80-year old woman knows her sucker demons, knows how to fight voices demons

If you missed church this morning, subscribe to Joyce Meyer's podcast on iTunes. It won't make up for "forsaking the assembling of ourselves together," [Hebrews 10:25], but you'll still be better off.

In her "Battlefield of the Mind" podcast radio and television series, Joyce Meyer talks about the tactics the devil uses to gain a stronghold in our mind, so that he can later use us as tools of evil; she explains how the Holy Spirit helps us recognize those tactics, and how the word of God teaches us to overcome them.

The following excerpt from her related title, "Battlefield of the Mind," explains it better:

Excerpt from the 12-page preview available online
Not so coincidentally, these tactics are the only ones employed by the Voices Demons, who are invariably on the front line in any every demon offensive. In preparation for an attack on the mind, Voices Demons surveil their target unknowingly for years, and even decades, before any other kind of demonic attack, in order to gain knowledge about how you think and what has happened. They are so effective at working that knowledge into guilt, anger, sorrow, and other negative emotions by and through their intimate knowledge of how you think, that no one who has ever strayed from God could withstand an attack without His guidance and protection going forward.

If you think your past experiences or present circumstances have left the door open to an attack on the mind by the devil, make a point to get in right-standing with God, right now. And, for added support and encouragement—and to know exactly how to shore up past hurts and regrets in anticipation of the very kind of an attack the devil (and Voices Demons) will bring—listen to the Battlefield of the Mind series from Joyce Meyer on iTunes.

TIDBIT | It was from one of Joyce Meyer's messages that I designated "Sucker Demons" to the demons so ascribed. If you've been attacked by Voices Demons, or have had any relationship to or experience with the demons plaguing the Bay Area of Northern California, you will immediately recognize that Joyce Meyer has had such experiences, too, just by the way she talks and the things she says.