Comparing demonic activity in light and shadow

I must be getting braver with my blogging. In the past, the challenge was to convince some of the existence of demons, and I didn't want to offend or put-off anyone for whom that might be difficult. Although I experienced a wide variety of demonic activity and encountered a myriad of demonic (and other) species, because the target audience is the disbelieving, I restricted the blog to things I could prove—things of which I had videos and photos only—because I feel like this subject is the second most important thing everyone in the world should know. Now that I have hundreds and hundreds of posts that collectively prove demons except only to the dimmest and stubbornest, I'm delving into subjects that are not as well-demonstrated by media, but that exist, and that I feel my now well-informed audience should be ready for by now.

This post presents such a subject; if you're not ready for things like it, I suggest you start at the first post to this blog, and read every post between that one and this. Then, ask questions; I answer them day-and-night. After that, I promise you'll be more than ready; in fact, you'll be hungry to grow-up, and to face and digest all of life's most pertinent—even though difficult—facts.

This companion-post to Demonic Feng Shui will demonstrate that light and shadow make a difference in whether you can see demonic activity, as well as the kind of demonic activity you can see in each. Doing so will show which types of demonic activity can be abated by simply switching on a light, which kind can be detected by turning the light off, and which is unaffected by either. The benefits of knowing this information should be obvious to every demoniac, as well as any non-demoniac who wishes to stay that way.
NOTE | This post isn't meant to be the authoritative guide on the effects of light and shadow on demonic activity, but to merely introduce the fact there is such a subject, and to provide a means by which to begin fleshing it out. It also doesn't describe how light and shadow make a difference.
The difference light and shadow make with respect to demonic activity have been demonstrated indirectly before on this blog. In TECHNOLOGY | Highlighting demons possessing a human as shown on video, you can watch me transform from a demon to myself—at least, visually, in that we're both there at the same time—by simply moving from the shadows and into the light; and, three more videos show the same thing in PHOTOS/VIDEOS | Further demonic possession revealed, although it took considerable post-processing of the video to bring the demon out of the darkness.

The following still frame taken from a video made yesterday, however, is better suited than past videos at showing that shadow influences whether one can see demonic possession and the bodily mutations that come with it:

My leg, in the light, shows no evidence of demonic possession; however, my arm, in the shadow changes to the multi-colored spotting of one of the demon's possessing me—that, and my hand disappears (click image to enlarge)
My leg, in the light, shows no evidence of demonic possession; however, my arm, in the shadow changes to the multi-colored spotting of one of the demon's possessing me (not only that, but my hand disappears as it transforms into the demonic hand weapon I intended to demonstrate in front of the camera, just like I did in PIC/VIDEO | Close-up of tendril-firing demonic hand weapon key for finding possession victims [see VIDEO | Demon-exorcising power (finally) caught on camera; see also VIDEO | "Zap" emits EMF radiation visible to digital camera].

To start, I made a video during a period of high demonic activity using two video cameras: one pointed at the well-lit portion of my face; the other, at the darkened of it (the dichotomy created by a single light source, pouring through a bathroom door behind where I sat:

Shadow-view camera (left) and light-view camera (right) highlight the difference shadow makes in the visibility of demonic activity; these still frames are from two different videos made simultaneously
NOTE | What am I picking at, you ask? See Demonic bombs, noggin crunches and flying demonic snakes for breakfast and VIDEO | Sucker demons swarm eyes, face to blind, disfigure.
It shows both camera views, side-by-side, allowing for interesting comparative observations, such as which hand mutations and facial modifications are most visible, and under which conditions can one see in-the-ether—that is, demonic activity that occurs on another level, in another rate of time flow, with an expanded set of laws of physics at play. There is only one pitfall to be aware of when making comparisons that you must be aware of in order to avoid drawing false conclusions, and that is differences in appearance that relate only to basic photography:

  • Difference in appearance. Compare the two still frames above, which were taken from both videos at the same time index. In the shadow-view camera, I look comparatively unhealthy next to the light-side camera, which some might mistake for a mutation that is only evident in portion of my face that falls within the realm of demonic influence (or shadow); however, in reality, it's a bad angle and bad lighting and bad times. The lighting and angle in the light-view camera just happen smooth over the dips and valleys caused by numerous and savage sucker demon attacks to the face and skull. In other words, these two still frames do not demonstrate the kind of facial modifications inherent to the demon-possessed; those modifications are actually the blending of one face with another. 

