Voices Demons consult oracles, prophetic abilities overrated

A cursory review of a surreptitiously acquired audio track of a recently made at my current home of the voices demons discussing theory plan clarified the nature of their prophetic abilities.
As it turns out, they consult oracles, other demons you hear, but that tend to only talk to other demons about the future it sees.
In the audio track, a female voices demon asked an oracle demon if there looked to be any possibility that they would be able to recruit children for the purposes of bringing "pedophile charges" in the future.
In short, the oracle demon said that "there might be a mother of a little girl who will want to speak of her adventures with James B."
I'll take that as a "no."
In an earlier recorded conversation, a male voices demon said that these types of charges could not be brought.
So, the female voices demon was looking to salvage their operation.
"If we can't get rid of him one way,I guess we'll do it another," she said.
On a related note, the female Voices Demon said that their "pedophile people" were not happy with the way the Voices Demons had placed so much emphasis on a non-existent issue.