EXPERT | Paranormal expert reviews videos, assesses danger

To start off an upcoming series of posts on the comments and advice of others in regards to the demonic activity plaguing my life, I am posting the assessment made by an expert in paranormal investigations three months ago, after he reviewed some of the videos I posted on Vimeo of demonic activity:

Stephen Galante
Listen, I wouldn't fool around with the possible activity going on in your apartment. I would contact a legitimate investigations team in your area. I'm sure there are a number of them; [so], let them come in to investigate. You may need to clear that area of possible negative entities. If you need to contact us further or [need] help finding a group, visit our web site. For our team, contact us at:
There you can link to us on Facebook by ["Like-ing"] the Visual Paranormal Investigations Facebook page. That will put you on our contact list with other groups from around the country, and we can [then] hook you up with a group in [California].