#576 - STALKER | Bogus attorney featured on "The People's Court"

According to one of my cyberstalkers (as opposed to one of the several who present themselves in-the-flesh), Gil Kreiter, the man who posed as a NYC attorney in an attempt to collect money from a civil judgment I obtained here in California, was a defendant on the television show, "The People's Court." Here's the e-mail I received from said stalker:
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NOTE | The name, "Joseph Ortiz," is probably not the stalker's, but, rather, another victim's.
The whole bogus attorney-Gil Kreiter affair is detailed in these posts:
Demons have long stated their goal to block any money-saving or money-making effort [see Demons block money-saving/making, job-search efforts]; Gil Kreiter furthered that agenda by and through his bogus-attorney act, which effectively precluded me from timely recovery of a money judgment I won several years ago.

This is not the first time this particular stalker has had something to say about Gil Kreiter. In the following two posts, the stalker correctly notes that Gil Kreiter is a "fraud":