#545 - PHOTOS | Demon tendrils protrude from each palm

About a week ago, what I guessed to be a cloaked demon tendril emerged from the palm of each hand; from what I could feel at the time, I estimated that each tendril stuck out approximately one-half of an inch. Being invisible and in a state that allows matter to pass through it unaffected, all I could do at the time was feel, and what so felt were those two things.

Today, though, I got to see what was there by and through a few still frames taken from a video made by mere happenstance of my hand. They show these tendrils uncloaked, confirming (much to my dismay) that I do indeed know by touch the feel of a cloaked demon tendril. Ugh.

Here's what they look like, close-up:
A demon tendril, protruding from the palm of my hand
The tendrils are not visible in every frame; rather, just these few. In all other still frames, my palm looks normal (i.e., no discoloration, etc.).

I'm not sure what their role is, though; but, I'm sure it's not a good one. Demon tendrils snaked through a human's body is always bad. For example, sucker demons of the tumbleweed variety implant themselves in the backs of Voices Demons' victims. There, they mete out punishment and abuse as dictated by said demons. They also serve as a leash. If a victim tries to go somewhere or do something that would be contrary to any plans his captor-demons may have for him, the implanted demon can render the victim too ill to do anything. It can also incapacitate (induce sleep or paralyze) or kill a victim.

There's been nothing like that in and around my hands, though; so, I'll have to wait and see. I just hope my guess as to their likelihood as a future problem isn't as accurate as my guess was as to what they were when they were invisible.