#480 - VIDEO | Green orb of demon flies, zig-zags into ceiling corner

The video below shows four green orbs flitting around room. The first three look like specks of dust caught in the light from the camera; the fourth, however, shoots off in a zig-zag away from the camera once spotted:

The fourth orb appears at or near the 23-second mark, and right before I say, "That one was fast!"

That is what a demon looks like when it has not assumed a physical shape.

There are other videos of green orbs of light, the most notable being the one shown below:

To a lesser notable degree, this one, too:

Previously, I believed that these green orbs were the entire substance of a specific kind of demon; however, recently, it was discovered that centurion demons have orbs, too, albeit red ones [see SCIENCE | Red demon orbs turn blue under extreme hear].