Demonic associate of Spectre of Death revealed in new video

In my first video capturing demonic activity, the Spectre of Death, as I then dubbed him, flys into my apartment in order to turn off a cellphone that was set up to record such activity; and, in an ominous ending, it shows his shrouded silhouette framed by the eerie blue darkness I slept in, only mere feet away.

But, it also shows something I couldn't explain: a square shape next to Death's head; however, now I can explain it: it's another demon, albeit that flies, and has a large head and small arms. When viewed from its profile, it looks like a flying human fetus.

Unfortunately, the trial period for Final Cut Pro X expired, which would have revealed the features of a face (pictured, below), which, like the rest of its body, is totally black. Based on my observations of smell, touch, sight, and hearing, and on the knowledge given me by others, I believe that whatever demonic entities are composed of—which is not flesh-and-blood—can absorb light to varying degrees.

In a not-so-unusual type of coincidence, the top of my head, combined with the demon to the right, looks like the Spectre of Death in the video
Fingers on the hand of a newly discovered flying demonic entity

The black square next to the Spectre of Death is actually another demon
This particular entity is of a variety that absorbs so much light, he appears completely black all over. He is not simply black in color, that I know of. I have noticed that the entities who absorb the most light also have the most electric scent, are dangerous to touch, are among the fastest, rarely touch anyone or any surface, and make only brief appearances.