Demonic Qualities Exhibited in Non-Demons

Qualities of demon possession, whether temporary or otherwise, are exhibited in persons so affected in the following ways:
  • the face of a demon will be superimposed over that of the victim, as shown in Demon in the Dark
  • the ability to alter one's appearance manifests itself after long-term exposure to demonic activity, called morphing, as shown in Two of Me, albeit inadvertently and unknowingly to the victim; 
  • supernatural abilities are imparted on the victim, even though they are temporary and are often used without the victim even realizing they used it, as shown in Thing, in which my hand flies off my arm in order to pick up a cellphone on the floor; 
  • demonic creatures will spring from their targets, as is the case with my cat, who is possessed by a small, shrouded and cloaked demon, who can conjure other demonic entities and pass them through her, as shown in Scratchen Channels Fanged Creature; and, 
  • the face of the victim can be altered completely, as shown in Judge Pennypacker or Look-alike in my Apartment?, in which my reflection in a mirror shows the face of a local judge—and not my own. 
Temporary possession is usually called channeling; however, neither channeling or possession are acceptable, in that coming into physical contact with a demonic entity can be dizzying at best, and nauseating and incapacitating at worst.

Knowing this, a demonic entity can physically incapacitate you with just the touch of its hand; oftentimes, however, they simply confuse or distract you, and this can be accomplished by simply walking through you.