The following are the differences that constitute shadow-and-light influence on the visibility and presence of demonic activity:
  • Hand mutations. In the shadow-view camera, my hand begins to take on some of the demonic mutations shown and described in various posts to this blog, but appear to be hindered by the light, as they are not visible—nor do they seem to occur—from the perspective of the light-view camera.
Twisted and looped fingers—the same phenomena Satanists use to form the Sign of the Devil—are seen only from the shadow-view camera's perspectiveBlurry fingers from the their rapid motion, as seen from the light-view camera at same time index on the left, are a far cry from twisted and melted ones
  • Facial modifications. As shown in the shadow-view camera, the portions of my face overlapping the realm of demonic influence begin to modify based on the appearance of demons attempting to possess my body, whereas none of this is seen in the light.
Ultra-round ears and facial skin-speckling—not to mention the subtle, but noticeable change in facial features indicates an attempt at full demonic possession, which was thwarted by the light hitting the other side of my face
  • Physical contact. As shown in the shadow-view camera, shadow is the only place sucker demons were able to materialize enough enough to physically alter my face, as shown by the still frame below, in which they pinched my lips together to hinder my speech:
Sucker demons sometimes pinch my lips together (or make me bite my tongue) when attached to my face, making it obvious why I pick at them when they're on my face
Following is that video, which for now, plays straight through, without stopping at the points of interest (those were shown in the still frames taken from it, above):

The video also shows a phenomena that I have not yet introduced on this blog: the bending (morphing, shifting, resizing, etc.) of matter. Matter is putty in the hands of fourth-dimensional entities who know how to manipulate it with their minds; and, when the fourth dimension overlaps with ours, fourth-dimension rules apply, and fourth-dimensional entities rule.

Accordingly, fourth-dimensional entities with the ability to bend matter with their minds do so to their advantage when they work, as shown by comparing these two still frames:
Cloaked demons behind the door and big-screen TV are camera-shy, and compelled me to turn the camera away from them by having a sucker demon nudge it to make me think it was going to tip overAlthough I put my hand over the camera to prevent it from falling, I did not move it in the slightest, neither its tilt nor angle nor distanceEven still, when I remove my hand, it looks like I both tilted and twisted the camera at first glance; but, even if I had, the lighting in the room would not have changed, nor would the width and length and direction of the ceiling beam
Compare light-levels and ceiling distance between the two, followed by the marginal shift in my position in front of the camera. You'll notice that, although between the two I place my hand over the lens as if to adjust the camera, my position between the two frames does not change in relation to the changes in light level and the height of the ceiling; I'm in the same place in both, and, even if I pivoted the camera, the ceiling wouldn't be farther away from it. That's because I simply placed my hand in the way of the camera from tipping over; even still, when I remove my hand, the width and length of the ceiling beam have changed, and the light in the room is brighter.

That's because the camera-shy demons behind me wanted to move out of the camera's view; so, they raised the ceiling. That increased the height of the bathroom door from which came the room's source of light, allowing for more of it to pour in; it also brought more of the ceiling beam into view, because it was farther away than before.

This is not the first incident I've shown of demons bending matter and space around me in order to avoid camera detection; it is just the most discrete example. A more drastic occurrence is shown in VIDEO | Demons slide man into camera's path to preclude recording, which shows space being bent so close to me that it looked like they actually slid a man just a few feet away between my camera and its hoped-for subject (some demon I never got a picture of):

Generally, unless you see it, you cannot feel space and matter being moved unless:
  • you make contact with it after it has been moved or bent, and were depending on space and matter being where and you thought it was before you made contact (like when demons and their people dip or raise a sidewalk beneath me between my steps); or,
  • you are part of the matter being moved, as in the case of the sliding man.
Obviously, in my case, I did not see the ceiling being raised until I watched the video (and I would not have noticed it from the video had I not seen this phenomenon a thousand times already, and, of course, followed up with the math, so to speak).

Light does not preclude in-the-ether visibility when diffracted
One portion of the video not included in the clip above showed Long standing in the bathroom, which was separated from the camera by a doorway. Even though Long was fully enveloped in light, you could see in-the-ether activity.

