#512 - PHOTOS/VIDEO | Demons in the Attic

This is a draft of a post that will describe and show the demonic inhabitants of the attic above the apartment I rent at the house of demonic torment, also known as 2967 Sherbrooke Way in San Jose, who, among other things, have been sculpting faces and demonic figures out of insulation, as is shown in the upper-right corner of this still frame:
For now, I'll show just a few photos from a video I made with my cellphone, which I made by standing on a recycle bin, poking my camera through the attic hatch, circling it around, climbing down, and then looking at the video (I'm not going up there by myself):
It looks like a wooden beam surrounded by insulation, and it is... ...but, it is also one of the secret builders of blanket demons, as first shown in Secret builders of blanket demon faces revealed, blended with the wooden beam, and outlined by insulation
A head made out of insulation (upper-right) Same as left, enlarged
Some readers had difficulty distinguishing the head from the surrounding insulation; this series of images attempts to rectify that:
OriginalLight contrasting and sharpeningHeavy  contrasting and sharpening
Like people, some demons sleep... ...and, like people, some demons don't like being woken up in the middle of the night. It's tongue is sticking out like another, similar-looking demon shown in TECHNOLOGY | Enhancing photos of demons (and the like) 

The video these images came from show demonic faces sculpted out of insulation (you're not going to see much for yourself; the low-res copy streamed by YouTube makes it look like an ordinary attic): This is a video made just before that one, in which, at the end, show Scratchen's eyes, glowing in the dark, which has occurred with alarming regularity at this house and others' within the past several months:

More to come...