HOME | Police report detailing landlord's failed attempt at instigating false arrest

On June 11th, Kirk Moye, landlord of 3311 Princeton Way #5, in Santa Clara, California, lies to Santa Clara PD about the legality of my tenancy, stating to officers that an order evicting me from the apartment was issued by the Superior Court and served on me by the Sheriff's Office.

When police arrived, they placed me in handcuffs—and then investigated. Eventually, they uncovered the lie and released me.

Following is the police report made in regards to the incident by Santa Clara Police:

Santa Clara Police Report (Kirk Moye)

In the report, the landlord lied about the source of the damage to the window, stating that I had "kicked in the window," even though he knew better (and he knew why):

A civil suit is pending the outcome of a complaint made to a supervisor at the police headquarters (evictions are a sheriff's matter; paperwork should be verified before yanking someone from their home in handcuffs and dripping wet shorts); the landlord will be sued on several grounds (see related legal research posted on Scribd.com).