Remember the woman from Wire-fingered, brain-spiking demon attacks via possessed woman who spiked her own brains with her hand-based demonic weapon? At the time, I thought a demon used her as a portal to attack her from her own body; but, still frames from a portion of the video not included in the clip below have enabled me to recognize the incident now as simple ignorance: she doesn't know how to control her weapon, and/or demons don't care to teach her, or the weapons cannot be controlled. They show puncture wounds, lacerations and slices and scrapes all over Long's face and head, having come from the demonic weapons in his own hands.

Here are a few of those still frames, showing the ethereal wounds to Long's head made by the misfiring of his own hand-based weapon, and by the demonic bombs stitched into the collar of his shirt, as revealed by major contrast and sharpening-enhancements in GIMP:

Heavy contrasting, sharpening, and other modifications made to the original in GIMP show the wounds Long sustained in-the-ether by his own demonic weapon (see enlarged area); this is what happens to (and is intended to happen to) victims of demonic-weapons fire—not the demon person—and, although they heal in the blink of an eye, each hit imperceptibly destroys skin and bone and everything in between, as well as diminishes health, requiring demon people to pelt a target thousands of times over a long period of time to destroy health and age the face and body
Seeing images like the above, having been made in full-on light, after seeing that all other demonic activity is visible only in shadow, may seem to negate any conclusions made so far at first, at least until you understand how and why shadow makes demonic activity more visible. In short, it's simply this: strong light overpowers (scatters) light reflected from demonic matter; when there's less light reflecting or emanating from a source in our realm, the weaker light reflected from the matter from the demon realm has a chance to reach the camera (or your eyes) in the same shape it started out at the source.

So, how do I see demonic activity on Long with all that light? The light from the demonic matter is unscattered (or diffracted) as it passes over the edges of the bathroom door frame, like a bubbling, rushing current that smooths out as the point it falls over the edge of a waterfall, thereby allowing the light to continue reflecting the shape of the matter along its entire path.
NOTE | Even when diffracted, the light is still pretty weak; so, enhancements in GIMP have to be made in order to make it stand out.
Frequency and separation and wavelet decomposing shadow images reveals further activity
Duotone, color shifting, and texture overlays sometimes reveal demons and demonic activity you won't see with the usual contrasting, sharpening and so on. Take for example the shadow side of my face, processed by chromatic abberation, following by wavelet decomposing:

The side of my face and all areas of the room masked in pure white indicate non-shadow areas; the shadow areas are those with detail, and reveal demonic possession that would have gone undetected were it not for frequency separation and wavelet decompose filters in GIMP, which are based on the physics of light
Observations basis for categorizing demonic activity, development of visibility tools, and strategy
Establishing that light and shadow determine what demonic activity you can see and what you can't raises the question of whether demonic activity is prevented or facilitated by either lighting condition. Looking back at past posts, as well as some recent video, suggests that it depends on the type of activity.

For example, Demonic Feng Shui shows that a lot of demonic activity depends on light and shadow being a certain way to happen or be present; but, if you watch the video in VIDEO | Wrestling with a Demon-Possessed iPhone in the Dark, and then watch the following clip, you can see that the demon with whom I wrestled my iPhone in the dark—which you can see—did not need to be seen in the light in order to wrestle with me for my iPhone:

Another example showing that a demon does not have to be seen to be present comes from READER | Did your demons follow you to Indiana?, which contains a video of my hand and wrist doing a flawless 360° rotation while holding my iPhone. Although, while making that video, I did not see what was obviously the same miniature hobgoblin demon at work in the other two videos, it was clearly its hand-mutating power at work. As I cannot rotate my wrist like that on my own, nor can I make portions of the USB cable move through itself, I—and you—can conclude that both the iPhone-possessing demon and its power have no ties to light or shadow, but just to visibility.

