VIDEO | Orlock-like face morphs into a human one

Following is the profile of an orlock, who posed as a man I met online, and who is shown in this still frame that was taken from a video:
A part of a still frame taken from a video (below), showing what appears to be a transformation of the face of an orlock to that of a human
Orlocks are the easiest demon to detect with fast-moving video, as their morphing veneer is sluggish to compensate when they are in motion. To the naked eye, they are hard to see; but, the lag is not hard to see when skimming a video frame-by-frame, as long as the camera is stationary and the subject is moving. In this case, the subject's movement came from the act of fellatio (yes, an orlock blew me):
I unwittingly got a blow job from an orlock
In another excerpt from a video made today, a man's face is shown morphing back to human from what appears to be some sort of an orlock-like demon. He probably did this in order to conform to what I was used to seeing, after getting caught by surprise, and after having let his guard down at some point while I wasn't looking at him:
The transformation looks much more fluid when the video is played on its native Huawei Ascend M860. Accordingly, I have provided the following still frames from the portion of the video where the morphing takes place so you can see each step from elf demon to its human mask:

This is not the first time demonic activity has occurred on video during sex, as further explained in these posts: