#470 - Demon-styled 8's popping up all the time, everywhere

The demon-stylized eight keeps cropping up, even outside of the New Moon phase:

Made out of toilet paper...Mr. Whipple must be spinning in his grave
While cleaning behind the mini-fridge...
...and while unpacking
...after cleaning behind the mini-fridge
This continues the trend discussed, in part, in Possible meanings, purpose for number 8 symbol explored and PHOTOS | Hobgoblin demons stylize number eight into a logo of sorts.

Finding it is not as disconcerting as it used to be, though; it's the times when it just falls into place, right in front of your face, that makes you wonder whether you have enough power to match (and defeat) these demons.

For example, when you squirt ketchup onto your plate, only to have it form itself into the stylized eight before the stream stops with a splurt noise that means you didn't shake the bottle hard enough; or, when you shake a tangle of cords loose, only to have them ravel themselves into the stylized eight, even when you're not shaking them anymore.
NOTE | You can see the iPod earbuds scrape a straight line across the top of my microwave, and the same earbuds spins themselves like a propeller in MAGIC | High sound volume limits Voices Demons' magic; so, even if you haven't experienced cords and strings and the like forming into shapes before your very eyes, you can imagine it happening based on what you see in the two videos showing similar things.
The twisted toilet paper, though, is somewhat of a surprise; I had no idea that even demons squeezed the Charmin. Still, the twisting of pliable fabric is not necessarily new, though, in that you may recall the way the miniaturized skull-headed demon twisted curtains into the shape of a flying dragon, as more fully explained in VIDEOS/PHOTOS | Dragons in the trees (and curtains), and as shown below:
On a day dragon imagery was popped up everywhere—even in the trees—a demon twisted curtains into the shape of a flying dragon Is the same miniaturized hooded and skull-headed demon the culprit behind the the demon-styled eight made with twisted toilet paper?