Biblical support for viewing angle-ethereal sighting visibility theory
Just like some of the other assertions and conclusions I make on this site, the Bible backs me up on the relevance of viewing angle and the visibility of things ethereal [see also Demonic Feng Shui]. In this case, this theory pertains to the conversion of the Apostle Paul:

Illumination depicting Paul's conversion, from Livre d'Heures d'Étienne Chevalier (c. 1450–1460), a book of hours by Jean Fouquet now in the Château de Chantilly
As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him... The men traveling with Saul stood there speechless; they heard the sound but did not see anyone.
— Acts 9:3-7 
When Saul was converted by Jesus into Paul the Apostle, Jesus appeared to Saul as a blinding Light that only Saul could see. None of the men with Saul saw the Light, even though they heard the Voice.
NOTE | Like so many demon people, but I digress.
I believe that was due to the same phenomena introduced in this post, especially given the other similarities observed between other phenomena described in other posts and the apparent biblical equivalents.

VIDEO | Possible second biomechanical demonic entity caught on camera

As I set up my camera to record more tree demons outside of Scratchen's apartment [see Creating Spaces, demon-style: High demon population leads newcomers to unorthodox objects for possession], a golden-colored cord—triple-braided, from the looks of it—slips into view, and then very quickly back out again, all on its own; you can see the best part of it shown on video in the following still frame:

As I set up my video camera on the window sill facing a vacant lot full of tree demons, a velvet rope slips in and out of viewThe mechanical entity, magnified by 200%
In the video clip, it appears very briefly in the bottom-left corner twice:

The Voices Demons called it a velvet rope, and said it was both a demonic entity and a wire camera. All I know is it did move on its own (into the camera view, and back out again—twice); and, as hard as it may be to believe, a demonic-entity/mechanical-device hybrids exist, as clearly shown in the pics of it posted to VIDEO | Repeated strikes to the neck by metal-spiked, mechanical tentacle (and, to a lesser extent, the video companion to that post, which shows how it strikes a target).

Unless I see more of it, though, it looks like nothing more than a sucker-demon possessed piece of decorative rope to me, similar to sucker-demon possessed shoestrings, as shown in Sucker demon-possessed shoestrings attack legs on verbal command, or sucker-demon possessed body hair, as shown in PICS | Demon horde 'OCCT' flashes stylized '8' in shadow, body hair.
NOTE | It could be the same sucker demon that kept knocking my camera down every time I set it on the window sill, in order to keep me from capturing tree demons outside on video, which you can see in the full-length clip.

VIDEO | Orbs of light, circling my head

This post supplements VIDEO | Orb of light, entering my face, which contains a video showing a tiny, green orb swooping in from behind me, circling my head, and then implanting itself in my face; the video in this post shows two similar looking orbs, circling my head and face before veering away.

The following still frame from that video shows where to look for them:

One orb appears near my cheekThe same orb, enlarged
The video plays the original clip first, albeit at reduced speed, before replaying two enlarged versions:

IN PROGRESS | Strangest things, places demons possess

My blah, blah blog about tree demons
Starting several years ago, tree demons and blanket demons and the like have always been plentiful during periods of high demonic activity; there always have been—and continue to be—so many, in fact, that I don't usually post (or even take) pics of them anymore unless there's something new or unusual about a particular tree or pile of clothes as compared to others. For example, if a demon blends with a tree or article of clothing in a particularly exceptional way—like the one who reshaped its face on a silk scarf once every 1/10th of a second, keeping up very well against the rapidly changing folds of the scarf as it blew in the wind, I will mention it; or, if a demon picks up his tree and walks behind me with it, I'll say something (if I can); and, if I happen to catch on camera a demon breathing life-and-body to a jacket it is possessing, I'll post that video.

Capturing an angry tree demon in attack mode, brandishing a golden-spiked, mechanical tentacle (shown snaking up his trunk, left), is reason to post yet another tree demon picA tree demon that has assumed its entire shape using the tree is another exception to the no-more-tree-demon pics policy
But, as interesting as these notable exceptions may be, they are still only variances on one of two themes: the demon as the tree or the demon as the blanket. Over time, readers have (generally) come to ignore posts showing or talking about either of these—even when a tree gets up and walks; however, the recent rise in the social mobility and power and population of these types of demons should once again pique readers' interest.

