Demon problem has but one solution—prayer

Is anyone among you afflicted, ill-treated, suffering evil? He should pray. — James 5:13

Demons think in four dimensions, whereas we humans, in three. That's the best way I can describe the difference between them and us. This disparity affords them the upper-hand in every encounter, even when they are not trying.

So, no matter how clever or resourceful you are, you will always lose with a four-dimensional (or better) thinker working against you.

Fortunately, there is such a person who thinks not only in four dimensions, but in infinite dimensions, namely, Jesus Christ. Not only is He more than capable of outsmarting any demon, but he has a strong distaste for them, if I'm reading my Bible correctly.

Even still, that doesn't mean he's going to be handy automatically when you need him; you have to ask God. When the apostles could not cast out the demons, they asked Jesus why. The answer was—and is—"You have to pray."