#527 - PHOTOS | Man with demon hand sports morphing demonic shirt pattern

The sailboats in the pattern on this man's shirt change into skulls and demons, which you can see in these still frames taken from the portions of a video made of him in which either he or the camera is in motion:
The head of a demon bursts from a man's sailboats-and-tropical-islands shirt (enhanced and color-corrected)
The demon appeared in three separate still frames as clear as day, discounting any claim of coincidence or fluke:
The skull-like face, looking upward, in the top-left corner......appears in three separate still frames......looking the same across the board
Demons not only change line drawings and other forms of artwork into their likeness, but, they can animate it, as well. And, not only do they do this to prints and patterns on shirts and the like, but, they can do it to tattoos on a person's skin, too.

By the way, the man who wore this shirt is the same one whose hands can be seen forming into spikes in these still frames:
A video made of the man wearing the demon-plagued shirt......revealed his demonic weapon of choice, i.e., a clawed hand