Here are the specific developments that make mention of them more relevant:
  1. All trees that exhibit signs of demonic possession will eventually be able to move after exposure to a sufficient number of periods of high demonic activity—a number which has now been obtained in San Jose for nearly every tree demon.
  2. Tree demons are now lethal, and can and do kill people; using their weapons, they participate in the Exclusion, a campaign by a demon-human coalition facilitating the culling of the human population.
  3. Demons now present their possession of a tree up to a day prior to a period of high demonic activity.
  4. Their leaves, the light that reflects off of them, and the spaces between each that make-up the face (and, sometimes, body) of a tree demon are now being seen shifting in order to simulate eye roll and lip movement, and, in some cases, head-turning and change of facial expressions (smiling to frowning, eye-widening).
  5. Although this has long been the case with demons that possess clothing, there are so many demons vying for the same tree, their facial features overlap, requiring a single feature to serve as two, while complementing both faces it serves.
In other words, they're starting to get really real: they have a physical, notable presence, they can tangibly interact with the world around them, they are mobile, and they have formed tree-demon communities.
NOTE | They have even formed alliances with demon people, sharing power with them in order to jointly fire demonic weapons at targets living near the trees or passing by or under them; and, they assist Voices Demons in defining their turf, where they assist in confining targets to Voices Demons-controlled locations while keeping certain others away.
Tree demons, pioneers of the physical world, crowd newcomers from prime real estate
Now that tree demons are established as a subpopulation of our physical world with significant, quantifiable influence in our society, other demons—and not just humans—are seeing the physical world as a more viable anchoring point than before, especially with guidance of the multitude of tree demons experienced in successful settling.

New arrivals can also expect support in day-to-day living from the vast community of already-settled demons, even while it is the high demon-to-tree ratio, which severely limits availability of tree space, that creates their greatest problem. Only so many noses can double as a chin that matches both faces, and only as many demons as can fit their faces in a tree can possess it; moreover, even with perfect mix-and-match facial features or a small horde in a really big tree isn't necessarily suitable.

That's because demons travel in hordes, primarily, due to their kinship with each other on the mental plain. Thoughts—even private ones—are exchanged on a near constant basis, willingly or unwillingly. Accordingly, each demon in the order must be comfortable with everything about themselves and with the other demons—even the really personal and otherwise private things. Moreover, it's not just a matter of zero-privacy of the mind with regards to secrets; strong emotions, like anger, bring impulse or uncontrollable thoughts which may ignite disagreement between two demons if left unaddressed. So, every demon in a given horde is required to adopt the mutually agreed upon conflict resolution procedures of the horde, and are obligated to implement them whenever necessary.

Knowing this, you can see how hard it must be for a newcomer to find a spot, especially when you consider how anxious people get over the possibility of broken confidentialities (people sometimes kill themselves over exposed secrets) or how hard it is to find even just one suitable roommate (half of all marriages end in divorce).

Creative spaces by minds creative
Not only is the average demon's mind superior in capacity (its natural ability to acquire, retain and access significant quantities of information) and intelligence (its inmate infallible proficiency in logic), but the average demon itself lives several human lifetimes in a world that spans at least two dimensions, and that is connected to hundreds of different species of sentient life from both. As a result, its mind is bred to perceive and comprehend a magnitude of the universe much greater than ours, and to assimilate and be functional in a true diversity of multi-world, mutil-cultural peoples.  Although a demon's mind uses the same senses as ours,  they are far more capable. They hear and see a broader portion of the spectrums of sound and light, enabling them to see otherwise invisible species and communicate with any who may speak at pitches above and below—or at rates too fast or too slow—for humans. All of this requires a great deal of brainpower on its own, but still only constitutes a fraction of what demons require, in that the telepathic and kinetic portions of their minds extend their senses and vice versa. Then, there is a demon's empathic abilities that its mind must contend with, which requires great control over what is broadcast and received telepathically, but on an emotional level. In any event in which an untoward emotional reactions to adverse circumstances could be unwillingly broadcast or unexpectedly received telepathically, a demon must be capable of exerting enough control over its mind to limit its liability to itself and others by what it sends out as feeling.

It is with this great mind that a demon finds a spot in this over-crowded physical realm.

Five unusual, but creative uses of space for possession by demons
As you may have learned from Demonic Feng Shui, real space that can actually be used for occupation by demons is created between borders of light and shadow—and even color—and any combination therefrom, including that straight from the source or that mirrored in and/or reflected off a given surface, you'll understand why one demon saw a home where any human would see an empty space.

