AUDIO/VIDEO | Interesting Voices Demons (and more) segments from raw footage

For your early perusal, I have identified a couple of locations in the following videos that will allow you to hear early Voices Demons and other interesting sounds, including a form of babbling-brook communication by demons, which is the blending of a word with a sound (think 'Bubbles' voice on your Macintosh; it sounds like what you want it to say AND it sounds like bubbles!).
NOTE | I once knew a bird of sorts that spoke babbling-brook style; it sounds like a long, high-pitched tweet, but, each one was a word or two.
Listen for words in my roommate's snore:

And, in this snoring:

This is a demon who I haven't heard from directly; but, do hear talking to others, on occasion. At the 13 minutes and 30 seconds mark, listen for a Daffy Duck-like voice (but higher pitched):

NOTE | If you cannot hear what I'm describing, the volume may be too low. Use sound editing software to increase the gain. Also, the audio track on all multimedia files generated on my cellphone sound better coming out of the cheap speaker on it—and, surprisingly, worse on my laptop. If you're really desperate to hear demons talk and, for some reason, cannot, move these files to your cellphone, and then hold the cellphone speaker to your ear.
You can hear a Voices Demon speaking at (or shortly thereafter) the 5 minutes and 20 second mark (see note above):

More later, maybe; it's a lot of work listening to hours of hard-to-hear Voices Demons saying things to each other like, "We bugged him to death!"

Besides, I already know that: I'm him!