#397 - THREAT | Voices Demons warn against exercise, threaten severe injury

Going to the gym (i.e., Fitness 19 in Sunnyvale, California) will result in severe injury, says the Voices Demons.
The Voices Demons are horrendous to people who improve their lives and health in this way; almost none of their people (i.e., those who support them) look—or act—healthy or make health-conscience choices of any kind

That's odd to me: I figured a bunch of skeleton and lizard men with fangs who spend all say hurting people would be all about life-affirming activities, and would express constant concern and a sincere interest in the issues people care about most.

Oh, wait! I'm thinking of angels and good fairies. Whew! Glad I clarified that. I wouldn't want to be mistaken as one of those people who can't tell the difference between a powerful and dangerous monster and not (or the difference between good and evil, for that matter).

This threat follows not only ongoing injury to my elbows and knees, but, lately, the burning of my fingertips, which is being done to me repeatedly.

The burn, which is completely internal, extends halfway down the first digit, and is caused by the black, needle-thin variety of sucker demons, specifically, by flying to a fingertip, partially enter it, and then radiates heat of some kind.

Afterwards, the fingertip is numb; and, even though some sensation  returns within a day or two, it is only slight. Inside the finger, it feels tough and thick. The only external indication of injury is broken skin on top of the fingertips.

I guess we'll see how much worse they will do when next I work out; however, in the meantime, it will be interesting enough to see if they have extended their range to Santa Cruz, as I intend to perform this test today, and how their aggressive and psychotic personalities react to my "insubordination" (that is to say, by going somewhere on my own accord, apparently).