The In-Between Trees Demon
In the still frame below, a demon fashioned the profile of his head—from his long, pointy chin, to his large, elfish ears on either side of a wind-blasted shock of high-standing hair, and to his ski-slope nose pointing barely away from his steep face—using for his face the stucco exterior of a two-story building sitting behind a nearby grove of trees creating the border of his face:

The stucco-colored, tree-lined profile of a demon's face, created by the wall of a building adjacent to Long's and Scratchen's apartment and by a nearby grove of trees in a vacant lot
In this case, the demon most likely didn't belong to any of the hordes possessing the trees that line and shape its face; it could also be that he couldn't fit in any of the trees with as many demons as are possessing each one, which is enough to cause overlap of facial features. Even with whatever limitations or restrictions that existed at the time, the demons possessing those trees obviously welcomed the newcomer whole-heartedly anyway, allowing their inward facing (to the public) leaves and branches to be arranged to create a border just over the stucco wall of the building behind them. In the image below, you can see the face of the first demon to occupy the tree that borders the street-side of the newcoming demon's face, conversing with another demon in a tree planted across the vacant lot:

One demon converses with another from their respective trees, planted on opposite sides of a vacant lot
A closer look at the still frame above, as well as others from the same video (or similar), supports the contention that the tree might be too full to accommodate another demon's presence, in that both of the two of the elements necessary to establish the likelihood of horde-occupation of an object were present.

The first element is the sighting of at least one more demon possessing the same object, which the still frame below does:

The demon shown in the first still frame (above) shares his tree with at least a dozen other demons, such as this one The same still frame shown left, without the highlighting and contrast adjustments
The second element is overlapping, which is shown by the still frame below, and in which the tree demon above shares a side or two of some of its facial features with the one highlighted below:

This tree demon and the one shown above overlap, but can only be viewed separately, from different angles
By the way, this still frame above illustrates a second kind of overlapping. Whereas, generally, overlapping means the sharing of facial features in their entirety, it can also occur when only portions of facial features are shared between two tree demons. The difference is, when two tree demons share an entire facial feature—whether or not it serves as the same feature for both—both can be seen simultaneously (although, you will have to alternate your point-of-focus between the two to see them individually); but, when they share only a portion of a facial feature—or, if they share multiple semi-portions of facial features, such as the side of a face—they cannot be seen simultaneously, but must be viewed at two different viewing angles.

This series of video clips, made at various times over the past couple of months, show the source of the still frames in this section; it also shows the dozens of other demons that possess the trees in the lot:

Readers who have never seen tree demons before should watch this video intently, from beginning to end, until familiar with their general appearance.

Demons in the water stains...
Just inside the apartment from which the tree demons shown above were captured on video...:

Original still frame, plus enlargement (bottom-left)Glare-reduced version of still frame (left)
Contrast-stretched version of still frame (above)Outlined version of still frame (top-left)
The demon shown in the above still frame, which looks very much like the demon drawn for me by an Australian demoniac [see READER | Man admits to more than just a couple of random demon sightings; eyewitness recounts demon surgery in bathtub], is actually only one of more than a dozen other demons also seen in that stain; the remaining still frames showing them will be added to this post eventually.

Demons in the mirror...
Not far from the floor stain next to the toilet is the bathroom cabinet mirror, which hosts a variety of hobgoblin demon, who are characterized by the one-size-too-large white masks they all wear:

The profile of a hobgoblin demon (enhanced)When the camera is in motion, facial features start to appear on the white mask (enhanced)
Original still frame (above)Original still frame (above)
These images won't say much to readers unfamiliar with the way hobgoblin demons look; if that's you, take a quick look at the much higher-quality images of this particular variety of demon in More of what a hobgoblin demon looks like (and other things about them, too). Moreover, the fact that demons can possess a mirror won't make sense to readers who haven't read Demonic Feng Shui, which, in short, explains that space for demons is defined by borders created by the differences between shadow and light, including reflected light.

