Serious injuries mounting fast

In addition to burning my left eye, as discussed in Demons Burn Left Eye as Previously Threatened, the demons and their human counterparts have inflicted several other injuries lately.

Prior to the demons' involvement in my life, I never had any serious injuries of any kind, let alone from violence; however, since 2006, however, when the demons first announced their arrival (for the second time since age 5), I've had three broken bones, four lacerations, and once was electrocuted, just to name a few.

And, what's even more disturbing than going from no serious injuries to so many—over 30 in less than 5 years, to be exact—is that most of them were sustained by violent demonic acts.

Following are a few of the injuries sustained by and through various incidences of violence within the past several months (the Taser prong photos are from 2008):

A blood-draining site of a sucker demon, one of the safest and easiest to access on a sleeping body
Due to the close proximity of the officer, the Taser prong he deployed embedded itself in my rib
The rib in which the Taser prong was embedded both broke and shattered
After breaking my rib—twice—while simultaneously electrocuting me, a police officer twisted my arm behind my back until a shoulder bone snapped
A minor scratch from the sudden withdraw of a needle-like appendage, which was applied to my neck by a demon, after having placed a hand over the intended injection site
My fingernails, torn up and with bruises underneath, from having had to rip apart snake-sized sucker demons that invade my bed every night
A bruise under the thumbnail, and a wound opened by a sucker demon to make it more painful, incurred after four straight of hours of fighting these bedtime creatures; the exhaustion is plain on my face
A minor head and cheek scrape incurred when the Voices Demons pushed my head into a  steel easement outside in two separate incidences that day, which marked the first act of overt violence that has continued every day since
Cuts to the scalp, from the piercing appendage of sucker and spider demons, and from a demon pushing my head into a sharp object inexplicably mounted on the window pane