Scratchen harassed by demons while eating

For reasons only known to the likes of Adolph Hitler, the demons have focused on making Scratchen paranoid to eat out of her dish.

After noticing her paranoid behavior while eating, I observed that an identical series of noises, which sound like a house settling, were being generated by the voices demons. Based on my own personal experience and the experience of others as I've observed them, these noises combined with only messages that you can hear (or other cues that only she is trained to notice), Scratchen is being trained to feel a certain way on cuez as subtle as clicks and pops. The emotions they are likely trying to create: fear, guilt, anger, or shame. And also physical and mental fatigue.

Demons use people and animals as carriers and hosts, but require them to be conditioned for such use. That condition is usually emotional, physical and mental disarray; but, only the kind of disarray that they induce and therefore control.