VIDEO | An exhibition of the comparative qualities between molecules groups by disparate time and space

The following is an addition to my collection of notes describing observations of the differences between cloaked and non-cloaked molecules when they retain enough of their separate qualities to be distinct from each other, but share enough of the similar qualities to be observed simultaneously...

Cloaked molecules relative to surrounding molecules not only differ in translucency, but also in their comparative rate of time flow. They are no different fundamentally, but they form a group that limits their interaction with non-cloaked molecules.

Molecules can temporarily transition from one group to another without changing into different molecules. Even though they are the same, they look different, just like gas molecules in a light bulb excited by heat from a filament. It's the same gas, whether the bulb is lit up or not; the difference is how that gas reacts under two different circumstances. That's not necessarily the same difference between cloaked and non-cloaked molecules; I only provided it to show that the same molecules can look and act completely different, depending, and, for us, it's as easy as flipping a switch in some cases.

By nature, the border dividing groups of cloaked and non-cloaked molecules is a sharp one; but, there are circumstances that permit a glimpse of entities made of molecules that are cloaked. The greater the wattage and power, the more similar to adjacent groups in visibility and speed. Sometimes, that makes them bright enough and slow enough to be seen by either a digital camera sensor or even our eyes, even if barely.

The following video was made with an iPhone video camera, which was set to an exposure duration of three frames per second and an ISO of about 2280. This allows more of the faint light from a semi-cloaked demon to make an imprint on the imaging sensor. Frames stacked with a larger collection of impressions than those made at normal speeds make otherwise faint objects appear brighter; but, because it takes longer to collect more impressions, it makes dim objects look blurry when they move. When such objects are already moving at high rates of speed due to their semi-cloaked nature, the blur is almost imperceptible. Instead, they appear to flit from one frame to another, just like this blue demon does in the video (he enters from the left to the middle of the sidewalk across the street in one instant, and then moves straight to the window between us in another):