Demons in the television...
...Unedited screen recordings show procedure for enhancing blue-light demon photo...:
Panning a TV with my digital video camera during a period of high demonic activity revealed multiple demons inhabiting the space created by the type of light emitted by the LCD, and bordered by the natural light in the room The same still frame, shown right,  but without contrast and sharpening enhancements

Demon on the Door
It's not unusual for a demon who wears the same size shirt or jacket as you to hang himself in your closet with it; and, if you happen to hang your jacket on your door, demons'll hang there, too. The following still frame shows just that; it was taken from the portion of a video in which my camera rapidly pans a door where a jacket and a demon hang:
The demon is hanging on the door inside a jacket also hanging on a door (original still frame)Highlighting-enhancements applied in GIMP reveal that the demon is using shadow for the lower half of his body
For those unfamiliar with demon faces in general, and due to extensive blurring from the motion from the camera as it panned the door, several size iterations of the same image were generated, which, for some reason, makes hard-to-see demons easier to distinguish
Sometimes, during periods of high demonic activity, and when the room is really dark, you can make out a head of some kind, springing up from the jacket's collar; but, it was not until I inadvertently captured the demon via the camera/subject in-motion effect that I was able to see what he looked like.
Demons between the fence posts...


Demons in the shadows...
Shadows are used as more of a conduit than a home for demons; but, for the demons that usually don't possess objects—rather, making appearances through the spaces created by shadow—it is a home away from home.

The following still frame shows just such a demon: that is, one who is routinely seen in the shadows, and who never possesses any objects:

Think of this kind of demon as a full-time RV resident; he might live in the vehicle he drives, but he's home no matter where he goes.

Demonic bombs, noggin' crunches and flying demonic snakes for breakfast

This is a post-in-progress. At first, I was only going to post the clip showing the two demonic bombs stabbing me in the back; but, as I skimmed the remainder of the video, I found over a dozen other points of interest, which I'm now processing.

At first glance, you may think Long isn't really about house-cleaning, judging by the clutter in his kitchen; but, then, you get hit with an array of demonic bombs when sit down at the dining table, and you know his mess has a reason for being:

A still frame showing the two snake-like demonic weapons that struck me in the backHeavy sharpening and color-contrasting reveals the details and markings of the weapons (click to enlarge)
This video shows two demonic bombs striking my back; the first one can be seen retreating from my back, while the second is advancing towards it. In an attempt to avoid camera detection, the first bomb snakes back to its source by following the groove between the refrigerator doors:

Throughout this blog, you will notice that most demons prefer to maneuver in our environment in this way, blending and camouflaging not only their presence, but their path, as well.

Flying demonic snakes
Yes, demons have snakes; and, yes, they come here sometimes [see VIDEO TIMELINE | Scratchen's Ear Turns Into Demonic Snake]:

Actually, I don't know if this is a demonic snake or not; it looks more like a flying red sucker demon—versus a white one—both of which you can see in SCIENCE | Sucker demons fly like some fish swim.

Pulling sucker demons from my temple
In the still frame shown at the top of this post, you'll notice that I'm picking at the side of my head. I'm doing that because the sucker demon embedded in my temple is bothering me, and I want it out. Here's what most sucker demons look like when they are embedded in your temple:

A sucker demon, originating from just above my ear (appearing yellow in color), and embedding itself into my temple (changing to gray) [click to enlarge]The same image (above), contrast and color-enhanced for better visibility [click to enlarge]
When the Voices Demons say, "Masturbate a noggin' crunch for our good friend, James B.," a demon person will touch their forefinger to their temple, and then, after sliding the finger down the side of their face (as if pushing hair away from it), they withdraw their finger, and a long, white worm-like entity somehow makes its way to my temple. The Asian woman seen in an unrelated video from Hobgoblin demon walks SF sidewalks in broad daylight, who looks like she's simply nursing a headache, is actually "masturbating a noggin crunch" at the behest of Voices Demons; although you cannot see the sucker demon attack in the video (the topic is a broad-daylight stroll by a hobgoblin demon in downtown SF), you are seeing the exact sucker demon-launching hand gesture demon people use to cause headaches and vision impairment in targets, right after the side of their heads are subjected to a sickening, painful crunching sound:

A demon person masturbates a noggin' crunch, i.e., summons a sucker demon to embed itself in my temple
A few blurry stills from the video above show what this worm—or sucker demon—looks like, and where it goes:

The white strand between my fingers, dangling into my palm, is a sucker demonWhen the camera is in faster motion, you can see the damage it does to my head and eye in the ether
The damage to my eye and temple is a little clearer in this still frame, especially after enhancements in GIMPMultiple sucker demons cause more damage; where there's one, there's probably another
Sucker demons embedded as noggin' crunches resist extracting by launching a ring of tendrils around your grip, simultaneously burning and weakening your fingertips. This still frame shows this nearly perfectly:

The anti-plucking stance of a sucker demon, initiated upon any attempt to extract it
Voices Demons also tally noggin' crunches like demerits for behaviour they deem "insubordinate." This is actually how they talk to me all day long, and how they have spoken to me for years and years.

