The voices of evil don't want to be heard by everyone

I am not a sound specialist. And, apparently, I suck at trying to be one. But, the situation is calling for audio recordings of the Voices Demons at work, so that is what I'm going to try and give it, even though my success at getting anything that I've produced to other people has been almost nil up to this point.

The problem isn't just know-how or whether you understand the science of sound or are an expert user of sound-editing software—I have produced some pretty good edits; rather, that's just part of the problem. The other part is trying to get something done that's really hard to do, that really powerful demons don't want you to do, and that you really don't know how to do (for me, that sometimes applies to eating a decent meal).
ONLINE | A growing collection of audio files processed to boost the dialog of the voices demons' and their human counterparts will be available soon.
It seems like almost every time I try to get something done, I get attacked—or at least really bothered—by demons, and the work I did is taken.

Here's just two examples:
  1. A couple of nights ago, as I was setting up my camera, this demon appeared behind me without me even knowing, and let loose a swarm of sucker demons:

  1. Earlier this year, two demons rendered me unconscious at the Santa Clara Law Library while I attempted to clean up the secret conversation recording for distribution:

In spite of this, I will always try to get these audio files processed and out the door; but, even if I succeed, there's still the problem of a receptive audience.

Several factors preclude widespread interest in these recordings:

  1. You cannot relate to this problem. Unless this is your problem, too, there's only going to so much interest.
  2. You've got problems of your own. Audio files alone do not qualify the problem completely: it's not just what the voices demons are doing and how often they do it, it's also when they do it and with whom they do it and where they do it and what others are doing at the time they do it. So, even if these are a really big deal, audio files alone cannot capture the significance of the problem.
  3. You don't know who these people are. More than the photos and videos of the demons themselves, of most concern is about the audio files. These reasons are obvious only to them because, apparently, what is being said to me and between them is of interest to competitors and enemies alike. I don't see why; but, then again, I wouldn't have any visibility into that because neither their competitors or enemies are interested in me, personally, so I wouldn't even know to whom I am giving useful information to when I distribute these audio files. The point: if you don't know these people, you really won't care. For example, in one of the audio files, you can hear the voice of one of the employees of 650 South Fifth Street in it. The significance? Unless you live there or I told you, you wouldn't know; but, even if you knew, it wouldn't be about you, so it's just not that big of a deal.
  4. You don't know me. If this problem doesn't affect someone you know, but just some yahoo on the Internet, you're not really going to even believe it's happening, even with the proof in front of your face. You might find the thought that it could happen or that it might be happening scary; but, your belief won't be that until you've seen these things yourself. Unfortunately, once you've seen these things yourself, the last thing you'll be doing is reading my blog.
NOTE | The above reasons for the lack of interest in the audio files also apply to any situation that you're trying to bring interest and attention to. And, let me tell you, having a really, really interesting problem does nothing to get around them.
Still, the fact that there is nothing in this world like these audio files should be of interest to some. So, I will post as many as I can, as often as I can, make new ones, for as long as I can, and hope that I will find a way to educate as many people as possible about these particular types of demons and how they work—the latter being the final part of the problem.

There's just plain ol' kicking your ass; and, then there's messing with someone's mind until they go insane, permanently. That takes time and know how. It is a science to humans, and a religion to demons. They worship it, literally. It is the ultimate desecration of God's image to hurt mankind in this way.

But, in spite of its complexity, it is subtle, meaning that you may not recognize it in others or yourself when it's being done to you. That's why I want an interested audience to educate. If you knew the things they do to obtain their goal of making someone insane, how they do it, and what the results look like, you would never wish it on anyone.
NOTE | After seeing the depravity that is the Voices Demons' work, I no longer wondered how Jesus could really be all-forgiving. After all, there's some awfulness out there, to be sure. I figure that He knew more than He told us—He saw how some people really go bad, and why some of their choices are really made. Now, as long as someone asks and means it, it is easy for me to forgive because of the things I've learned through this experience. I can honestly say I have no grudges or resentments towards anyone at all these days because of it.