"Nexus of Hyperdimensional Portals" to be demolished

My apartment: it is the hellhole that demonic filth crawls out of. It is located in a converted garage behind the business-residence at 471 East Julian Street, in San Jose, California.

Just go through the blue gate to the left of the house, and follow the driveway to the back, and you can see where the likes of the Spectre of Death, the Red Horde, and the Hobgoblin, do business.

Or, rather, did business, based on the compliance order issued by the City of San Jose Code Enforcement, which orders all tenants to vacate the premises, and orders the property owner to demolish the building.

All of this was put into motion last November, when a certain tenant—who shall remain nameless—called a code inspector to complain of substandard living conditions, which included broken windows and doors, backed up toilets, and none of the required appliance installations, such as a kitchen sink, heater, and stove.

It is this call that initiated the unlawful detainer (eviction) complaint that I am now fighting.