Photos; the app automatically configures camera properties to settings known to increase the likelihood of capturing images of cloaked demons. It also provides manual configuration of two settings and access to one hardware feature to compensate for issues related to lighting and focus. Collectively, they determine how much light is allowed into the aperture and for how long it is exposed to the digital imaging sensor.

The controls enable manual adjustment to camera settings related to lighting and focus
The video itself is made by panning the camera across any object or person suspected to be possessed by demons or any scene occupied by them, albeit while cloaked (hidden). Panning and proximity are key, the speed and distance of either varying based on the size and material of the object (or the detail and scope of a scene) and lighting. With relatively little experience, a reasonable estimation of the optimal angle and motion for a multiplicity of subjects can be made prior to recording video; further refinements can be made by examining the video made.

Regardless of how fast and close the camera is panned, the end result should be a motion-blurred image every time. The aim is to move the camera at a speed and proximity that blurs only the slower moving light from visible objects, but not the faster moving "light" from invisible demons. The camera sensor sees both kinds of light and renders images that enable image-processing filters that sharpen to make and expose the distinction.

Once made, a video is processed at a minimum with a mirror (kaleidoscope) filter or any filter or feature that joins a mirrored duplicate of the original video at all four edges, both right-side up and upside-down (for a total of eight permutations). This step was derived from the theory of light physics that suggests that light is altered as it passes over to the edge of a surface, which both slows the speed of such light and concentrates it at the same time. In this case, the edges of the aperture opening combined with a digital imaging sensor's ability to detect a wider range of the spectrum of light than the naked eye make it possible to find hidden demons along the edges of the image.

Although joining a mirror duplicate to the edges of the original is an inextricable and immutable first step, using the advantages provided by the aperture's edges is not; the sensor alone is sufficient to capture light from cloaked demons. By overlapping the edges by any amount at any angle will reveal even more demons.
NOTE | It is amazing enough to capture images that show a dozen demon faces down the center of the join; it's even more amazing to turn those same images upside down and see a dozen different demons that were right on top of the others all along, but could not be seen from their angle. What's even better, is moving the original and duplicate by varying degrees towards the center created by their joined edges (the reflection point). As you do, you will see one demon face evolve into another, and then another and then yet another until you've merged the two frames to a narrow slit. To beat that, you can rotate them by the same angle but in opposite directions to see even more faces evolve—and, this at any center point. It's like counting bees in a swarm.
The added, second step adds detail and clarity, as shown by the following screenshots:
A frame from a video made of a painting in my bedroom using my camera app
The same frame reflected at its center point, which overlaps it by half to its width, reveals several demon heads, four of which are highly prominent 
The same, mirrored frame shown above, sharpened, adds remarkable detail to the demons revealed by mirroring while revealing even more demon heads

From fiction to fact: the "myth" of demon song

Demon song and its effect on the human psyche is neither a myth nor a story device conjured to advance the plot by engaging reader interest. It is, in fact, a reality—and, it is just as deadly, dangerous and malign in its use and intent as the stories recounting it describe.

It is on this fact that a solution of 100% efficacy was developed to end the demonic nightmare, namely, a tone barrier (or heckler), which inhibits the ability of demons to hit their notes on key—critical for effective song—and/or the ability of the target to hear the notes as they are required to be heard to be effective. Since ambient (nighttime) demonic activity of the nightmarish variety occurs during sleep, the tone barrier has to be erected at the onset of the sleep cycle and maintained throughout the entire duration.
NOTE | Demons who cause nightmares can restore connections broken by a tone barrier in three minutes after it ceases.
The tone barrier, however, while unique in both its addressing of a common and unaddressed (and huge) problem, is not by any stretch a marvel of creativity or intelligence—and, that goes double for the knowledge that demons song is dangerous. As to the latter, human literature is replete with both ancient and contemporary references to demons and their nefarious singing voices.

The most notable stories include:
The Sirens and Ulysses, 1837, 442.5 cm by 297 cm (14 ft 6 in by 9 ft 9 in) by William Etty
In just these two literary volumes, you have accounts from both Jew (the root of Christianity) and Gentile (the Greeks), as it were. No one comes from a culture that hasn't made effectively made it widely known that demon song is real—and that it is not good.