VIDEO | Cloaked Demon Stands in Dining Room Doorway

Using the sepia color filter on my cellphone, I was able to capture the faint outlines of a cloaked demon of an unknown kind (it looks centurion, but without the horns, scales, fangs and musculature), standing at the threshold of the dining room door, at 650 South Fifth Street, in San Jose, California (also known as Heaven's Gate Recovery Homes).

The above is a four-frame animation, showing just the part in the original video in which the demon—or a portion of the demon—is shown; however, the complete video can be downloaded from MediaFire [832 KB].

The demon is first visible at the 13 seconds mark, and appears to be staring towards a window, which is positioned directly across the dining room from the doorway in which he standing.
A still frame from the video, showing an unknown demon standing in a doorway (original)
Unfortunately, the demon is only shown in four frames, and only one which is clear enough to see it.
The same still frame as above, with the Curves filter applied in GIMP to add detail to its face
I guess that, instead of sitting at the dining room table and recording it, I decided to get up, walk through it and go to another part of the house for another reason.
NOTE | You cannot feel yourself walking through a cloaked demon unless they want you to, which is rare.