Demons induce sickness, citing impending lifetime incarceration

"We like to masturbate people into a snit before we put them away for the rest of their life," they said today, which, apparently, means that the demons want to make me very sick before putting me behind bars for the rest of my life—their stated goal since 2006.

It must be close, then, because they have been putting their hands in and on me all day and night—sometimes waking me up with an electric jolt that sends my limbs flying.

As we speak, I am barely able to see the screen, or concentrate long enough to type a complete sentence.

I have a video of an invisible hand warping the side of my head as one of them touches my eye from behind. It looks like the light behind me is bending the shape; but, the contrast between the portion of the video in which I am being touched and when I am not is too great to attribute to anything but what it is.