All of the things you see in this post go on for days and days at a time, and cause considerable distress; and, it's happened countless times over the years.

Related video
I'm not sure why I thought this would be a good addition, other than the fact that this video, at one point, showed how sucker demons and the like tended to follow grooves when moving from one place to another.

Anyway, it's been on my to-do list to post it for some time, so here it is:

I believe this video is originally from VIDEO/PHOTOS | Fighting demons in my hand, in my shirt, and on my demon-deformed arm.

IN-PROGRESS | Enhancing nighttime outdoor images showing demonic activity with GIMP 2.8

Most demonic attacks happen when you cross a border from light to dark during a period of high demonic activity; it is somewhere in the twilight in-between that creates an opportunity for demons to create and or access portals for materialization and power use and exchange [see Demonic Feng Shui]. At night, that most commonly occurs when you're walking in the light of a street lamp, and then step in the shadow of a tree. The things that can happen when you take just that one step will astound you; and, when caught on camera, will astound others.

Accordingly, during the last period of high demonic activity, I made several videos of walks at night while recording my face with my iPhone 5s. As predicted, I captured some astounding (and horrifying) images. By far, the most astounding images I captured are shown in Repeated strikes to the neck by metal-spiked, mechanical tentacle, which shows one of several demonic torture devices used to degrade your skin, muscles and bones by repeated and unstoppable lightning-fast strikes—hundreds of thousands of them—over a very extended period of time:

Golden spikes on the end of a lightning-fast mechanical tentacle dig and scrape into the side of my neck in order to damage the skin and underlying muscle [see Repeated strikes to the neck by metal-spiked, mechanical tentacle]
Each strike does negligible damage; but, it adds up, as shown by comparing these before-and-after pics, which were taken not at all far apart:

Before (less than a year-and-a-half ago)After (just a few days ago)
The significance of acquiring images that show hideous and maniacal weapons beating people into a slow, torturous death cannot be overstated. This tool, for example, doesn't just show how this one particular demoniac is tormented by demons and their people.
NOTE | Do you think that weapon shown above was invented just for me? Broad use was intended for a torture device calibrated to destroy human tissue molecule-by-molecule that can be launched at anyone, anywhere, from in-and-out of nowhere, and everywhere—all in the blink-of-an-eye. Now, you see why I hate demon people; they are traitors to their own kind, in that they acquiesce to and assist in the destruction and degradation of humanity by deploying weapons like this on their own kind.
It shows how the general public ages—and what ages them—and it shows how people acquire certain illnesses and injuries—and what sickens and hurts them. And, by inference and implication, it shows who does those things. That's all useful to know, as there are a multitude of unseen factors that contribute to our plight as a race, and only by knowing about them can we begin to solve the problems influenced or caused by them.

To that end, let's take a look at the difficulty of capturing images of demonic activity in the shadows of night:
  1. It doesn't always happen where or when you'd expect it (unless you're me). The degree of demonic activity that must occur must be frequent in order to increase the likelihood of capturing images of it;
  2. It occurs in the blink-of-an-eye. Most of such activity occurs in the ether, which is demon-speak for the state in which molecules comprising the demon and/or demonic weapon are synced to those inherent to the dimension from which these come, thereby inheriting a time flow rate much faster relative to ours;
  3. It's partly invisible. Objects and demons whose molecules have not synced with the same time flow rate as ours are sometimes—and most likely—in cognito, demon-speak for semi-transparent and (mostly) intangible;
  4. It causes unconsciousness or short-term amnesia. Demons have tasers they use on targets to render them insensate to their wares [see Bone-killing demonic weapon used on jaw in attack at demon person's home]; but, even without their use, interaction with anything ethereal can have an amnesiac effect on short-term memory.


Not all tree demons—which are deadly [see Jailhouse letter writer dies of apparent drug overdose, possibly suicide]—are in plain enhancing nighttime images to key to finding them, and can be vital to your and others' survival

